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King Billy

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19 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I’m more than happy to. At one point you were forced to climb down. No CV at all, just a reply to a specific request that you had made. As for assuming what I ‘intended to imply,’ do we now need to add ‘mind reader’ to your growing list of professional achievements (which are clearly utter bullshit…you’ve got ‘HR trainee’ written all over you, love.) You’re a liar at heart, Roops as I’ve stated, there can be no sensible discussion or debate with a liar. Now, in the UK, it’s still very much ‘business hours’ so unless you’re overseas again (🤔) explain why you’re still on here and have been for most of the morning. Do endeavour to tell the truth now, you may even grow to like it.

Give it rest fan-boi. Aside from two irrelevancies, we didn't hear a peep out of you on this thread until I joined in. At least KB & Jake argued their case according to facts as they understood it. You just came on taking pot-shots whilst riding their coattails. Your non-arguments are founded on pedantic interpretations and disingenuous hair-splitting. You're a snide, DC - a miserable snivelling worm. Stay in the shallow end and regale us with more of your finger-blasting tales. It obviously turns you on because your so useless at fucking.

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9 hours ago, King Billy said:

As I recall one of your ‘Fan Bois’ (Pen) accused me at the time of lying about being in Budapest or Gran Canaria (the only two places I visited during the plandemic) and you being you quickly corrected him, giving the impression that you had the ability at your fingertips to track where in the world I was posting from. So rather than call your honesty into any doubt now perhaps you can remind me where exactly, and for how many months I claimed to be ‘transversing all over Europe’? (I assume you meant ‘traversing’ ….MENSA🤣). 
You’re out of your depth with me dear. Call it a day while you’ve still got Pen and R soles lapping up your nonsense or I’ll have no choice but to lure them away from you too.

The games up, you’ve been rumbled. Bye now 😘

To do that I would have to trawl through many threads, a task that I'm not prepared to do. However I recall that back in October(?) 2021 you said that you spent the previous six weeks in Hungary and Gran Canaria and later you went via Dublin to spend Christmas. All that is irrelevant as you also said that you were able to do this with the aid of one fake QR code given to you by a "mate" two months previous to your first trip. 

I don't know how this equates to me being "rumbled" but I suggest you taking the vaccinations to facilitate your travels is compelling.

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

The sad part about your post is that you probably thought you were being smart.

The problem is that when a person only capable of binary thinking asks binary questions and demands binary answers it results in specious reasoning and logic which can be exacerbated by ignorance. FYI, puberty blockers were developed to combat childhood conditions such as precocious puberty and certain types of dwarfism. Puberty blockers were also found to be useful in treating adults with endometriosis, breast and prostate cancer.  It would be some years before puberty blockers and adolescent transgenderism came into the public (and some nutjobs) consciousness.

As for the WEF 'promoting' insects as a protein my answer is so what? I'm sure within the scope of WEF policy documents they must support thousands of ideas, some good some bad. Solely agreeing to one concept does not equate to liking or disliking a talking shop that has outlived it's usefulness.

As for your insincere signing off, I surprised you survive, let alone enjoy the day in view of your complete lack of critical thinking. Stay warm.

As i haven't had any of the poison shots or ever worn a face nappy restricting my breathing, i haven't jumped out of the way of people walking down the street and i haven't been terrifed of a yet to be proven particle that only attacks you as you walk in to a restaurant but leaves you alone when you're eating but will attack if you dare to go to the toilet (better put the useless nappy back on) and it's that clever that pubs have to shut early because it's lurking around like Jack the Ripper after a certain time of night.

Give me wisdom over intellect anytime...intellect can be corrupted as for wisdom is natural instinct.

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1 hour ago, Zev said:

Don't you find it strange, Jakob, how the pedantic grammar Nazi @Wolfie is too spineless to correct your spelling mistakes?

I know I do.

I'll tell you what I find strange, half-cock. If six million of your lot allegedly went up in smoke during WW2, how come none of them ever had a tattoo more than six digits long if they were unique to every individual?

Do the maths and get back to me. 

