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Jihadi cunts in Brussels

Earl of Punkape

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Guest Bill Stickers

Shut up PunkApe you utter cunt.

Innocent people died in there whilst you, so undeserving of life, sit here and spew moronic shit from the comfortable confines of your student halls.

Fuck off back to first year orientation at the Union for at least a couple of hours before you come back to your en suite, stoned on cheap kush, to continue role-playing a posh cunt only marginally more imbecilic than your true self.

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Guest Bill Stickers
4 minutes ago, Punkape said:

This will help the Brexit vote nicely.

Airline shares are down.

Hamburger shares up !

Hilarious. The likes will surely come rolling in.

I know it's deeply unfashionable to get hung up on the likes count here, but you're one of the most prolific posters and have a terrible ratio.

I know one shouldn't read into it too much, but at least there is hard, quantifiable evidence aside from subjective judgement to prove you are a complete fuckwit. 

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

I'm glad they didn't. They may have been 'lobbed' in our direction. (Somebody educated at private school would have used the word 'ejected' or 'repatriated', you thick fucking berk.

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9 minutes ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

I'm glad they didn't. They may have been 'lobbed' in our direction. (Somebody educated at private school would have used the word 'ejected' or 'repatriated', you thick fucking berk.

 Homegrown Jihadi cunts have all been products of the same state sector that you so obviously graduated from. With no qualifications..........


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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
36 minutes ago, Punkape said:

 Homegrown Jihadi cunts have all been products of the same state sector that you so obviously graduated from. With no qualifications..........


FFS, someone direct these terrorist cunts to a golf club in Cheshire.  lol



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Guest luke swarm
2 hours ago, Punkape said:

They are at it again. Flying mince on the baggage carousels.



Trolling at its most basest form.....devoid of humour, intelligence or compassion.

I think this marks a new low for you, whoever you are.  

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21 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

Trolling at its most basest form.....devoid of humour, intelligence or compassion.

I think this marks a new low for you, whoever you are.  

Agreed. I think we should collectively not respond to anything else the cunt posts, so hopefully it'll get bored and kill itself.

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Guest Manky

Terrorism is not funny. And, in my opinion it will get a whole lot less funny in the future. I am far from being touchy but have no wish to read stupid posts about innocent people killed by this cancer now swarming over us.

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Guest Manky
25 minutes ago, Properkhunt said:


The  hysteric. al over reaction from our  cherished media. We hav e got weeks of this on the box and in the rags. Sell, sell fucking sell. If you want compassion or a book of condolence this is not the place. CUNTS is the name, and this bombing is a cunt. Fair nom if you ask me, even if it is from an unparalleled cunt.

The jihadis are amongst us. How long before we can say it as it is, that the muslims are after attacking us and our society. I dont care if it is only 1, that is 1 too many. So now I am racist. Fucking good.

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54 minutes ago, Properkhunt said:


The sort of hysterical over reaction one would see from our cherished media. We have got weeks of this on the box and in the rags. Sell, sell fucking sell. If you want compassion or a book of condolence this is not the place. CUNTS is the name, and this bombing is a cunt. Fair nom if you ask me, even if it is from an unparalleled cunt.

I'm all for black humour, but not when the drama is still unfolding. Time and place and all that sort of thing.

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2 minutes ago, Properkhunt said:

Unfolding? This game has been going on for years. The NHS kills more cunts in a month than have got bumped off by jihadists in the UK the last 10 years.

Do you and your colleges set out to kill people? , are you a Harold Shipman wannabe? , cut backs kill people, not hard working NHS staff, unless you know something i don't. 

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12 minutes ago, Properkhunt said:

Unfolding? This game has been going on for years. The NHS kills more cunts in a month than have got bumped off by jihadists in the UK the last 10 years.

Yes, I'm sure the bereaved and severely injured victims are all exclaiming "Good Game, Good Game" right now. You're flying off tangents.

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Guest Manky
38 minutes ago, Properkhunt said:

Unfolding? This game has been going on for years. The NHS kills more cunts in a month than have got bumped off by jihadists in the UK the last 10 years.

Do incompetent terrorists save more people than the NHS?

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Guest luke swarm
1 hour ago, Properkhunt said:


The sort of hysterical over reaction one would see from our cherished media. We have got weeks of this on the box and in the rags. Sell, sell fucking sell. If you want compassion or a book of condolence this is not the place. CUNTS is the name, and this bombing is a cunt. Fair nom if you ask me, even if it is from an unparalleled cunt.

yes quite right, quite right

and may I add that if I had any doubts that this was indeed Cunts Corner staffed by stupid cunts...you have put those doubts to rest.

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Guest Snatch
1 hour ago, Properkhunt said:

Fair nom if you ask me, even if it is from an unparalleled cunt.

Yes a fair nom from someone that was supposed to be banned and going by some his comments on this thread it's about time you slack cunts at the top upped your fucking game.

These terrorists cunts are unfortunately for us too well organised. Cunts they be but stupid they are not. These attacks weren't planned overnight but possibly bought forward by a week or two as one of their top cunts got nicked.

There will some who have black humour about these sort of events but if and when it happens to someone they love then you'll find their "humour" disappears fucking quick.

I don't recall anyone finding the IRA attacks funny and this is no different.

Oh well,cue Cameron to come out with the normal "these sort of attacks will not be tolerated and the perpetrators will be bought too justice blah blah bollocks".

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Guest Couldn't give a shit

Just to inform fellow members that it is "Everybody draw Muhammad day" this coming May 20th which usually has the followers of the "religion of peace" chucking shit around the playpen. Piss be upon them, Inshallah and all that.

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Guest luke swarm
2 minutes ago, Couldn't give a shit said:

Just to inform fellow members that it is "Everybody draw Muhammad day" this coming May 20th which usually has the followers of the "religion of peace" chucking shit around the playpen. Piss be upon them, Inshallah and all that.

I believe that this event will end with a well deserved barbeque and beer for participants......so everybody bring all those spare Korans lying around doing nothing.....ideal for barbequing pork chops with.....mmm good  

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