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WOT, no Brexit plan!!


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11 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

@Admin. Please, with respect, fucking delete this thread. No offence intended to any contributors but this is fucking Sunday lunchtime, Brian Walden, miserable political debate cuntbollock shitwank boring toss. We are here to be funny, smartarsed and entertained. This meets none of the above criteria and only serves to expose Panzer as being 400% more informed and intelligent than any of us give him credit for. Ta muchly.

......which still leaves him 8000% lower than the mean IQ of the fruit and vegetable aisle at the local Aldi

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1 hour ago, Jiggerycock said:


Comes on all cock of the fucking walk, spouting a load of shite. Get's called out on it and given some cogent, factual argument and responds with a load of 'to be sureist' Paddywhackery.

Called other on what..I'm not interested in yer it's nothing to do with us line of cuntbolloxery. ...to quote full metal jacket .its a huge shite sandwich an yer all gonna have to take a bite 


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14 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

Called other on what..I'm not interested in yer it's nothing to do with us line of cuntbolloxery. ...to quote full metal jacket .its a huge shite sandwich an yer all gonna have to take a bite 


Send in the troops panzy, that'll sort the ungrateful bog rats out. I hear the pongo Paras have some battle scarred, mentally unstable and trigger happy blokes who'd do a great job.....

Joking aside, of course, NI will have to accept the same rules as the rest of the UK and come with a deal with Eire, simple   

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On ‎06‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 9:05 AM, Lady Penelope said:

I favour a united Ireland .. we could at a stroke give them the whole of Merseyside as a present.

You mean ship all the Scousers back to their homeland?

Those cunts have been living off the back of the Beatles for the last fifty years.

Fuck 'em, and fuck off!

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19 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

Called other on what..I'm not interested in yer it's nothing to do with us line of cuntbolloxery. ...to quote full metal jacket .its a huge shite sandwich an yer all gonna have to take a bite 


...talking of which, should you and your fellow countrymen choose to view the latest menu, you'll find that the only items on offer is either a massive Panini of pooh or a French stick of shit.

In the absence of any hard facts the Brexit negotiations are a shambles caused in part by the weak domestic positions of May, Merkel (who also has had a poor general election result) and Macron (now even more unpopular than Hollande was) and also by the double standards of the EU, who having previously told various regions seeking autonomy to go away ("we only talk to Nation States") now seem to be pushing for the Northern Ireland Region to stay with in the Customs Union and the Single Market. No wonder Sturgeon is agitated.

Anyway back to Ireland and the smorgasbord of shit they will soon find on the table. You may be aware that Apple Inc has been ordered to pay over 5% of its cash reserves to Ireland, some 13 Billion Euros. Before you start thinking of windfalls, bear in mind that Ireland fought tooth and nail not to have the money, in any case your country is not allowed to spend same until unelected EU Commissioners say you can. The problem was Ireland thought they could have their cake and eat it except the cake has turned to shit. Ireland has found that by joining the EU it will benefit from EU cash - to be spent according to diktats laid down by your new masters but it cannot establish a business friendly tax regime. So, there are now many hi-tech and fintech firms wondering why the hell they set up camp in the middle of a rain-soaked peat bog. Expect a glut of empty office space and hotel rooms in due course together with the re-emergence of the four leaf clover industry

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

...talking of which, should you and your fellow countrymen choose to view the latest menu, you'll find that the only items on offer is either a massive Panini of pooh or a French stick of shit.

In the absence of any hard facts the Brexit negotiations are a shambles caused in part by the weak domestic positions of May, Merkel (who also has had a poor general election result) and Macron (now even more unpopular than Hollande was) and also by the double standards of the EU, who having previously told various regions seeking autonomy to go away ("we only talk to Nation States") now seem to be pushing for the Northern Ireland Region to stay with in the Customs Union and the Single Market. No wonder Sturgeon is agitated.

