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Guest Salty Piss Flap
3 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

While on a relevance tangent, remember when the Toronto Blue Jays won the "World Series" two years running? I seem to recall that was considered thoroughly "un-American" by some at the time, without any hint of irony.

I wouldn't know, as I don't follow baseball.

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Guest Salty Piss Flap
1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

Time to reveal the smoking gun...

After describing bowlers as "gay-ass" and "limp-wristed" as opposed to baseball pitchers you then supplied your dodgy stats.

Naturally you were not attempting to analyse.

I wasn't attempting to analyze.

Perhaps I should have qualified the statement by prefacing it with "Based on available data...", and I would have too, if I'd had any idea that the anal retentive, OCD headmistress was going to break out her electron microscope and go searching for sub atomic nits to pick.

But all that aside, as far as you or anyone else knows, the statement is true, as you have yet to prove it wrong.

If you want to make a convincing case that the figures in the two articles I linked are not representative of reality, you'd best get busy compiling population and sports related casualty data from every country in which organized cricket and organized baseball are played.

I'm confident you can do it!!!

Even though you are just a girl...  

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1 hour ago, Salty Piss Flap said:

...as far as you or anyone else knows, the statement is true...

In 1920 Ray Chapman died after being struck by a ball while playing for the Cleveland Indians. To this day, he remains the only Major League player to die in this fashion during a game. (One Minor League player, Alfredo Edmead, died in 1974 after an outfield collision.) By comparison, there have been four on-field deaths during First Class cricket matches since 1959 due to being struck by the ball, most recently Phillip Hughes in 2014. In the professional game at least, cricket would appear to be at least twice as deadly as baseball.

However, without defining parameters and correcting for variables (number of matches, how many balls pitched/bowled, duration of matches etc.) it’s like asking which is more dangerous, a great white shark or a mosquito.

Finally, to save you from having to actually do some research using the Wikipedia link I kindly posted for you yesterday, there are at least two informal fallacies in the preceding paragraphs, along with an assertion that would make a statistician blush. I'll leave their identification as an exercise for the student.

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2 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

In 1920 Ray Chapman died after being struck by a ball while playing for the Cleveland Indians. To this day, he remains the only Major League player to die in this fashion during a game. (One Minor League player, Alfredo Edmead, died in 1974 after an outfield collision.) By comparison, there have been four on-field deaths during First Class cricket matches since 1959 due to being struck by the ball, most recently Phillip Hughes in 2014. In the professional game at least, cricket would appear to be at least twice as deadly as baseball.

However, without defining parameters and correcting for variables (number of matches, how many balls pitched/bowled, duration of matches etc.) it’s like asking which is more dangerous, a great white shark or a mosquito.

Finally, to save you from having to actually do some research using the Wikipedia link I kindly posted for you yesterday, there are at least two informal fallacies in the preceding paragraphs, along with an assertion that would make a statistician blush. I'll leave their identification as an exercise for the student.

David Warner died 10 times during this years ashes. 

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Guest Wizardsleeve
2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

In 1920 Ray Chapman died after being struck by a ball while playing for the Cleveland Indians. To this day, he remains the only Major League player to die in this fashion during a game. (One Minor League player, Alfredo Edmead, died in 1974 after an outfield collision.) By comparison, there have been four on-field deaths during First Class cricket matches since 1959 due to being struck by the ball, most recently Phillip Hughes in 2014. In the professional game at least, cricket would appear to be at least twice as deadly as baseball.

However, without defining parameters and correcting for variables (number of matches, how many balls pitched/bowled, duration of matches etc.) it’s like asking which is more dangerous, a great white shark or a mosquito.

Finally, to save you from having to actually do some research using the Wikipedia link I kindly posted for you yesterday, there are at least two informal fallacies in the preceding paragraphs, along with an assertion that would make a statistician blush. I'll leave their identification as an exercise for the student.

Would this be an opportune moment to inject a Rolf Harris and Rembrandt comparison?  

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5 hours ago, Salty Piss Flap said:

I wasn't attempting to analyze.

Perhaps I should have qualified the statement by prefacing it with "Based on available data...", and I would have too, if I'd had any idea that the anal retentive, OCD headmistress was going to break out her electron microscope and go searching for sub atomic nits to pick.

But all that aside, as far as you or anyone else knows, the statement is true, as you have yet to prove it wrong.

