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Guest Manky

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

What a spectacularly thick bastard.

I can just imagine him banging away furiously on his keyboard wearing the sort of expression you’d expect to see on someone who is trying to make diamonds in their colon by force of will alone.

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Guest Alfie Noakes
2 hours ago, Back door specialist said:

I apologise unreservedly for implying you might be a Northener, I will amend the post to reflect your true status.

Once again, I apologise for any distress I may have caused you.

Accepted. I can take most things on the chin, steady now punkape, but Northern, nearly had a coronary.

We do have the best sheep, but it is a secret so don't tell the Welsh welly flingers on here.

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Guest Back door specialist
1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

I can just imagine him banging away furiously on his keyboard wearing the sort of expression you’d expect to see on someone who is trying to make diamonds in their colon by force of will alone.

I use a Samsung tab for this horse-shit, but I guess you guys are probably using clapped-out, drool & spittle covered  laptops, you mong-tards :D

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12 minutes ago, Back door specialist said:

"Me too" what's the matter billiard-ball head? Run out of steam? Or have you lost your dictionary.........:D

You thing Decs is bald? You think he needs a dictionary?

I think you need help Mr Owl.

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4 hours ago, Back door specialist said:

I chose the owl as I work nights  (Night owl), it makes sense to me but, naturally, wouldn't expect it to make any sense whatsoever to a complete ignoramus like you.

I'm slightly curious about your name, "Manky", could it mean that you are a dirty, permanently un-washed piece of shit?

If my assessment is wrong please feel free to correct me :D

I'd have thought you would have chosen an avatar that reflects your prowess for shit stabbing, as implied by your spectaculary fucking stupid user name.  

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7 minutes ago, Back door specialist said:

I use a Samsung tab for this horse-shit, but I guess you guys are probably using clapped-out, drool & spittle covered  laptops, you mong-tards :D

I form electrons into binary-encoded pulses using the force of my mind alone. I am a quantum-powered Schrodinger’s cunt.

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Guest Back door specialist
Just now, Cuntybaws said:

I form electrons into binary-encoded pulses using the force of my mind alone. I am a quantum-powered Schrodinger’s cunt.

What the fuck?

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19 minutes ago, Back door specialist said:

"Me too" what's the matter billiard-ball head? Run out of steam? Or have you lost your dictionary.........:D

I've never come across anyone on this site who is that fucking stupid that it's not even worth cunting them. And just to clarify, there's been some stupendously stupid wankers on here over the years. If you're too thick to realise when you are being insulted, and too dense to dish out proper abuse of your own, there's really no place for you here.

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2 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

I form electrons into binary-encoded pulses using the force of my mind alone. I am a quantum-powered Schrodinger’s cunt.

I flash lights and ring bells and my dog replies to noms. I am an atomic powered Pavlovian reflex utilising cunt.

P.s. Schroedinger's cat is in our kitchen and garden.

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Guest Back door specialist
2 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I've never come across anyone on this site who is that fucking stupid that it's not even worth cunting them. And just to clarify, there's been some stupendously stupid wankers on here over the years. If you're too thick to realise when you are being insulted, and too dense to dish out proper abuse of your own, there's really no place for you here.

Oh, I can dish it out  you sad pathetic waste of semen, what the fuck is your purpose in this world? Absolutely fuck all, a waste of time and a waste of space you spasmo cock-sucker. :D


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Guest Back door specialist
16 minutes ago, Ape said:

I'd have thought you would have chosen an avatar that reflects your prowess for shit stabbing, as implied by your spectaculary fucking stupid user name.  

I wonder what your name implies? "Ape" do you have a sexual  fixation about apes? Do you look like an Ape? A chimpanzee perhaps? Maybe you were called knuckle-walker in school? 

You poor bastard :D


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6 minutes ago, Back door specialist said:

I wonder what your name implies? "Ape" do you have a sexual  fixation about apes? Do you look like an Ape? A chimpanzee perhaps? Maybe you were called knuckle-walker in school? 

You poor bastard :D


They say that if you look into the jaws of death, your entire life flashes before your eyes.

I am currently staring at a blank white sheet of A4 in order to try to see what makes you tick. Nope. It ain't working. Nothing. Zilch.

OK Decs, he is all yours, I'm finished here.

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30 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I've never come across anyone on this site who is that fucking stupid that it's not even worth cunting them. And just to clarify, there's been some stupendously stupid wankers on here over the years. If you're too thick to realise when you are being insulted, and too dense to dish out proper abuse of your own, there's really no place for you here.

I thought we had seen the apex of flids with Welsh_cunt and Stoops, but this one has made position number 3 on the short list for this years 'Golden Spaz' award. I'm confident he's going to romp home.

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Guest Alfie Noakes
20 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I thought we had seen the apex of flids with Welsh_cunt and Stoops, but this one has made position number 3 on the short list for this years 'Golden Spaz' award. I'm confident he's going to romp home.

Utilising my finely tuned fucktard finder and dunce detectors, I have taken readings and he has eclipsed the combined totals of those other two.

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Guest Trumpton  Bacon
5 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I thought we had seen the apex of flids with Welsh_cunt and Stoops, but this one has made position number 3 on the short list for this years 'Golden Spaz' award. I'm confident he's going to romp home.

Tell me Eckers, I never knew him, is this the sort of peurile shit the famously dead Frank used to proffer?

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Guest Back door specialist
12 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I thought we had seen the apex of flids with Welsh_cunt and Stoops, but this one has made position number 3 on the short list for this years 'Golden Spaz' award. I'm confident he's going to romp home.

Who's number 1 and 2? I'm really disappointed 

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18 minutes ago, Back door specialist said:

I wonder what your name implies? "Ape" do you have a sexual  fixation about apes? Do you look like an Ape? A chimpanzee perhaps? Maybe you were called knuckle-walker in school? 

You poor bastard :D


It's been implied that you are that ridiculously stupid cunt Stoops.

I agree.

Only a complete fucking spastic could be responsible for the outpourings of tedious shite that you have produced thus far.

You were previously stupid enough to post a picture of your girlfriend who happened to look like a dead coelacanth that had been sliced by the ghost of Jack the Ripper. What have you got planned next?

I fucking hate you.

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21 minutes ago, Decimus said:

It's been implied that you are that ridiculously stupid cunt Stoops.

I agree.

Only a complete fucking spastic could be responsible for the outpourings of tedious shite that you have produced thus far.

You were previously stupid enough to post a picture of your girlfriend who happened to look like a dead coelacanth that had been sliced by the ghost of Jack the Ripper. What have you got planned next?

I fucking hate you.

You don't even like your own offspring, (assuming they are really yours) so I don't hold any hope for any other cunt around here.

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