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30 stone motorist who caused jogger's death after jumping red light begs to be spared prison

Guest Bill Stickers

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Fresh as one of Rachel Riley's farts. Been reading for a bit though... Am I following the correct etiquette?


probably,but until you've been advised to "fucking kill yourself" then you've not really been welcomed properly

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Indeed, there are a lot of serious questions to be asked about the Criminal Justice System. Unfortunately you , and your respondents, are only interested in the fact that the offender is a FAT BASTARD. So you churn out your usual FAT BASTARD quips and congratulate each other on your incisive wit. Excuse me, if i don't give a shit about the the offender's weight or your need to find somebody to pick on.:)

To be fair judge, the point of the quoted article is that the defendant was using her morbid obesity as a reason to avoid the slammer. Personally, I don't see that as a valid excuse for dodging the bird handed down to her.

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probably,but until you've been advised to "fucking kill yourself" then you've not really been welcomed properly

My parents and therapist advised the same action but somehow I still believe that more deserving cunts exist eg Monkrape, fudgetwat, Jizzum

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Guest Snatch

My parents and therapist advised the same action but somehow I still believe that more deserving cunts exist eg Monkrape, fudgetwat, Jizzum

Seems you have studied The Corner quite well but you forgot frank.

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Seems you have studied The Corner quite well but you forgot frank.

Who?... Is that the other mentally-deficient fantasist that believes he lives on a boat or something? I haven't been here long but have learnt to skip his tedious monotony. 

Forgettable Fwank

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Guest DingTheRioja

Christ, Gurt has been doing some revision

Yeah, we don't need clever cunts like him round here...


Oh yes, Judy, being a fat cunt is self inflicted through greed and laziness, so it's their own fault they're fat cunts and so deserving of a good piss-take...

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Yeah, we don't need clever cunts like him round here...


Oh yes, Judy, being a fat cunt is self inflicted through greed and laziness, so it's their own fault they're fat cunts and so deserving of a good piss-take...

Was that last sentenced a mistake?


Edited by camberwell gypsy
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Guest Bill Stickers

My parents and therapist advised the same action but somehow I still believe that more deserving cunts exist eg Monkrape, fudgetwat, Jizzum

Who?... Is that the other mentally-deficient fantasist that believes he lives on a boat or something? I haven't been here long but have learnt to skip his tedious monotony. 

Forgettable Fwank

It seems I'm already out of likes for today Gurt me old mate, even though it's the first time I've logged on today (admin, sort it out you cunt).

However, even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day. I'm sure you're just as much of a royal cunt as the rest of the automaton spunk buckets on here. 

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I dunno. Ive lost the plot

Why did the police move you on ? Are you living round the back of tesco's car park or have you plotted up on the park by the swings? You lot do leave a bit of a mess when you've run out of old biddies to rip off and stolen all BT's cables. 

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I bet you think you are the first person to say that eh?

don't tell me that other people think you are a hedgehog eating bath dodger that lost her virginity to her uncle

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Guest Bill Stickers

You've got me sweating like a gypsy in maths test

Gurt, your endless one-line drivel is starting to do more than just irritate me. I think your presence here is giving me cock hives.

Please fuck off back to the hole from whence you came you warbling urchin. 20 posts in and you think your billy big bollocks with your 10 likes.


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Guest Snatch

I quote
"Why is it that literally every fucking nom degenerates into childish and mindless abuse between members? It's not nice.

why don't admin put an end to this?"

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You've got me sweating like a gypsy in maths test

Gurt, like you I'm not a massive fan of Cambers. Mainly because she thinks that Jazz is hugely entertaining, whereas I think he should be smeared in chum and tossed over the side of a boat in a faulty shark cage. But tasteless cunt that she unashamedly and undoubtedly is, all this anti gypsy rhetoric doesn't sit well with me. Change the fucking record, you're not at a Nuremberg reenactment rally, you depraved cunt.

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