If you want to make a convincing case that the figures in the two articles I linked are not representative of reality, you'd best get busy compiling population and sports related casualty data from every country in which organized cricket and organized baseball are played.

I'm confident you can do it!!!

Even though you are just a girl...  


You found two random bits of data and without checking on their provenance, applied a rudimentary mathematical equation to reach a wholly unreliable analysis that suited your premise.

Whilst you have presented your self as an amiable plodder you've been exposed as yet another bullshit merchant.

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Guest Salty Piss Flap
5 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

In 1920 Ray Chapman died after being struck by a ball while playing for the Cleveland Indians. To this day, he remains the only Major League player to die in this fashion during a game. (One Minor League player, Alfredo Edmead, died in 1974 after an outfield collision.) By comparison, there have been four on-field deaths during First Class cricket matches since 1959 due to being struck by the ball, most recently Phillip Hughes in 2014. In the professional game at least, cricket would appear to be at least twice as deadly as baseball.

However, without defining parameters and correcting for variables (number of matches, how many balls pitched/bowled, duration of matches etc.) it’s like asking which is more dangerous, a great white shark or a mosquito.

Finally, to save you from having to actually do some research using the Wikipedia link I kindly posted for you yesterday, there are at least two informal fallacies in the preceding paragraphs, along with an assertion that would make a statistician blush. I'll leave their identification as an exercise for the student.

Too bad we weren't specifically talking about only the professional level though, isn't it?

But I did notice on your Wikipedia page, an entry regarding fallacies associated with "moving the goal posts".  And since, in light of your above post where you did just that by addressing only stats related to professional players, it seems that it's now OK to do so across the board. Therefore, I will add that there are actually two more American professional baseball players to add to the list of those who've died while actively participating in the sport, although not from being hit by the ball.

Steve Bechler: On Feb. 17, 2003, in the beginning of Orioles' spring training camp in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Bechler collapsed while participating in conditioning drills and died the next day. His body temperature had reached 108 degrees.

From <https://www.newsday.com/sports/baseball/mlb-players-who-died-while-active-1.33330553>

Doc Powers: Philadelphia Athletics catcher died April 26, 1909 from internal injuries sustained from crashing into a wall chasing a foul ball in the first game played in Shibe Park two weeks earlier.

From <https://www.newsday.com/sports/baseball/mlb-players-who-died-while-active-1.33330553>

Again, though not actually a smack in the head, a fatality associated with the game, nonetheless.

So now it looks like we've got a four to four tie.


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38 minutes ago, Salty Piss Flap said:

Too bad we weren't specifically talking about only the professional level though, isn't it?

But I did notice on your Wikipedia page, an entry regarding fallacies associated with "moving the goal posts".  And since, in light of your above post where you did that, it seems that it's now OK to do so, I will add that there are actually two more American professional baseball players to add to the list of those who've died while actively participating in the sport, though not from being hit by the ball.

Steve Bechler: On Feb. 17, 2003, in the beginning of Orioles' spring training camp in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Bechler collapsed while participating in conditioning drills and died the next day. His body temperature had reached 108 degrees.

From <https://www.newsday.com/sports/baseball/mlb-players-who-died-while-active-1.33330553>

Doc Powers: Philadelphia Athletics catcher died April 26, 1909 from internal injuries sustained from crashing into a wall chasing a foul ball in the first game played in Shibe Park two weeks earlier.

From <https://www.newsday.com/sports/baseball/mlb-players-who-died-while-active-1.33330553>

Again, though not actually a smack in the head, a fatality associated with the game, nonetheless.

So now it looks like we've got a four to four tie.


Pah, that's nothing. As a result of a Chinese debutant being selected to represent Kent, Ratty's Auntie Vi machine-gunned to death all 37 players on the pitch during the Warwickshire vs. Kent County Championship match at Edgbaston in 1973*. I'm sure you'll agree that's much more lethal than the rather pathetic four non-lethal injuries at the 2017 Congressional baseball game.

*This has been successfully covered up with a blanket media ban.

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Guest Salty Piss Flap
1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:


You found two random bits of data and without checking on their provenance, applied a rudimentary mathematical equation to reach a wholly unreliable analysis that suited your premise.

Whilst you have presented your self as an amiable plodder you've been exposed as yet another bullshit merchant.


The two "random bits of data" as you erroneously described them, are actually two well researched articles from highly respected publications. Hence, because of my familiarity with those publications, I was sufficiently confident in the provenance of the information.

