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Posh cunts that live like tramps


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Guest judgetwi
2 hours ago, Wybunbury Bertie said:

Good evening Jewdith :)

You appear to be in breach of rules 5 and 9 My Lady.

As no cunt is going to do anything about it I may as well tell you to go and fuck yourself you fucking old witch.

Hope that’s ok with you?

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3 hours ago, ratcum said:

Are you stalking me Jewdy? My comment was over a year ago and I'm much more sophisticated these days.

Even you've got to laugh at this photo for comedic stereotype circa Der Sturmer 1939. Apparently the goggle eyed cunt does shopping for someone called nappy  and other 'famous' dickheads.

jc sam.png

Is that Heinrich Himmler's great nephew? And who's the little cunt with the glasses? 

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On 7/13/2017 at 11:32 AM, William T.D. Stickers said:

I knew a family who lived a beautiful detached Victorian 5 bed in a desirable part of north London. She was a lawyer and he ran his own business. 

These fuckers lived in absolute filth. Legitimate hoarders with shit piled up the walls and dirty dishes everywhere. 

Their excuse was that it was a "bohemian" way of living. Last time I checked bohemian isn't a synonym for "filthy slovenly bunch of animals"

Yes but your Neighbours are Amira and Akmehd. They don’t know how to live in a clean western house. They grew up in a shit hole where it was perfectly normal for them to lift their robes and simply shit in the street.  They never have a bath, they don’t use soap, they don’t clean their teeth, their rubbish is strewn across the garden, their children play at scum dog millionaire in it, yes that is the correct way of calling it, and their food smells the fucking street out......and smells lovely.  On balance, being the new me.

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The historically rich, aristocratic rotting hovel dwellers fall into two categories. The ones who used have money by kissing royal arses for centuries and riding the empire gravy train for as long as possible.  They are now  cast aside, all alone and broke. All living on a fantasy island, with their looks, life and property slowly turning to shit or being sold off piece by piece to pay the leccy and fleas treatment bill. The other lot are the ones with some money left, tight fisting any investments and trust leftovers, as not to end up like the previous lot. All are highly averse to doing any fucking work.

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