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Dozy Oxford Graduate Cunt Faiz Siddiqui


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Guest Alfie Noakes
1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Rice, a nice fragrant pilau. And Bombay Aloo on the side.

Alright I will start curry corner. I will review other people's recipes in a cunts corner fashion, as I am sure the aftermath is what you are all really interested in.

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45 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I would say it's a bit ignorant to think that you're the only true Nazi here Herr Rat. I am very dedicated to the Reich myself. I have stopped eating bagels, own 2 tins of black Kiwi shoe polish and I categorically deny the hologram ever took place.

Yeah but I fought the judge and won. The witless twat had a rather public meltdown on here and started making chicken noises.

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Guest Trumpton  Bacon
13 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Rice, a nice fragrant pilau. And Bombay Aloo on the side.

Chips is my go to, but I'm also partial to Pilau, slightly al dente (no chance in a restaurant), though it drives me fucking nuts if the caradamom pods are left in.

Saag aloo, heavy on the spinach, on the side.


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Guest Trumpton  Bacon
17 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

No, I'm just interested in curry. If I wasn't a nazi, I would probably be Indian.

Well, the Swastika originates from India, could be your calling to open a curry house, The Waffen Mahal.

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14 minutes ago, Ogri Trumpton - Bacon said:

Chips is my go to, but I'm also partial to Pilau, slightly al dente (no chance in a restaurant), though it drives me fucking nuts if the caradamom pods are left in.

Saag aloo, heavy on the spinach, on the side.


Abso-fuckin-lutely! Cardamom pods are the anti personnel mines of Indian cuisine. Biting into one whilst enjoying a meal is the gastronomic equivalent of putting on a nice warm pair of socks and then inadvertently stepping in a puddle of icy piss. 

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Guest Lady Penelope
9 hours ago, Ogri Trumpton - Bacon said:

Years ago the definition of racism was simple, if you disliked a person because they were black or brown then you were a racist. No one bothered to complicate matters by invoking semantic arguments. 

Ordinary citizens, (without "racial" or cultural exclusivity) and satisfyingly, those who might call themselves Liberals, Socialists and Globalists, now find themselves having to carefully measure their spoken and published word for fear of being tarred with the racist brush. For many, once labelled, their lives change, most likely for the worst. 

I'm hoping that now the instigators are starting to suffer the ill effects of their own mischief, the situation might improve.

Ratty makes some juicy posts

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16 hours ago, Decimus said:

Fwiw, I agree with you regarding the fact that 'race' is an artificial construct, and I have stated that a number of times on here. It's a relatively recent development in human history designed to justify nationalistic prejudices that arose during the 19th century.

However, the fact that certain individuals do believe in separating certain nationalities into artificial 'races' surely indicates that a number of people believe in 'race' and can thus hold racist opinions?

With regards to saying that to a Frenchman, yes, I would deem it to be a racist statement, and I am fully aware that I am guilty of racism through the various insults that I have aimed towards Withers. The reason that anti-French pejorative insults are deemed acceptable is because of the historic enmity between our countries and the fact that they are deemed part of a 'white race', that anthropologically does not exist.

The impression that I am getting is that you do not believe that racism exists, purely because you are enlightened enough to realise that race is an artificial construct. I recognise the same thing, but am fully aware that there are less educated people in the world who do not, and can thus hold prejudiced opinions based upon antiquated and false anthropolical research. 

So I ask you again, was Judge's post racist?

It is due to the less educated that start these kind of problems in the first place. Blacks are always quick to slate the white man but forget to mention slavery was started by the blacks themselves.

I personally don't have a problem with any other skin colour or religious people if they treat me with respect and keep their way of life to themselves and not try to impose it on others. 

If I say that all Muslim extremists should go back to the shithole they belong in with their backward laws, is that a racist remark? It's not aimed at all Muslims only those who want to see us infidels dead. Sounds fair enough to me.

I'm sure you watched the YouTube video I put up some time ago of the black woman cunting black lives matter. Imagine if a white woman had made that video exactly word for word. Can you imagine the outcry it would of caused? The difference is she is black. Skin colour doesn't make any difference, the way people think does and that's why racism only seems to be one way. Muslims marching on the streets of London against the very country they choose to live in? No problem, it's their right. You march against those very same cunts being here and you'll be in deep shit.

And to answer your question, no I don't think Judge's remark was racist.

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Guest Bill Stickers
2 hours ago, Snatch said:

It is due to the less educated that start these kind of problems in the first place. Blacks are always quick to slate the white man but forget to mention slavery was started by the blacks themselves.

What the fuck is this Enoch Powell Nick Griffin fucking nonsense? Why do you talk about white people and blacks people as they are completely homogenous groups of individuals?

Slavery has no relevant to the debate, you sound like a pissed up sweaty old cunt in a Consverative club talking shit nobody cares about.. 

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