Anyway back to Ireland and the smorgasbord of shit they will soon find on the table. You may be aware that Apple Inc has been ordered to pay over 5% of its cash reserves to Ireland, some 13 Billion Euros. Before you start thinking of windfalls, bear in mind that Ireland fought tooth and nail not to have the money, in any case your country is not allowed to spend same until unelected EU Commissioners say you can. The problem was Ireland thought they could have their cake and eat it except the cake has turned to shit. Ireland has found that by joining the EU it will benefit from EU cash - to be spent according to diktats laid down by your new masters but it cannot establish a business friendly tax regime. So, there are now many hi-tech and fintech firms wondering why the hell they set up camp in the middle of a rain-soaked peat bog. Expect a glut of empty office space and hotel rooms in due course together with the re-emergence of the four leaf clover industry

Ireland have no intention of doin the dirty work for Europe and collectin the apple dosh. And our tax laws may only be changed by a referendum as it encroaches on certain things in our written constitution. And the feeling in the Republic about the north, who know more about the dup than Mrs May evidently does is one of "its not our problem  fuk em"..I'm afraid your stuck with the problem step child. .they don't trust yis anymore than Europe does 


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1 minute ago, Panzerknacker said:

Test pilots are not experts on the vehicle they are travelling in


But more knowledgeable about it than those just watching.

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35 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

Ireland have no intention of doin the dirty work for Europe and collectin the apple dosh. And our tax laws may only be changed by a referendum as it encroaches on certain things in our written constitution.

'Fraid not. A constitutional amendment (Article 29 to be precise) stipulated that EU law was to take precedence over Irish law should there be conflict between the two. Article 29 also allowed the ratification of the Single European Act and the Maastricht Treaty which covers a unified tax regime. Furthermore, Ireland gave up its currency (and controls) by joining the Monetary Union. I suspect that there are many Irishmen who now feel conned by repeating Referendums until the government got the answer it wanted. If nothing, else this lays bare the folly that a one-size-fits-all monetary, economic and fiscal harmonisation programme would suit 27 different countries, each with their own individual national needs, problems and psyche. The EU project might have worked for say the Benelux countries, otherwise Europe should have stuck with an enhanced EFTA with a coordinated Agency system for airspace, policing and security etc. 

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12 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

'Fraid not. A constitutional amendment (Article 29 to be precise) stipulated that EU law was to take precedence over Irish law should there be conflict between the two. Article 29 also allowed the ratification of the Single European Act and the Maastricht Treaty which covers a unified tax regime. Furthermore, Ireland gave up its currency (and controls) by joining the Monetary Union. I suspect that there are many Irishmen who now feel conned by repeating Referendums until the government got the answer it wanted. If nothing, else this lays bare the folly that a one-size-fits-all monetary, economic and fiscal harmonisation programme would suit 27 different countries, each with their own individual national needs, problems and psyche. The EU project might have worked for say the Benelux countries, otherwise Europe should have stuck with an enhanced EFTA with a coordinated Agency system for airspace, policing and security etc. 

Ah roops baby ..as the UK is finding out the divil is in the detail the law n specially constitutional law is a many headed beast open to all manner of interpretation. .I think if the frogs n the krauts could post us a demand they'd have done it instead of wasting spit on euronews. .and I remember maastricht.. lovely place good beer nice cheese. .European membership has been good to us...never forget yer friends 


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Yeah your 'Friends'.....

It's June 2001 and Ireland has just rejected the Nice Treaty. Your 'friends' threatened to withdraw the Brussels teat from your collective mouths unless you came into line PDQ and voted the right way in the second referendum they forced on you.

It's now 2008 and Ireland has voted against the Lisbon Treaty. The (and I quote senior EU sources) 'Ungrateful Bastards' were forced to vote again - and once again you came into line like good little proles.

But now it's 2011 and your economy is going down the pan quicker than a Vindaloo shit. Your 'friends' goosestep up O'Connel Street and take over the running of the Irish economy to keep the Euro off the life support system it was headed, by imposing a budget on their colonial outpost, without even consulting your own cabinet.

Your 'friends' play you like fucking computer game.

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1 hour ago, Jiggerycock said:

Yeah your 'Friends'.....

It's June 2001 and Ireland has just rejected the Nice Treaty. Your 'friends' threatened to withdraw the Brussels teat from your collective mouths unless you came into line PDQ and voted the right way in the second referendum they forced on you.

It's now 2008 and Ireland has voted against the Lisbon Treaty. The (and I quote senior EU sources) 'Ungrateful Bastards' were forced to vote again - and once again you came into line like good little proles.

But now it's 2011 and your economy is going down the pan quicker than a Vindaloo shit. Your 'friends' goosestep up O'Connel Street and take over the running of the Irish economy to keep the Euro off the life support system it was headed, by imposing a budget on their colonial outpost, without even consulting your own cabinet.

