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Cuntbreeds queueing outside the pound shop..

Jake The Muss

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15 hours ago, ThunderCunt said:

Don't be fucking stupid, some of these cuntbuckets had cans of beer that they were drinking..really wiredscrote, i wouldn't post something that i wasn't sure about you fucking big conked cunt..i have an idea. Why don't you post something about Frank, maybe the title,,Frank's Chinese RazorBlades..Go and do one..CUNT !!

Thank you for the confirmation, they were definitely the staff

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Guest nobgobbler

There's only one thing worse than queueing outside the £1 shop, and that's queueing inside the £1 shop. What a load of tat. Brilliant business to be in though, wish I'd thought of it. 

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51 minutes ago, nobgobbler said:

There's only one thing worse than queueing outside the £1 shop, and that's queueing inside the £1 shop. What a load of tat. Brilliant business to be in though, wish I'd thought of it. 

If one opened up in East Dulwich, nobody would go in it. Sell the same stuff at a much higher price, the place would be fucking heaving. The middle classes in that area love to spend fortunes on cheap crap. 

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Guest nobgobbler
1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

If one opened up in East Dulwich, nobody would go in it. Sell the same stuff at a much higher price, the place would be fucking heaving. The middle classes in that area love to spend fortunes on cheap crap. 

Anybody looking for a safe bet business should do the 3 Ps. Pound shops, pawn shops, porn shops. It's the way forward.

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Guest nobgobbler
1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Isn't pawn, porn for the dyslexic?

I once gave Mr Gobbler a slap round the head when he said he's been watching that programme called pawn stars. Chumlee is a cunt.

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Guest Gong Farmer
5 hours ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

best ask an expert who knows about the commodity fluctuations relating to clothes pegs. Gypps! youre needed.

The money's in wooden clothes pegs due to their short term durability and so need replacing more often than the plastic variety... if you you're selling that is. Clever cunts like me buy plastic clothes pegs because they last longer, don't get woodworm and have a far superior grip than their wooden counterparts. It took me a while to cotton on to this but haven't looked back since and am quids in as result of opting for plastic clothes pegs.

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11 minutes ago, Gong Farmer said:

The money's in wooden clothes pegs due to their short term durability and so need replacing more often than the plastic variety... if you you're selling that is. Clever cunts like me buy plastic clothes pegs because they last longer, don't get woodworm and have a far superior grip than their wooden counterparts. It took me a while to cotton on to this but haven't looked back since and am quids in as result of opting for plastic clothes pegs.

Yes, but the wooden pegs you are talking about are not the original gypsy wood pegs made of 1 piece of hazel wood, a bit of an Oxo tin, and a tintack. No spring, no bollocks, 10 for a shilling. Ask Gyps.

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Guest Gong Farmer
28 minutes ago, witheredscrote said:

Yes, but the wooden pegs you are talking about are not the original gypsy wood pegs made of 1 piece of hazel wood, a bit of an Oxo tin, and a tintack. No spring, no bollocks, 10 for a shilling. Ask Gyps.

I bet they're expensive. I can imagine she doesn't knock many out sitting on a three legged stool in the woods whittling  away at a length of hazel wood. It must be extremely time consuming.

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6 hours ago, witheredscrote said:

Thank you for the confirmation, they were definitely the staff

Staff my arse, you don't get about ten sad looking tramp cuntbreeds waiting outside a pound shop a good 45 minutes before the fucker is open and call them staff, you humongous flid...nice try but you're making yourself look a bigger cuntbrain than PunkBitch. Which reminds me, i will have festering spunk bubble next..

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Guest DingTheRioja
2 hours ago, ThunderCunt said:

Staff my arse, you don't get about ten sad looking tramp cuntbreeds waiting outside a pound shop a good 45 minutes before the fucker is open and call them staff, you humongous flid...nice try but you're making yourself look a bigger cuntbrain than PunkBitch. Which reminds me, i will have festering spunk bubble next..

Nope, he's right, that's definately the staff.  The manager is the one with the can of Special Brew, not Carling.

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