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Glastonbury......used to be for the young and music faithful fan

now it's all mac d's ,  organised glamping and parks for your £65,000 refurbished VW camper van.  Place is filled with old airline pilots and their wives with Woodstock hair braided especially at a salon for the weekend.

However the most cuntish behaviour is reserved for those upper middle class cunts whose daddy works at EMI, who get to the front in the mosh pit and stick up those fuck awful flags on poles so that no other fucker can see.  What utter self centred cuntish behaviour from a class of over privileged persons who deserves nothing better than to get home on Monday to find Meehnuo and her 13 surviving family members from Glenfield have moved in next door to their £2.4m flat in Kensington....for free.

There is a God.  

(Only he isn't tanned and does not like lots of people turning up at his gates on fire and smelling of cordurite asking where the 40 virgins are !!!)

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34 minutes ago, Monumental cunt said:

Glastonbury......used to be for the young and music faithful fan

now it's all mac d's ,  organised glamping and parks for your £65,000 refurbished VW camper van.  Place is filled with old airline pilots and their wives with Woodstock hair braided especially at a salon for the weekend.

However the most cuntish behaviour is reserved for those upper middle class cunts whose daddy works at EMI, who get to the front in the mosh pit and stick up those fuck awful flags on poles so that no other fucker can see.  What utter self centred cuntish behaviour from a class of over privileged persons who deserves nothing better than to get home on Monday to find Meehnuo and her 13 surviving family members from Glenfield have moved in next door to their £2.4m flat in Kensington....for free.

There is a God.  

(Only he isn't tanned and does not like lots of people turning up at his gates on fire and smelling of cordurite asking where the 40 virgins are !!!)

I went there in the early 80s and realised what a cuntfest it was when the handful of fucking toilets get bunged up after 8 hours and the smell of shit permeates the whole fucking site. 

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

If I wanted to listen to a load of shit music in the open air I'd go and see the Sally Army in the local park on Sunday afternoon. It's free and there's some proper bogs.

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9 minutes ago, Punkape said:

The place will be full of drug dealers and tossers...

I didn't know you were a festival man Spunkers. What's the crazy golf course like there? Have you managed to pop the ball into the clown's mouth? Is the weather any good?

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Guest Alfie Noakes
12 minutes ago, Punkape said:

You'll be with your rent boy at the moment....


Actually I am with my wife, a real woman, something you have no desire for or experience with.

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Guest Alfie Noakes
17 minutes ago, Punkape said:

That's what you say.....,


I bet you were gutted when Ronnie Kray got married....


Not half as gutted as you would have been if you had met him for real. He would have seen you as a toffee nosed posh boy and would have spread your giblets along a dark alleyway somewhere. "But 'im and 'is bruvvers lavved their old mam, they was such good boys you see?

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9 hours ago, Alfie Noakes said:

Not half as gutted as you would have been if you had met him for real. He would have seen you as a toffee nosed posh boy and would have spread your giblets along a dark alleyway somewhere. "But 'im and 'is bruvvers lavved their old mam, they was such good boys you see?

Punkers wishes he could have met the kray brothers being that they were a pair of shit stabbing rough un's who would have knocked seven bells of shit out of the snivelling little cunt before and after a good back scuttling. Very similar to the treatment he gets from his dusky skinned pimps on a nightly basis, the fucking poof.

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Guest Alfie Noakes
4 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Punkers wishes he could have met the kray brothers being that they were a pair of shit stabbing rough un's who would have knocked seven bells of shit out of the snivelling little cunt before and after a good back scuttling. Very similar to the treatment he gets from his dusky skinned pimps on a nightly basis, the fucking poof.

It would remind him of his school days.

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Guest Mingeeta
9 hours ago, Punkape said:

You'll be with your rent boy at the moment....


I've noticed that you don't post during the time frame that Dr Who is on.

I've also heard Leroy calls your ringpiece the tardis because it's bigger on the inside.

I don't know why, but I have an image of you going to Dr Who conventions dressed as a Dalek, standing on a little podium all of your own shouting E J A C U L A T E at every man who passes.


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Guest Snatch
14 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:

"Someone should build a bypass over this shithole."

- Nicky Wire, Manic Street Preachers, addressing the Glastonbury audience, 1994

Preferably on the same weekend as the festival.

11 hours ago, nocti said:

I didn't know you were a festival man Spunkers. What's the crazy golf course like there? Have you managed to pop the ball into the clown's mouth? Is the weather any good?

You spelt cock wrong.

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Guest 'eavensabove

Call me old fashioned but there was a time when Glastonbury Festival was worth it's weight in mud. It has now however, become a fairground for guttersnipes & admirers of 24 carat shite and a flaffal-fal burger, served up by an African Druid.  This years 'musical' line-up consists of fuck-knows who's & unheard-of's, and one-hit wonderboys knocking out a 40 minute rendition of their 10 year old shit whilst milking the crowd for all that they're worth. The Pyramid Stage (and the adjoining fields) now reeks of Rappers Faeces (an up & coming act from Islington)

Oh well, at least we have Bee Gee Tips to look forward to, doing the Hokey Cokey with Ed Shenanigan... 


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