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Burying a Brady

Guest Manky

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It goes without saying that he is a cunt of absolutely immense proportions. Now 2 local councils have been to court to prevent the twat being buried in their areas due to one of his victims not having been found yet. The obnoxious twat wanted to be buried on the moors where his crimes were mostly committed.

Notwithstanding the fact that the life of this twat is beyond further counting, I am trying to find a suitable means of disposal to suit him.  The best I can think of is a cremation and sprinkling his ashes at an anonymous sewage farm. Maybe cremate him and leave his ashes in a box marked 'snuff' in a Cheshire Golf Club. Or chuck the cunt on a landfill site. Let a cannibal eat him or let a necrophiliac bum him into the afterlife. Anything with no fucking dignity at all.

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Guest luke swarm

His body should be cryogenically frozen until we hopefully find a way of bringing him back to life.......and then he should be hanged by the neck until dead.    

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3 hours ago, Manky said:

It goes without saying that he is a cunt of absolutely immense proportions. Now 2 local councils have been to court to prevent the twat being buried in their areas due to one of his victims not having been found yet. The obnoxious twat wanted to be buried on the moors where his crimes were mostly committed.

Notwithstanding the fact that the life of this twat is beyond further counting, I am trying to find a suitable means of disposal to suit him.  The best I can think of is a cremation and sprinkling his ashes at an anonymous sewage farm. Maybe cremate him and leave his ashes in a box marked 'snuff' in a Cheshire Golf Club. Or chuck the cunt on a landfill site. Let a cannibal eat him or let a necrophiliac bum him into the afterlife. Anything with no fucking dignity at all.

Regardless of what he did he should be given a Christian burial somewhere quiet in an unmarked grave.

End of.....

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1 hour ago, Punkape said:

Regardless of what he did he should be given a Christian burial somewhere quiet in an unmarked grave.

End of.....

If you insist. Although, I think you would be in a minority of, err, about one. Nothing new for you there.

Brady wanted a Satanist opera played at his funeral. Each to their own but this twat should have no rights and no final resting place for sickos like yourself to worship at.


Fuck off

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1 hour ago, Manky said:

If you insist. Although, I think you would be in a minority of, err, about one. Nothing new for you there.

Brady wanted a Satanist opera played at his funeral. Each to their own but this twat should have no rights and no final resting place for sickos like yourself to worship at.


Fuck off

I wouldn’t go to his funeral or worship at it. 

But he should have a Christian burial in accordance with Christian teaching. He may well have repented for his sins in his final hours. That is between him and God. All you appear enthusiastic about is desecration of his final resting place which is sick in itself.

 You have many of Brady’s more unsavoury traits...

Who are you to judge anyway ?

You’re an ill educated Manchester peasant whose opinions are discarded or ignored because of your grotesque comprehension and nihilism. Perhaps another Brady in the making.....

Fuck off.

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6 hours ago, Manky said:

It goes without saying that he is a cunt of absolutely immense proportions. Now 2 local councils have been to court to prevent the twat being buried in their areas due to one of his victims not having been found yet. The obnoxious twat wanted to be buried on the moors where his crimes were mostly committed.

Notwithstanding the fact that the life of this twat is beyond further counting, I am trying to find a suitable means of disposal to suit him.  The best I can think of is a cremation and sprinkling his ashes at an anonymous sewage farm. Maybe cremate him and leave his ashes in a box marked 'snuff' in a Cheshire Golf Club. Or chuck the cunt on a landfill site. Let a cannibal eat him or let a necrophiliac bum him into the afterlife. Anything with no fucking dignity at all.

The best thing that could have been done with the cunt is if the press never mentioned him again after he was locked away and his death was never recorded. 

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

He's only just dead. Fucking hell, how much has it cost me to keep that cunt alive over the years and why the fuck didn't one of his fellow in mates do him years ago. That's the trouble with prisoners nowadays, too fucking soft, just like this fucking country.


Edited by Drew P Pissflaps
I bet Punky would have a hole for him. lol
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Guest Wizardsleeve
7 hours ago, Manky said:

It goes without saying that he is a cunt of absolutely immense proportions. Now 2 local councils have been to court to prevent the twat being buried in their areas due to one of his victims not having been found yet. The obnoxious twat wanted to be buried on the moors where his crimes were mostly committed.

Notwithstanding the fact that the life of this twat is beyond further counting, I am trying to find a suitable means of disposal to suit him.  The best I can think of is a cremation and sprinkling his ashes at an anonymous sewage farm. Maybe cremate him and leave his ashes in a box marked 'snuff' in a Cheshire Golf Club. Or chuck the cunt on a landfill site. Let a cannibal eat him or let a necrophiliac bum him into the afterlife. Anything with no fucking dignity at all.

Manks, in a way, you answered your own question.  A cannibal necrophiliac could bugger the corpse, have a candlelit meal with other cannibal necrophiliacs before disposing of the remains in a deep sewage treatment pond, or perhaps under a manure pile on a remote dairy or pig farm.  

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7 minutes ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

He's only just dead. Fucking hell, how much has it cost me to keep that cunt alive over the years and why the fuck didn't one of his fellow in mates do him years ago. That's the trouble with prisoners nowadays, too fucking soft, just like this fucking country.


Come and live over here then Drew. I'm sure I can find an empty bungalow for you, and my geese would welcome you with open wings. LOL Fuck off.

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46 minutes ago, Punkape said:

You’re an ill educated Manchester peasant whose opinions are discarded or ignored because of your grotesque comprehension and nihilism. Perhaps another Brady in the making.....

Reported for accusing another member of possibly becoming a peado and child killer.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
20 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Come and live over here then Drew. I'm sure I can find an empty bungalow for you, and my geese would welcome you with open wings. LOL Fuck off.

It's a wonderful offer Scrotes, but as I hate the smell of BO and garlic in equal measure I'm afraid I'm out. How do the French handle their paedos and nonces?

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Guest Wizardsleeve
6 minutes ago, Punkape said:

Reported for possibly implying Scrote might be a paedo or nonce.

Reported for making a vile implication from a serious question.  No noncery accusation was made by Drew, it was implied in your shit post.  

Reported again, because you are a cunt! 

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Guest Wizardsleeve
1 minute ago, Punkape said:

Reported for false reporting.

Fuck off.

You know Punker;s, you're not so bad.  I think I could like a cunt like you.  If only you weren't so gay and catholic!  

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2 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

You know Punker;s, you're not so bad.  I think I could like a cunt like you.  If only you weren't so gay and catholic!  

Indeed – it's been obvious for some while he's a weapons-grade corn connoisseur, so why not just come out? It's not as though we could possibly think any less of him. 

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Guest Wizardsleeve
3 minutes ago, Punkape said:

Emotionally or physically ?

Do you use them as an alarm like they did in Ancient Rome ?

Wither's only idea about Rome comes from his love of Gladiator films.  

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