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People Offended by Exposed Breasts/Nipples

Guest Wizardsleeve

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Guest Wizardsleeve

Going to offer something that comes close to home.  For the last twenty something years, the missus and I have been involved in top and breast freedom for women, standing with those who believe that if blokes can be without a shirt so should women, if they so choose.  We are also so pro breastfeeding, even if it occurs in public.  Babies get hungry on their schedule, and these prudish, sanctimonious, self righteous cunts that tell women to cover up, or take their child into the loo to feed chaps my arse.  Seeing a breast or even just a nipple on a woman, whether she is breastfeeding, or just enjoying a lovely sunny day has always been a reason for the bible quoting types to hyperventilate and over react, and belittle and berate the ladies.  I think they should fuck right off, maybe even consider suicide by disembowelment.  If a bloke can wander around without any top covering, than women should have the same right.  

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If I am in a restaurant I don't want to see some big nasty looking floppy old tit with big blue veins and a nipple the size of a thumb waving about. Feed your baby by all means but discreetly, the Mother Earth cunts who have to show everyone their business are usually the hairy leg, face like a back of a bus type cunts that put you off your lunch. 

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Guest Wizardsleeve

If I am in a restaurant I don't want to see some big nasty looking floppy old tit with big blue veins and a nipple the size of a thumb waving about. Feed your baby by all means but discreetly, the Mother Earth cunts who have to show everyone their business are usually the hairy leg, face like a back of a bus type cunts that put you off your lunch. 

I believe most women do try to be discreet, but there are just some times, either the nursing bra cup malfunctions, perhaps a strap breaks, or some other flukeish event happens, and more is put on display than is intended.  I think as mature adults, we ought to be able to keep ourselves composed, and understanding of what is happening and go on with our own business, and leave poor mum to tend to her child without judgement or snarky looks and comments.  Breast milk contains vital immune components that help keep the child healthy and resistant to the bugs we all carry about.  It is also scientifically linked to preventing obesity in children, as PK indicated.  If we can cut that statistic by such a natural and easy means, it is in all of our best interest to encourage and support these women.  


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I believe most women do try to be discreet, but there are just some times, either the nursing bra cup malfunctions, perhaps a strap breaks, or some other flukeish event happens, and more is put on display than is intended.  I think as mature adults, we ought to be able to keep ourselves composed, and understanding of what is happening and go on with our own business, and leave poor mum to tend to her child without judgement or snarky looks and comments.  Breast milk contains vital immune components that help keep the child healthy and resistant to the bugs we all carry about.  It is also scientifically linked to preventing obesity in children, as PK indicated.  If we can cut that statistic by such a natural and easy means, it is in all of our best interest to encourage and support these women.  


no they can all fuck off

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Guest Wizardsleeve

no they can all fuck off

Careful what you ask for, Eddie.  The birds have a tendency to do just that if they feel disrespected.  Then you're left in your place, all alone, hoping to pull one out before the Stella takes effect.  

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Guest nobgobbler

I am with the OP on the breastfeeding front. This is only natural. The UK plc has the lowest rate of breast feeding in Europe and no coincidence the highest obesity rate.

Er well, shitting and wanking are also natural pastimes but I wouldn't expect to have to witness either of them in a restaurant or on the number 11 bus.

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Guest nobgobbler

You've obviously never been to Grimsby.

Not recently Pooter. I did go to Grimsby once a while back and I went through 20 stanley knife blades renaming all the signposts Grim. What a dull, grim, suitably named hell hole of a place never to be visited again.

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Guest nobgobbler

Thanx so much for aesthetically improving my home town. I only go back there now to score drugs. I would've replied sooner but, being educated in Grimsby it took me 10 minutes to work out how to spell "aesthetically".

You're not related to Edwina Tarpley are you? "Edwina Tarpley weporting fwom Gwimsby."

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Don't know who that it, but my mother is/was (don't know which) a right slag so I could be related to anyone in the vicinity. My closest claim to fame there is that I used to live 2 streets from Ian Huntley.

He was a fucking cunt, eh? Nicking your girlfriends like that!

...and to think you dug me out the other day for nicking a gag! Shameless.

If it's more than 3 months old, it belongs to the world. 

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Guest Wizardsleeve

Wiz, are you sure its just not an excuse to get more bitty?

Can't say it is, Gobbo.  We have a pretty good sex life for our age.  As much as I enjoy nice breasts, let's face it, they are just breasts.  We've all seen them, we all know what they're for and how much fun they can be, but women MUST have the equal chance to be topfree where ever men are allowed.  Also, breastfeeding should never be frowned upon, discouraged, or made into a trivial nuisance when it serves such a vital function.  

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Guest nobgobbler

Can't say it is, Gobbo.  We have a pretty good sex life for our age.  As much as I enjoy nice breasts, let's face it, they are just breasts.  We've all seen them, we all know what they're for and how much fun they can be, but women MUST have the equal chance to be topfree where ever men are allowed.  Also, breastfeeding should never be frowned upon, discouraged, or made into a trivial nuisance when it serves such a vital function.  


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