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The fucking French


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So the controversial new nuclear power station at Hinkley Point , being built by EDF , a fine FRENCH company , is going to be financed by the FRENCH government at a cost of 23bn € . I am most annoyed that , as a FRENCH taxpayer , I am in part financing the electricity supply to British homes , par exemple , grotty little hovels in Manchester and Norfolk , where equally grotty people sit under a 20 watt bulb squinting at a 9" black and white tv.  If this kind of behaviour is not nipped in the bud , the next thing will be   sending over food parcels and cases of fine FRENCH beer to help you out. Vive.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

I would prefer it if they retained some money to finance the purchase of personal hygiene products that your lot clearly need.

Ps. Its a 6 watt LED bulb and 240v. None of that 115v bollox over here.

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50 minutes ago, Properkhunt said:

I wouldn't worry about the money. Most of the fracking projects in the UK plc have been handed to the French. A nice little earner me thinks.

Add to that the Wind turbine scandal here whereby some corrupt Maires and officials have been taking large bungs. Regional government in Central & Aquitaine have now put a block on all the schemes. The shit is beginning to hit the fan if you will excuse the pun.

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Guest Bill Stickers
2 hours ago, witheredscrote said:

So the controversial new nuclear power station at Hinkley Point , being built by EDF , a fine FRENCH company , is going to be financed by the FRENCH government at a cost of 23bn € . I am most annoyed that , as a FRENCH taxpayer , I am in part financing the electricity supply to British homes , par exemple , grotty little hovels in Manchester and Norfolk , where equally grotty people sit under a 20 watt bulb squinting at a 9" black and white tv.  If this kind of behaviour is not nipped in the bud , the next thing will be   sending over food parcels and cases of fine FRENCH beer to help you out. Vive.

The French government will surely be turning a profit on this? Don't they own the Severn toll bridge as well?

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22 minutes ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

I would prefer it if they retained some money to finance the purchase of personal hygiene products that your lot clearly need.

Ps. Its a 6 watt LED bulb and 240v. None of that 115v bollox over here.

It is and always was 240v here, and the Eiffel Tower is not lit by oil lamps you ill informed webbed footed cunt.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
50 minutes ago, witheredscrote said:

It is and always was 240v here, and the Eiffel Tower is not lit by oil lamps you ill informed webbed footed cunt.

One word. Nelson, now fuck off - again!!!!

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Guest DingTheRioja
2 hours ago, Bill Stickers said:

The French government will surely be turning a profit on this? Don't they own the Severn toll bridge as well?

...and Dear George just announced halving the price....

4 hours ago, witheredscrote said:

So the controversial new nuclear power station at Hinkley Point , being built by EDF , a fine FRENCH company , is going to be financed by the FRENCH government at a cost of 23bn € . I am most annoyed that , as a FRENCH taxpayer , I am in part financing the electricity supply to British homes , par exemple , grotty little hovels in Manchester and Norfolk , where equally grotty people sit under a 20 watt bulb squinting at a 9" black and white tv.  If this kind of behaviour is not nipped in the bud , the next thing will be   sending over food parcels and cases of fine FRENCH beer to help you out. Vive.

You are annoyed that the French Govt is going to make shit loads of money ripping off British consumers, then moving the tax liability out of Britain and hiding it under the carpet?

I hate to say it, but some of the best wine I have had recently was Californian... excluding a certain little vineyard in St Emilion...

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4 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Don't know the situation now but the French domestic power supply was notoriously plagued by surges. Those French have always been a bit volatile so I guess its understandable. 

As usual you are wide of the mark. The man who reads our meter is called Serge , the most placid man I have ever met. Fuck off

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Guest luke swarm
15 minutes ago, witheredscrote said:

As usual you are wide of the mark. The man who reads our meter is called Serge , the most placid man I have ever met. Fuck off

Roops comes on here and makes an innocent comment and what do you do, you brie burping cunt ......that sounded like bullying to me.....what the fuck you trying to do....start another 7 page pointless debate on nuances, circle jerks and cunt superiority....just give her a damn good leaving alone.      

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Guest Bill Stickers
59 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

Roops comes on here and makes an innocent comment and what do you do, you brie burping cunt ......that sounded like bullying to me.....what the fuck you trying to do....start another 7 page pointless debate on nuances, circle jerks and cunt superiority....just give her a damn good leaving alone.      

No doubt Roops will respond by denying she ever mentioned the French, power surges, or her love of dogging. 

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58 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

Roops comes on here and makes an innocent comment and what do you do, you brie burping cunt ......that sounded like bullying to me.....what the fuck you trying to do....start another 7 page pointless debate on nuances, circle jerks and cunt superiority....just give her a damn good leaving alone.      

Given m'learned colleagues notoriously low boredom threshold, I don't think they can take another nuanced seven-page thread, but yeah Luke, this is appalling. My fault as I've always had a romanticised view of the Scrote replete with French insouciance, Gitanes and garlic, instead we have a ill-tempered git with a gite. I've joined the Brexit campaign, that'll teach him.

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Guest Bill Stickers
4 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

I'm fairly sure we've covered the Socratic paradox today already.

Superb. What a fucking recreant that woman is. I wish she'd just completely shut up a little bit. 

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12 hours ago, witheredscrote said:

So the controversial new nuclear power station at Hinkley Point , being built by EDF , a fine FRENCH company , is going to be financed by the FRENCH government at a cost of 23bn € . I am most annoyed that , as a FRENCH taxpayer , I am in part financing the electricity supply to British homes , par exemple , grotty little hovels in Manchester and Norfolk , where equally grotty people sit under a 20 watt bulb squinting at a 9" black and white tv.  If this kind of behaviour is not nipped in the bud , the next thing will be   sending over food parcels and cases of fine FRENCH beer to help you out. Vive.

I nick next doors electricity so I couldn't give a fuck if it's French, Mongolian or North bastard Korean.

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Guest DingTheRioja
2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

I'm fairly sure we've covered the Socratic paradox today already.

You mean that Stones Shitter Bitter advert..??

There's those that know, those that don't know, and those that don't know they don't know.

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