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Baroness Jones

Trucking Funt

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22 minutes ago, King Billy said:

BBC Question Time have just kicked off with the most important dilemma facing our country right now... How can we make women safe from being attacked and abused by men? I’m sure they will shortly clarify the situation by making it clear that this was a random woman abducted off the public street by a serving policeman who is currently in custody and  therefore not a threat to the screeching horde of slags who’ve been whipped into a frenzy by the lefty woke MSM and anti male propagandist politicians, who don’t raise an eyebrow when it’s a fucking gang of peaceful taxi drivers raping and terrorising hundreds of young white girls for years with the approval and protection of the corrupt police , MPs and local authorities. This country is in the grip of a genuine pandemic. It’s not fucking batflu. It’s left wing PC indoctrination by sick, perverted and disgusting fucking cunts who don’t deserve to breathe the same air as us.

Fucking abominable cuntards every last one of them. Line them up and shoot them and let’s have our country back free from these fucking vermin.

Out of likes.

The sad thing is that the government is going to cave in to these fucking chancers and give them whatever they want. Top of their list is a get out of jail free card for evil bitches who murder their partners because if one of the sisters does it, then it must have been justified. It won't be the women who have genuinely suffered years of abuse that will benefit from this cuntery, it will be psycho bunny boilers like Fergie's former dressmaker Jane Andrews who bludgeoned her wealthy partner to death with a cricket bat as he slept because he wouldn't marry her then accused him of raping her during her trial.

Feminists don't want equality, they want supremacy without accountability. They can fuck off the ugly slags.

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12 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

Out of likes.

The sad thing is that the government is going to cave in to these fucking chancers and give them whatever they want. Top of their list is a get out of jail free card for evil bitches who murder their partners because if one of the sisters does it, then it must have been justified. It won't be the women who have genuinely suffered years of abuse that will benefit from this cuntery, it will be psycho bunny boilers like Fergie's former dressmaker Jane Andrews who bludgeoned her wealthy partner to death with a cricket bat as he slept because he wouldn't marry her then accused him of raping her during her trial.

Feminists don't want equality, they want supremacy without accountability. They can fuck off the ugly slags.

Bang on the money TF. The BLM cunts are exactly the same. They've manipulated society to the point at which they can rape, murder and steal whoever and whatever they want. And if anyone tries to point it out, or god forbid, actually punish them for it, they scream racism and worm out of it. And nobody has the balls to say 'no fucking more'. In fact, the real victims in this : white heterosexuals, are all falling over each other to agree with them.

I for one, will never never get on my knees and grovel to black supremacists. Any cunt who does, is a fucking disgrace. 

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15 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I for one, will never never get on my knees and grovel to black supremacists. Any cunt who does, is a fucking disgrace. 

I agree, but if I do change my mind I’m definitely going to make sure I’ve got at least two masks on and I’ll only do it during my one hour of permitted daily exercise.







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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

I agree, but if I do change my mind I’m definitely going to make sure I’ve got at least two masks on and I’ll only do it during my one hour of permitted daily exercise.







What I want to know is what the fuck is he doing in Iraq? Don't he realise those Shi'ite cunts would put him in a bag and have camels trample him into paste, given half the chance. 

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7 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

Your every moved watched, looking over you shoulder, very restricted range of jobs available, having to report back to the police and other socials services regarding relationships, restriction on where you can go and what you can do and the risk of being sent back to prison for the most minor of offences. Thompson seems to have kept out of trouble but Venables is not managing .. only a fool would want to be in their shoes.

You seem to have an in depth knowledge of this, perhaps too in depth. Explain yourself Beverley Allitt.

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9 hours ago, cuntspotter said:

Whilst that might be the public perception, that isn’t all true .

Fascinating to see these reaction when I basically point out that I think that most of us have had much better lives that either Thompson or Venables. I just find it a little bit odd that anyone can envy the life someone has had as the result of having murdered someone at a very young age.

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7 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Bang on the money TF. The BLM cunts are exactly the same. They've manipulated society to the point at which they can rape, murder and steal whoever and whatever they want. And if anyone tries to point it out, or god forbid, actually punish them for it, they scream racism and worm out of it. And nobody has the balls to say 'no fucking more'. In fact, the real victims in this : white heterosexuals, are all falling over each other to agree with them.

I for one, will never never get on my knees and grovel to black supremacists. Any cunt who does, is a fucking disgrace. 

Spot on Eric. The victimhood industry is reducing this country to a clone of our American cousin and it needs somebody with a big pair of bollocks to shut this shit down before these despicable cunts turn everyday life in Britain into a poisonous sea of identity politics that everyone is drowning in on the other side of the Atlantic.

