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Wasteful People

Guest Wizardsleeve

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Guest Alfie Noakes
4 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

To be fair the reliability record of Audis is mediocre to say the least, however comparative stats are misleading as all modern vehicles are extremely reliable compared to only a few years ago. I've never really warmed to BMW even though they are well engineered. That said avoid SUV's for serious off-roading.

My Land Rover will get almost anywhere, with a better driver than me at the wheel.

Shopping and school runs, that is all SUV's are good for and they are shit at that.

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45 minutes ago, ratcum said:

so can herpes

Imagine the rollicking hilarity that would prevail if you had contracted cornflake cock and made an appointment to see a specialist, and when you arrived, enthusiastically whipped out your diseased todger for inspection, only to discover that you had misunderstood the word 'Herpetologist' and the confused cunt in front of you was an expert in an entirely different kind of snake. 

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14 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

You know it's gone badly wrong on here when the tangent of conversation is more boring than the original topic, bread. 

It's clear after reading through three pages of utterly boring shit that the bastard love child of Vicky Butler-Henderson and Swiss Tony has hacked multiple Corner accounts today.

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11 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Imagine the rollicking hilarity that would prevail if you had contracted cornflake cock and made an appointment to see a specialist, and when you arrived, enthusiastically whipped out your diseased todger for inspection, only to discover that you had misunderstood the word 'Herpetologist' and the confused cunt in front of you was an expert in an entirely different kind of snake. 

yes I can imagine such japery

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6 minutes ago, Decimus said:

It's clear after reading through three pages of utterly boring shit that the bastard love child of Vicky Butler-Henderson and Swiss Tony has hacked multiple Corner accounts today.

Vicky Butler Henderson is much more shaggable than that big headed German tart they have on Top Gear.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
9 hours ago, BuggerLugs said:

Morning Eric, can I assume you drive an Audi these days?

Talking of nostalgia, remember driving at night and you could leave your high beam on for ages cos no cunt was ever coming the other way? You could also drive the entire length of the M1 without stopping or dropping below 90.

You still can!  Fuck the oncoming cunts leave the highs on!  What are they going to do about it?  

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Guest Trumpton  Bacon
1 minute ago, Wizardsleeve said:

 Fuck the oncoming cunts leave the highs on!  What are they going to do about it?  

They'll most likely become dazzled and crash into me head on which could be somewhat irritating. Some cunts will use any old excuse for a prang, the attention seeking fuckers.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
2 minutes ago, BuggerLugs said:

They'll most likely become dazzled and crash into me head on which could be somewhat irritating. Some cunts will use any old excuse for a prang, the attention seeking fuckers.

That's one possibility, though I believe a simple adjustment of the neck raising the eyes will avoid such unpleasantries.  Another option, you'll get them so angry they run off the road into a band of gypsies hitching on the side of the road.  

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Guest Trumpton  Bacon
1 minute ago, Wizardsleeve said:

That's one possibility, though I believe a simple adjustment of the neck raising the eyes will avoid such unpleasantries.  Another option, you'll get them so angry they run off the road into a band of gypsies hitching on the side of the road.  

Duly noted. I'll pass on your recommendations to my driver tomorrow.

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17 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

 Another option, you'll get them so angry they run off the road into a band of gypsies hitching on the side of the road.  

What fun to be had if you met Billy Cox and Buddy Miles from Jimi Hendrix's Band of Gypsys hitching along the road.

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3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

You sound a little down today Ratty. Have a look at some photos of Waffen SS wearing shiny jackboots and some dour faced aryan breeding stock harridans. That'll cheer you up.

I used to be a school governor Authoritah, and I'm sure there's an Action Man doll somewhere in the attic. I'm thinking of turning myself in

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12 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I have to add to this, the Cunts in their twenties and thirties, driving everywhere at 25 mph because they've got a thought control spy box in their car to save 45 quid a year on insurance. 

I didn't even know this was a real thing, that was until I was stuck behind some fucking mong today with a sticker on his Skoda stating "you may hate my driving, but not as much as I hate the black box monitoring my car". I fucking despair. 

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