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Saint Billiam of Gates, multi billionaire philanthropist and absolutely not presently being divorced because of his past close association with Jeffrey Epstein.

King Billy

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4 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I’d recommend the local battered wives’ hostel but I think even they’d knock fuck out of you.

They wouldn’t know what to do if she rattled up outside in the company Audi SUV and fell out the drivers door along with a dozen empty wine bottles and her vomit covered jodhpurs hanging out of her green wellies.

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4 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:



2 minutes ago, King Billy said:

They wouldn’t know what to do if she rattled up outside in the company Audi SUV and fell out the drivers door along with a dozen empty wine bottles and her vomit covered jodhpurs hanging out of her green wellies.

I'll send a tube of Savlon to both of you to share and apply. Obviously you're both smarting.

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7 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Ah, that old trope. Looks like you two have been bitching away in between the frotting. Carry on, girls.

I may have missed it but, what do you have to say about the AMA report I mentioned yesterday, and the Facebook and Twitter censoring of it?

Just asking.

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4 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I may have missed it but, what do you have to say about the AMA report I mentioned yesterday, and the Facebook and Twitter censoring of it?

Just asking.

When I looked his morning the report was on Twitter feeds...more fake news about censorship from you, but thats' the norm I guess.

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42 minutes ago, King Billy said:

RK. You and I came to an understanding long ago, when you and a couple of others offered me a crutch to lean on and sound advice going forward. I thanked you and have not and will not forget that time. What you are saying now is as true and equally as much appreciated, but the thing is that she can cancel me at any time as she wields the big stick. But if she did that, bearing in mind that I know the rules and keep within them nowadays, that would imo be the ultimate admission of defeat. Alternatively she could ignore me, which her ego would also imo not allow.

At least I can find small comfort in the knowledge that my mad tinfoil hat nominations appear to be the most commented on and looked at presently.

Over and out.

Fair enough, Billy. But from my perspective, this entire argument turned into nothing more than smug nipple rubbing from both parties a while back.

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14 minutes ago, King Billy said:

And the first part of the question? 
Just asking again.

Interestingly, the report after hitting the bioscience journals, was initially covered by the Reuters agency for dissemination to news providers which rather kills the notion of a biased MSM but that's just a little aside. As for the report itself, I can't fault the methodology but the sample are monitored heart patients so there could be other factors at play, a point conceded by the report's author who hedged his bets by saying "may account"

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Well, I'm off to bed. I must say after all this talk of violence and char broiling I was expecting a good scrap. Two against one was decent odds and a fair fight in my book but what I encountered was two simps hugging each other waving sodden white flags torn from their petticoats. Jeeze I miss the old days of Pisstazza and the other psychos.

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1 minute ago, Mrs Roops said:

Well, I'm off to bed. I must say after all this talk of violence and char broiling I was expecting a good scrap. Two against one was decent odds and a fair fight in my book but what I encountered was two simps hugging each other waving sodden white flags torn from their petticoats. Jeeze I miss the old days of Pisstazza and the other psychos.

It was like watching the news in slow motion. In a room painted entirely grey. With a single fluorescent light tube that isn't flickering (that would be too exciting) but just switches on and off at perfectly timed and predictable intervals.

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13 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Interestingly, the report after hitting the bioscience journals, was initially covered by the Reuters agency for dissemination to news providers which rather kills the notion of a biased MSM but that's just a little aside. As for the report itself, I can't fault the methodology but the sample are monitored heart patients so there could be other factors at play, a point conceded by the report's author who hedged his bets by saying "may account"

If you Google ‘Is the American Heart Foundation legitimate?’ Assuming that is, that you’ve used Google before lol, the following result  is proffered. 
The AHA is regarded as the most trusted source of information on cardiovascular disease and stroke in the world.

Rather odd perhaps that they would,  considering their status, release such a report in their name? And not quite so odd that you quickly found the report still posted somewhere  on Twitter, but I’m assuming that you didn’t look into the specifically targeted removal of it, and laughable ‘fact-checking’ explanation which accompanied said action?


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27 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Well, I'm off to bed. I must say after all this talk of violence and char broiling I was expecting a good scrap. Two against one was decent odds and a fair fight in my book but what I encountered was two simps hugging each other waving sodden white flags torn from their petticoats. Jeeze I miss the old days of Pisstazza and the other psychos.

Off you go Luv. Sleep tight, don’t let your Tena pants fill up with shite.

My heartfelt sympathy to your other half. Have a couple of free emojis on me again sweetie.


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19 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Well, no apology has been proffered as none is due. I won't go into too much detail but as an example, for the Rhone trip the IP shows a hit in the Netherlands and nowhere else. I must say if you've been cavorting around in a posh Beneteau 55 (nice boat BTW, I'm slightly jealous) then I'm surprised I haven't picked up a Rogue Wave connection or a VSAT connection.

Reported for doxing 

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8 hours ago, Roadkill said:

The wonders of the online user list. @Old Chap Raasclaat uses it quite a bit, too. We never talk about our meetings there, we just quietly nod to one another and wank off to what we see through the peepholes.

 Cagey old cnut. You’ve clearly been teaching that cunt because he couldn’t copy an address or use the edit function 10 months after joining.

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