I don't remember the likes of Jess Phillips grandstanding with a list of the names of white people murdered by ethnics in the last year. When is the twisted bitch going to stand up and even talk about the numerous attacks on white people by Pakis in her own Birmingham constituency? Out of the 188 women's names she read out yesterday, I wonder how many of them were ethnics killed by their ethnic husband who decided to use some third world savagery from the old country to sort out his marital problems? Remove those from the death toll and I bet the picture is a bit different.


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1 hour ago, Dawn Chorus said:

Fascinating to see these reaction when I basically point out that I think that most of us have had much better lives that either Thompson or Venables. I just find it a little bit odd that anyone can envy the life someone has had as the result of having murdered someone at a very young age.

It's not envy though is it, it's disappointment that the system is set to pander to their 'Hooman Rights' and offer them a modicum of comfort in their lives when most on here, myself included, would rather see them hanging from a bridge over the A11 with a burning tyre around their neck as a deterrent to any other murderous deviant cunts.

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7 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

Spot on Eric. The victimhood industry is reducing this country to a clone of our American cousin and it needs somebody with a big pair of bollocks to shut this shit down before these despicable cunts turn everyday life in Britain into a poisonous sea of identity politics that everyone is drowning in on the other side of the Atlantic.

I don't remember the likes of Jess Phillips grandstanding with a list of the names of white people murdered by ethnics in the last year. When is the twisted bitch going to stand up and even talk about the numerous attacks on white people by Pakis in her own Birmingham constituency? Out of the 188 women's names she read out yesterday, I wonder how many of them were ethnics killed by their ethnic husband who decided to use some third world savagery from the old country to sort out his marital problems? Remove those from the death toll and I bet the picture is a bit different.


In various forms it has been going on for over 60s years possibly much longer .. more than 50 years ago it was cunts grandstanding with Derek Bentley rather than the copper who was shot (an old case by then), the never ending debate about whether or notJames Hanratty was guilty.


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2 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

It's not envy though is it, it's disappointment that the system is set to pander to their 'Hooman Rights' and offer them a modicum of comfort in their lives when most on here, myself included, would rather see them hanging from a bridge over the A11 with a burning tyre around their neck as a deterrent to any other murderous deviant cunts.

It looks like envy.Little mention and thought as he posts of what the parents of James Bulgar have gone through over the past 28 years .. their lives under a microscope. Someone even considering that his life might have been better if he had emulated the murder of the Bulgars son.

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56 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

In various forms it has been going on for over 60s years possibly much longer .. more than 50 years ago it was cunts grandstanding with Derek Bentley rather than the copper who was shot (an old case by then), the never ending debate about whether or notJames Hanratty was guilty.


The Derek Bentley case echoed down the years. Hanged for murder although he did not pull the trigger and his accomplice who did actually pull the trigger and fired the bullet killed PC Miles was not hanged because he was only 16 years olf at the time of the murder. Craig was released after ten years and worked as a plumber. Over the year Bentley was portrayed as a gormless simpleton and somehow each time someone decided to grandstand the case PC Miles seemed to be turned into the wrongdoer. At one time I worked with someone who had known both Both Bentley and Craig. He was emphatic that Bentley should not have been executed but also emphatic that Bentley was not the simpleton that he was made out to be, but rather played on people this and made a nuisance of himself with the police added to this he was a big strong lad and very willing to use his strength on anyone who crossed him. basically a fairly typical muscleman and nothing like the gentle amiable halfwit that some of the books about the case made him out to be.

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18 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

The Derek Bentley case echoed down the years. Hanged for murder although he did not pull the trigger and his accomplice who did actually pull the trigger and fired the bullet killed PC Miles was not hanged because he was only 16 years olf at the time of the murder. Craig was released after ten years and worked as a plumber. Over the year Bentley was portrayed as a gormless simpleton and somehow each time someone decided to grandstand the case PC Miles seemed to be turned into the wrongdoer. At one time I worked with someone who had known both Both Bentley and Craig. He was emphatic that Bentley should not have been executed but also emphatic that Bentley was not the simpleton that he was made out to be, but rather played on people this and made a nuisance of himself with the police added to this he was a big strong lad and very willing to use his strength on anyone who crossed him. basically a fairly typical muscleman and nothing like the gentle amiable halfwit that some of the books about the case made him out to be.

I think this case revolved around the "let him have it" remark that Bentley used and its interpretation. Did he mean Craig to shoot the copper or let him have the gun? Also, the prosecution wanted blood because a copper had been murdered and they couldn't top a 16 year old so Bentley was the fall guy. I believe Bentley meant Craig to give the copper the gun IMO. 

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