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10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

To do that I would have to trawl through many threads, a task that I'm not prepared to do. However I recall that back in October(?) 2021 you said that you spent the previous six weeks in Hungary and Gran Canaria and later you went via Dublin to spend Christmas. All that is irrelevant as you also said that you were able to do this with the aid of one fake QR code given to you by a "mate" two months previous to your first trip. 

I don't know how this equates to me being "rumbled" but I suggest you taking the vaccinations to facilitate your travels is compelling.

And yet, here you are only 24hours earlier, ‘trawling’ through a thread that was five months older? Hypocritical lying little mare. You can always tell when personal abuse makes up most of your retorts, that you are rattled to fuck and your much acknowledged thin-skin comes into the spotlight. One thing has come from this exchange, your tiresome vocabulary has been corrected and you’ll think very carefully before using the razor-like barbs of ‘whataboutery’ and ‘stay warm’ again. You’re a piece of cake, honey.

On 13/05/2021 at 14:08,  Dyslexic cnut said:

It wasn’t even that extensive. It was the actual acronym of two, higher education qualifications which I thought was only fair as I’d ridiculed hers and she had asked for them. ‘CV?’...’potted’ or otherwise is complete bollocks and she knows it. She’s probably busy washing congealed orange peel out of her 1970’s clungebush.

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4 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

And yet, here you are only 24hours earlier, ‘trawling’ through a thread that was five months older? Hypocritical lying little mare. You can always tell when personal abuse makes up most of your retorts, that you are rattled to fuck and your much acknowledged thin-skin comes into the spotlight. One thing has come from this exchange, your tiresome vocabulary has been corrected and you’ll think very carefully before using the razor-like barbs of ‘whataboutery’ and ‘stay warm’ again. You’re a piece of cake, honey.


On 13/05/2021 at 14:08,  Dyslexic cnut said:

It wasn’t even that extensive. It was the actual acronym of two, higher education qualifications which I thought was only fair as I’d ridiculed hers and she had asked for them. ‘CV?’...’potted’ or otherwise is complete bollocks and she knows it. She’s probably busy washing congealed orange peel out of her 1970’s clungebush.

She ties you up in knots every time. I don't think I've ever seen someone make themselves look so daft. You fucking idiot.

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10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

To do that I would have to trawl through many threads, a task that I'm not prepared to do. However I recall that back in October(?) 2021 you said that you spent the previous six weeks in Hungary and Gran Canaria and later you went via Dublin to spend Christmas. All that is irrelevant as you also said that you were able to do this with the aid of one fake QR code given to you by a "mate" two months previous to your first trip. 

I don't know how this equates to me being "rumbled" but I suggest you taking the vaccinations to facilitate your travels is compelling.

May I respectfully (lol) suggest that you for once in your life get your facts right, even if that means you have to occasionally sacrifice some of your extremely valuable (to you🤣) time and start trawling? I would have thought you’d learned your lesson from the first time we engaged on this particular subject, when as usual your superior knowledge of what could and could not be done to circumvent the ridiculous, paranoid and chaotic ‘Wuhan Sniffles’ travel requirements was quickly shown to be nothing of the sort and just another demonstration of your uncontrollable habit of talking when you should really be listening. I recall several MSM articles confirming how widespread and easy it was to pay a modest sum of money and ‘hey presto’ you’re a sheep pointed out to you at the time by myself, DC and others.
And finally your ‘compelling’ suggestion that I’d ‘taken the vaccinations to facilitate travel’ is probably in the top 3 of the stupidest statements I’ve seen you make. I say probably because like yourself I’m not prepared to trawl through many threads. Don’t you think reading the piles and piles of shit once that you’ve posted is punishment enough? 😘 and get fucked.

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20 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

As i haven't had any of the poison shots or ever worn a face nappy restricting my breathing, i haven't jumped out of the way of people walking down the street and i haven't been terrifed of a yet to be proven particle that only attacks you as you walk in to a restaurant but leaves you alone when you're eating but will attack if you dare to go to the toilet (better put the useless nappy back on) and it's that clever that pubs have to shut early because it's lurking around like Jack the Ripper after a certain time of night.