Your 'friends' play you like fucking computer game.

Sometimes gobshites get into power I have no problem with them being corrected. .and it's a well known  fact that incumbent governments rarely win bye elections never mind crucial referenda. .it was realised that the first vote was hijacked by the gobshites and the message lost. .so it was run again without  the hysteria and ironically it brought to life article 50 ...you should be thankful to the bog rats for loading the pistol for you


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3 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

Sometimes gobshites get into power I have no problem with them being corrected. .and it's a well known  fact that incumbent governments rarely win bye elections never mind crucial referenda. .it was realised that the first vote was hijacked by the gobshites and the message lost. .so it was run again without  the hysteria and ironically it brought to life article 50 ...you should be thankful to the bog rats for loading the pistol for you


Well as history rewrites go, that's a corker.

PS You forgot a few 'yiz', 'so there is' and 'bollix' epithets

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18 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

Well as history rewrites go, that's a corker.

PS You forgot a few 'yiz', 'so there is' and 'bollix' epithets

I'm sorry I don't have time to educate you ..I've a job to do. .water under the bridge anall that. ..nobody knows what way the cats goin to jump so you'll just have to wait n see...yiz bollixez 


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1 hour ago, Panzerknacker said:

I'm sorry I don't have time to educate you ..I've a job to do. .water under the bridge anall that. ..nobody knows what way the cats goin to jump so you'll just have to wait n see...yiz bollixez 


Yes, we'll just have to wait and see panzy baby. The UKs economy is strong enough to fly without the protection of the EU, but Ireland's certainly isn't. But is Ireland's strong enough without the UKs support? We'll wait and see on that one as well. 

We all know brexit was about immigration and the older generation scared of Romanian goat herders moving in next door (a bit like flared paddies in the 70's). But in the spirit of fairness we can't pick and choose who we let in so no illiterate Bulgarian peasants and their 14, mostly pregnant, children, mean no Danes, Germans or Dutch as well, and of course no totters. There are approx half a million Irish born living in the UK (most is seems presenting TV shows on the BBC) so if the Slavs are being sent back, start building some more houses over the water. Not only that but the aforementioned eastern block mob might come your way as well.

I like this knew you panzy, better than the old one at least 

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43 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Yes, we'll just have to wait and see panzy baby. The UKs economy is strong enough to fly without the protection of the EU, but Ireland's certainly isn't. But is Ireland's strong enough without the UKs support? We'll wait and see on that one as well. 

We all know brexit was about immigration and the older generation scared of Romanian goat herders moving in next door (a bit like flared paddies in the 70's). But in the spirit of fairness we can't pick and choose who we let in so no illiterate Bulgarian peasants and their 14, mostly pregnant, children, mean no Danes, Germans or Dutch as well, and of course no totters. There are approx half a million Irish born living in the UK (most is seems presenting TV shows on the BBC) so if the Slavs are being sent back, start building some more houses over the water. Not only that but the aforementioned eastern block mob might come your way as well.

I like this knew you panzy, better than the old one at least 

You reckon?

I'm not saying you're wrong or right. Personally I can't divine a single shred of evidence for this new found Racism that 17.4 million of my fellow men woke up suffering from on 24th June last year, but apparently, in the privacy of the ballot box at the next election, it's a face off between the BNP and Corbynite Labour, Briton's being in the grip of our new found extremism. Or will it be 'to the streets' with real hate crimes rather than the pretend made-up ones we're told have gone through the roof since we've all acquired the taste for rivers of Slavic blood?

I AM a betting man but I'm fucked if I can call this one.

The Tories have made a shit-shower of this from the word go. From calling an unnecessary election, to frittering away a rock solid mandate in an attempt to appease the losers, to accepting the terms of negotiation that were and remain utterly preposterous - since when do you negotiate a 'Bill? We should, politely, have said it was the membership of a club we were leaving, not anything as emotional as a marriage, paid our subscriptions up until we left and agreed to nothing more, financially. If the EU didn't like it, appeal over Verhofstadts head to the power brokers and opinion formers running BMW and the like and see how a 'no trade' deal appeals to them and their workforce.

