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South Yorkshire Paedos( Possibly dusky)


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Some mother has reported that 3 men offered her cash to 'buy' her daughter outside a school. The beeb helpfully included in the story that one of the men was "possibly middle eastern origin". You fucking shit scared lily livered cunts, tell it how it is, it's not like there's been a proliferation of duskys swiping kids in South Yorkshire is it?

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7 minutes ago, Neil said:

Some mother has reported that 3 men offered her cash to 'buy' her daughter outside a school. The beeb helpfully included in the story that one of the men was "possibly middle eastern origin". You fucking shit scared lily livered cunts, tell it how it is, it's not like there's been a proliferation of duskys swiping kids in South Yorkshire is it?

One of them might have been Ding.

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I'm not saying that there isn't a proliferation of swarthy sex offenders in South Yorkshire. But I'm also saying that there is a proliferation of chavvy, benefit scrounging women looking to make up a load of old fucking shite for a few quid and the chance to expose their fat fucking faces to the media.

I trust this spurious cunt about as much as I did her savage compatriot, Karen Matthews.

Calm yourself the fuck down, Neil, before you end up burning down the Hethersett paediatric centre.


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5 hours ago, Neil said:

Some mother has reported that 3 men offered her cash to 'buy' her daughter outside a school. The beeb helpfully included in the story that one of the men was "possibly middle eastern origin". You fucking shit scared lily livered cunts, tell it how it is, it's not like there's been a proliferation of duskys swiping kids in South Yorkshire is it?

The BBC like to refer to the grooming gangs in Rotherham which have totted up a victim count of more than 1400 underage and almost entirely white girls in the past ten years alone as ‘Asian’. That’s when they occasionally report the scandal at all. The average consumer of this fake news might reasonably imagine large gangs of Japanese, Chinese, Sri Lankan, Malaysian, Singaporean, Indonesian, Indian, Outer Mongolian or many other ethnic people, roaming the streets grabbing any unlucky young girl they can find. The words Pakistani and Bangladeshi are very rarely mentioned in relation to this fucking ongoing scandal. Shameful beyond words, but normal practice for the Islam loving BBC tossers.

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20 hours ago, Decimus said:

I'm not saying that there isn't a proliferation of swarthy sex offenders in South Yorkshire. But I'm also saying that there is a proliferation of chavvy, benefit scrounging women looking to make up a load of old fucking shite for a few quid and the chance to expose their fat fucking faces to the media.

I trust this spurious cunt about as much as I did her savage compatriot, Karen Matthews.

Calm yourself the fuck down, Neil, before you end up burning down the Hethersett paediatric centre.


I'm just curious to see if everything is cheaper up north

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