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Cockney lingo.

Guest 'eavensabove

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Guest 'eavensabove

Gawdon Bennet gov, what da fiddly-dumbo are deeze geezers on abart? From up the dyke's fanny hairs for a brace & bit, to darn the boozer you nevva 'ear 'em gassing-off proper like, eh mister.



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12 hours ago, 'eavensabove said:

Gawdon Bennet gov, what da fiddly-dumbo are deeze geezers on abart? From up the dyke's fanny hairs for a brace & bit, to darn the boozer you nevva 'ear 'em gassing-off proper like, eh mister.



This kind of cockney talk went out with Mary Poppins !!!!    It's awl lark bruv yer get me yeh.     The last known sighting of co can knee talk was in Guy Richie's homage to the last white people of London.... Snatch filmed in 2002.    No white people have been seen or heared of since and co can knees have been placed on the world wildlife endangered species list just above the panda and snow lepeard.   Some say white co can knees are brarn bred ....and fucking good riddance to them.....fucking scummy theiving cunts.

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Guest Manky

When we refer to the East End we need yo be more specific. Do we mean the Middle East End or the Far East End. Pie and mash and jellied eels will be extinct by now, their place taken by curried fucking goat and naan bread butties. The Crown Prince of Cockneys, a certain Mr Khan would be well at home there. Fuck Londonistan.

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Guest nobgobbler
46 minutes ago, Manky said:

When we refer to the East End we need yo be more specific. Do we mean the Middle East End or the Far East End. Pie and mash and jellied eels will be extinct by now, their place taken by curried fucking goat and naan bread butties. The Crown Prince of Cockneys, a certain Mr Khan would be well at home there. Fuck Londonistan.

There might be a few white little urchins running around with tin cup in hand asking "please sir, can I have some more?"

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Guest Manky
18 minutes ago, nobgobbler said:

There might be a few white little urchins running around with tin cup in hand asking "please sir, can I have some more?"

You are referring to Romanian beggars?

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Guest 'eavensabove
1 hour ago, Manky said:

When we refer to the East End we need yo be more specific. Do we mean the Middle East End or the Far East End. Pie and mash and jellied eels will be extinct by now, their place taken by curried fucking goat and naan bread butties. The Crown Prince of Cockneys, a certain Mr Khan would be well at home there. Fuck Londonistan.

Pie & Mash shops still exist and they're shit. Plus, there isn't much more infuriating than to listen to your Mr Khans & Co., talking in a cockney accent, darn East Lane market.

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Guest Gong Farmer
7 hours ago, 'eavensabove said:

Pie & Mash shops still exist and they're shit. Plus, there isn't much more infuriating than to listen to your Mr Khans & Co., talking in a cockney accent, darn East Lane market.

I'm a born an bred Londoner and I can tell you now that I've never once in my life resorted to eating that  'glow in the dark' pie, mash and liquor shite. If it looks shit then it very probably is shit. The fodder of cunts.

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Guest deebom
18 hours ago, Gong Farmer said:

I'm a born an bred Londoner and I can tell you now that I've never once in my life resorted to eating that  'glow in the dark' pie, mash and liquor shite. If it looks shit then it very probably is shit. The fodder of cunts.

Me too, there's a Manzies within walking distance of my house and I've never set foot in it.

I'd rather walk off a cliff than eat that shite. MissBoms family all love it, Fucking peasant sludge.

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1 hour ago, deebom said:

Me too, there's a Manzies within walking distance of my house and I've never set foot in it.

I'd rather walk off a cliff than eat that shite. MissBoms family all love it, Fucking peasant sludge.

We up here have our own Northern equivalent of pie and mash. " Ooh...that Bury black pudding...lovely that is ".  No it's not , it's pigging shite which actually tastes as bad as it looks.

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Guest Gong Farmer
11 hours ago, deebom said:

Me too, there's a Manzies within walking distance of my house and I've never set foot in it.

I'd rather walk off a cliff than eat that shite. MissBoms family all love it, Fucking peasant sludge.

I know the famous Manzies. There's not many pie shops left in London now and I'm fucking glad of it. It's all sentimental bollocks anyway. I'm originally from south London, Lambeth to be exact, so not really accustomed to eating food  that looks like something that's already passed through the digestive system before it's actually been eaten. Really, I've pan splattered more appetizing looking shit than that fucking muck. 


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18 hours ago, Gong Farmer said:

I know the famous Manzies. There's not many pie shops left in London now and I'm fucking glad of it. It's all sentimental bollocks anyway. I'm originally from south London, Lambeth to be exact, so not really accustomed to eating food  that looks like something that's already passed through the digestive system before it's actually been eaten. Really, I've pan splattered more appetizing looking shit than that fucking muck. 


Lambeth? Are you a chimney sweep? 

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Guest Tata Steely Dan

Apples and pears, apples and pears. Up the rusty dog leg guvnor? That's 'alf an Id Amin for you my dear. Is this your daughter squire? Quite the Nobby Stiles if you don't mind me saying.

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On 12/03/2017 at 10:31 AM, nobgobbler said:

There might be a few white little urchins running around with tin cup in hand asking "please sir, can I have some more?"

Yes in Chelmsford......not London

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On 13/03/2017 at 2:43 PM, colonelkurtz said:

We up here have our own Northern equivalent of pie and mash. " Ooh...that Bury black pudding...lovely that is ".  No it's not , it's pigging shite which actually tastes as bad as it looks.

Bury black pudding is like eating Mr Browns BBC !!!   Tatie Lancashire hot pot ,  hollands meat n potatoes pies and hunt lane chip shop chadderton........all now taste fucking shite.     Curry is the best thing to come from our ethnic diversity experiment.    And I don't mean the past 20 years of tony blairs open door fuck up.    I mean when we had coloured half the world,pink on the map as our empire and the fucking w@gs knew their fucking place.

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