All water under the bridge now of course. We are where we are. The DUP wagging the Tory dog, Theresa The Appeaser trying to please everybody and pleasing no one and the EU revealed in it's true colours - money and power-obsessed, punishing a UK compliant in it's own diminishing influence, 'pour discourager les autres'.

Happily, as someone who voted Leave not for my kids but for my Grandkids, I'm in it for the long-term. True I didn't expect such utter cowardice from our Leaders, making the present a very bumpy ride, but a short-term pain is a price worth paying. to be from 'Somewhere' once again rather than 'Anywhere'.

A precedent has been set and we have 43 years before we should be allowed the prospect of rejoining the EU, so let the profiteers and the whingers have their moment - we knew they would.Meanwhile we can get on with building a better, outward looking, fairer, more enjoyable Britain.

Oh sorry, you thought you just had to Vote Leave and that would be it? Doesn't work like that - there's a county to be saved and built, so best get busy!

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I'm not going to quote all of that because we'll probably crash the internet. Aside from my obvious attempt to wind up panzybladder over the inconsequential nature of his country (like wales without coal) you have to admit the slavering of farage and his mates over the immigration issue was a huge, if not the biggest factor in the leave votes success? Add to that the skewed demographic to older voters harking back to teddy boy times and the genuinely thick who voted "cuz camrons a kunt init" as protest that they couldn't stay at home, watch Jeremy Kyle and star in their own rap videos, those who had a reasoned argument as to why we'd be better outside the union seemed pretty thin on the ground. 

We're now finding out the true cost by being DP spit roasted by Junker and co, but you're right we should put up, shut up and pay our dues and realise as one of the leading nations on earth, we're more than equipped to thrive. As for NI, perhaps we should hold a referendum as to whether we flog it back to the Eire?   

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27 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

You reckon?

I'm not saying you're wrong or right. Personally I can't divine a single shred of evidence for this new found Racism that 17.4 million of my fellow men woke up suffering from on 24th June last year, but apparently, in the privacy of the ballot box at the next election, it's a face off between the BNP and Corbynite Labour, Briton's being in the grip of our new found extremism. Or will it be 'to the streets' with real hate crimes rather than the pretend made-up ones we're told have gone through the roof since we've all acquired the taste for rivers of Slavic blood?

I AM a betting man but I'm fucked if I can call this one.

The Tories have made a shit-shower of this from the word go. From calling an unnecessary election, to frittering away a rock solid mandate in an attempt to appease the losers, to accepting the terms of negotiation that were and remain utterly preposterous - since when do you negotiate a 'Bill? We should, politely, have said it was the membership of a club we were leaving, not anything as emotional as a marriage, paid our subscriptions up until we left and agreed to nothing more, financially. If the EU didn't like it, appeal over Verhofstadts head to the power brokers and opinion formers running BMW and the like and see how a 'no trade' deal appeals to them and their workforce.

All water under the bridge now of course. We are where we are. The DUP wagging the Tory dog, Theresa The Appeaser trying to please everybody and pleasing no one and the EU revealed in it's true colours - money and power-obsessed, punishing a UK compliant in it's own diminishing influence, 'pour discourager les autres'.

Happily, as someone who voted Leave not for my kids but for my Grandkids, I'm in it for the long-term. True I didn't expect such utter cowardice from our Leaders, making the present a very bumpy ride, but a short-term pain is a price worth paying. to be from 'Somewhere' once again rather than 'Anywhere'.

A precedent has been set and we have 43 years before we should be allowed the prospect of rejoining the EU, so let the profiteers and the whingers have their moment - we knew they would.Meanwhile we can get on with building a better, outward looking, fairer, more enjoyable Britain.

Oh sorry, you thought you just had to Vote Leave and that would be it? Doesn't work like that - there's a county to be saved and built, so best get busy!

I don't share your optimism.

Everything thus far since 24th June 2016 has had a whiff of stitch-up. Article 50 not invoked immediately as promised. The new conservative leader, a remainer, appointed after the main Brexiteers were fucked off out of it. Vested interests using the courts to stall the whole process. Talk of a transition period, which brings in a grey area, where there will be opportunities to keep the UK plc some aspects of the EU via the back door. Negotiations that are at the predilection of the EU, costing big money. 

I get the picture that our masters don't want this, so we are not going to get it.

If voting made any difference, the cunts would ban it.

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