And as I have explained ad nauseam, despite your insinuation to the contrary, a lengthy, complex statistical analysis by a team of NASA astrophysicists was not necessary for the simple point I was making.

Like I said earlier, you are attempting, for the sole purpose of deflection and obfuscation in support of the side you've chosen out of national loyalty, to turn this into something much more complicated than it is.

I find it highly amusing that YOU are calling ME a bullshit merchant, when all you’ve done since you decided to insert your cute, powder puffed little nose into the discussion and take sides, is spout a lot of fluffy bullshit with no substance.

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Guest Salty Piss Flap
22 minutes ago, DrCunt said:

Pah, that's nothing. As a result of a Chinese debutant being selected to represent Kent, Ratty's Auntie Vi machine-gunned to death all 37 players on the pitch during the Warwickshire vs. Kent County Championship match at Edgbaston in 1973*. I'm sure you'll agree that's much more lethal than the rather pathetic four non-lethal injuries at the 2017 Congressional baseball game.

*This has been successfully covered up with a blanket media ban.

I have to admit, you've got me on that one my friend. 

I wish there was video of it, though.

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This debate is rather going round in circles and getting a little tedious.

I would have thought it rather obvious that the most lethal kind of balls are the HIV infected ones attached to sub-Saharan Africans.

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Guest Salty Piss Flap
10 minutes ago, DrCunt said:

This debate is rather going round in circles and getting a little tedious.

I would have thought it rather obvious that the most lethal kind of balls are the HIV infected ones attached to sub-Saharan Africans.

Yeah, it's come down to neither side wanting to be seen as backing down, or admitting defeat by letting the other side have the final say even though nobody really even gives a shit about the topic.

Great fun!!!! 

But as to the subject of lethal, HIV infected balls, Mr Cuntman opined basically the same thing a page or two back.

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3 hours ago, Salty Piss Flap said:

Too bad we weren't specifically talking about only the professional level though, isn't it?

But I did notice on your Wikipedia page, an entry regarding fallacies associated with "moving the goal posts".

Au contraire, and sticking with the sporting comparisons, I'm actually “levelling the playing field” by making the data sets more like-for-like. Your original sources include deaths from heart attacks and strokes, from children being killed by balls thrown by adults, and even from being struck by lightning while just happening to be on the diamond. Mine are all professionals with all the requisite skills and safety equipment.

3 hours ago, Salty Piss Flap said:

Again, though not actually a smack in the head, a fatality associated with the game, nonetheless.

So now it looks like we've got a four to four tie.

I excluded other on-field cricket deaths in the interest of fairness, but if we’re adding them back in then the score becomes 13-4 in cricket’s favour. On the plus side, that's 17 less homosexuals in the world.

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10 hours ago, Salty Piss Flap said:

I wouldn't know, as I don't follow baseball.

3 hours ago, Salty Piss Flap said:

The two "random bits of data" as you erroneously described them, are actually two well researched articles from highly respected publications. Hence, because of my familiarity with those publications, I was sufficiently confident in the provenance of the information.

Do I detect an inconsistency here? Even the most ardent fans who reviewed the book on baseball deaths describe it as dull, depressing and a turgid read. I don’t imagine you’ve ever even opened it. 


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A word in your shell-like, Salty. Don't ever take the witness stand as any half-decent attorney will have you in knots. Anyway, lets pull apart your latest farrago of fallaciousness.

2 hours ago, Salty Piss Flap said:


The two "random bits of data" as you erroneously described them, are actually two well researched articles from highly respected publications. Hence, because of my familiarity with those publications, I was sufficiently confident in the provenance of the information.

And as I have explained ad nauseam, despite your insinuation to the contrary, a lengthy, complex statistical analysis by a team of NASA astrophysicists was not necessary for the simple point I was making.

Like I said earlier, you are attempting, for the sole purpose of deflection and obfuscation in support of the side you've chosen out of national loyalty, to turn this into something much more complicated than it is.

I find it highly amusing that YOU are calling ME a bullshit merchant, when all you’ve done since you decided to insert your cute, powder puffed little nose into the discussion and take sides, is spout a lot of fluffy bullshit with no substance.

So now you're a little vexed and panicky hence your increasing reliance on irrelevant deviations and gender-centric insults. 

Let's for the moment, take your word and accept that your data was not random; that they were selected due to your "familiarity" with an Australian ethnic-centric streaming service and an article on a sport that you do not follow. (Personally, I have zip interest in cricket but you won't find me "familiarising" with the Daily Telegraph cricket columns). Also, you now say that you were aware of the respective articles' provenance and content, so knowing that both sets of data were completely unsuitable to apply a basic statistical equation in order to make an universal analytical inference you still went ahead anyway. In other words, your lie wasn't borne through carelessness, it was deliberate.

Brilliant - you've just implicated yourself.

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On 24/09/2019 at 01:00, PANZER MURPHY said:

Salty baby..yer not annoyin me atall..i like yanks...they're useful nidiots ..and when the brits crash out n there's  border back on dear ole Ireland theyll look like even bigger cunts on Capitol hill 


Are you still watching Poldark Panz in preparation for a voyage across the Irish sea in search of riches. I can imagine you studying it intently while perfecting an aristocratic accent, dreaming of becoming a member of the landed gentry when Ireland goes bankrupt.

Unfortunately the closest you will get to this will be a mobility scooter as a trusted steed, and a DLA claim as a monthly purse along with a bedsit in Kilburn. I can actually picture you penning a letter back to Ireland claiming "look Ma I made it".

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2 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Au contraire, and sticking with the sporting comparisons, I'm actually “levelling the playing field” by making the data sets more like-for-like. Your original sources include deaths from heart attacks and strokes, from children being killed by balls thrown by adults, and even from being struck by lightning while just happening to be on the diamond. Mine are all professionals with all the requisite skills and safety equipment.

I excluded other on-field cricket deaths in the interest of fairness, but if we’re adding them back in then the score becomes 13-4 in cricket’s favour. On the plus side, that's 17 less homosexuals in the world.

What about "field cricket" deaths? They die in their millions every year.

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17 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Mmm..im not gettin anything as drastic as that ...hopefully...its a full mouth scale n fill n root plane ..whatever the fuk that is  4 visits worth ..although with me nua teeth ill be even more shaggable ..somtimes ya have to bleed for vanity


The boy stood on the burning deck his knees all a kimbo .. to be honest that was no surprise because his name was David Trimble.

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54 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:

Are you still watching Poldark Panz in preparation for a voyage across the Irish sea in search of riches. I can imagine you studying it intently while perfecting an aristocratic accent, dreaming of becoming a member of the landed gentry when Ireland goes bankrupt.

Unfortunately the closest you will get to this will be a mobility scooter as a trusted steed, and a DLA claim as a monthly purse along with a bedsit in Kilburn. I can actually picture you penning a letter back to Ireland claiming "look Ma I made it".

Ah Marjorie we've already had the lovely priti threaten food shortages and the greasy gove tell us we'll get no meds ..if a few tuskers dont get their fray bentos pies n anti depressants i can live with it..infact id go as far as to say fuk em ...vote nigel..he'll lead ya to the promise land..sure didnt he only say it yesterday 


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50 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Ah Marjorie we've already had the lovely priti threaten food shortages and the greasy gove tell us we'll get no meds ..if a few tuskers dont get their fray bentos pies n anti depressants i can live with it..infact id go as far as to say fuk em ...vote nigel..he'll lead ya to the promise land..sure didnt he only say it yesterday 


So he thinks he's Moses now, Panz? I pay absolutely no intention to "Sir Nige" he's a slippery cunt like all politicians, but there happens to be extra deviousness below his veneer.

I'm sure his greatest fan Judith will be along soon enough now I've insulted his idol.

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Ive finished poldark..was good if a bit girly slanted...always seemed to be a rich pretty gal breathlessly rescue him from his woes...ive moved on to a series called another life ...set in space..a ship full of narky moody 20 somthins that couldnt agree on the colour of shite ...it ticks all the genderizimz nall..its so shite its good..plus the annoyin ones get killed soon so that pleases me 


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1 hour ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Ah Marjorie we've already had the lovely priti threaten food shortages and the greasy gove tell us we'll get no meds ..if a few tuskers dont get their fray bentos pies n anti depressants i can live with it..infact id go as far as to say fuk em ...vote nigel..he'll lead ya to the promise land..sure didnt he only say it yesterday 


We've got cheap subsidised beef coming from Ireland Panzer .. Leo has heard our cries and is making sure Brexit or not  that we don't starve.


Protest set to block Irish lorries carrying beef, letter claims


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