Give me wisdom over intellect anytime...intellect can be corrupted as for wisdom is natural instinct.

Profound or pretentious?...scratch that thought, it doesn't matter. It's a shame then that you were ill-served by this 'wisdom' two posts ago.

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10 hours ago, King Billy said:

May I respectfully (lol) suggest that you for once in your life get your facts right, even if that means you have to occasionally sacrifice some of your extremely valuable (to you🤣) time and start trawling? I would have thought you’d learned your lesson from the first time we engaged on this particular subject, when as usual your superior knowledge of what could and could not be done to circumvent the ridiculous, paranoid and chaotic ‘Wuhan Sniffles’ travel requirements was quickly shown to be nothing of the sort and just another demonstration of your uncontrollable habit of talking when you should really be listening. I recall several MSM articles confirming how widespread and easy it was to pay a modest sum of money and ‘hey presto’ you’re a sheep pointed out to you at the time by myself, DC and others.
And finally your ‘compelling’ suggestion that I’d ‘taken the vaccinations to facilitate travel’ is probably in the top 3 of the stupidest statements I’ve seen you make. I say probably because like yourself I’m not prepared to trawl through many threads. Don’t you think reading the piles and piles of shit once that you’ve posted is punishment enough? 😘 and get fucked.

Absolutely, data scraping the IP addresses (like most punters you're in a dynamic IP address plan) and then chart your itinerary over several months after correlating same with discourse made on many threads is not worth the effort on what is after all, an anonymous forum spat.

But look, I get it - the embarrassment being one of those appalling pressure group activists who are revealed to preach, "do as I say, not as I do" is as humiliating as it is defining. This sort of unpleasantness was in the past and would have been forgotten, well it would have been if it wasn't for the brittle ego-driven antics of your No.1 fan-boi who bought the incident back to the forefront, no doubt as part of some ghastly mano o mano rimming exercise. Have an encouraging word with the needy little chap before giving him a good slapping, then he'll have something real to blub about.

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5 hours ago, Zev said:

Indeed, it's like a broiling cauldron of jizz, hormones and ego.


Whereas your own sickening teachers pet act smacks of a broiling cauldron of insecurity, bitterness and childhood memories of getting the absolute fucking shit kicked out of you by the bigger boys.

Shove your polished Granny Smith up your fucking arse.


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9 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Absolutely, data scraping the IP addresses (like most punters you're in a dynamic IP address plan) and then chart your itinerary over several months after correlating same with discourse made on many threads is not worth the effort on what is after all, an anonymous forum spat.

But look, I get it - the embarrassment being one of those appalling pressure group activists who are revealed to preach, "do as I say, not as I do" is as humiliating as it is defining. This sort of unpleasantness was in the past and would have been forgotten, well it would have been if it wasn't for the brittle ego-driven antics of your No.1 fan-boi who bought the incident back to the forefront, no doubt as part of some ghastly mano o mano rimming exercise. Have an encouraging word with the needy little chap before giving him a good slapping, then he'll have something real to blub about.

Sorry to be pedantic, but it’s ‘mano a mano’ you pretentious pseud. Remember the longest day in Finland? Well, here we have it in all its tiresome glory. A series of tirades about my domestic sexual performance (ban yourself) and then homosexual inferences with other members. I don’t see any other mods getting themselves into the shit like this. Don’t you think you’d be best placed to resign your esteemed status and merely take your chances on here as a punter? Then you could really be torn a new one. Do fuck off, there’s a good girl.

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54 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Sorry to be pedantic, but it’s ‘mano a mano’ you pretentious pseud. Remember the longest day in Finland? Well, here we have it in all its tiresome glory. A series of tirades about my domestic sexual performance (ban yourself) and then homosexual inferences with other members. I don’t see any other mods getting themselves into the shit like this. Don’t you think you’d be best placed to resign your esteemed status and merely take your chances on here as a punter? Then you could really be torn a new one. Do fuck off, there’s a good girl.

I’ll have to keep this short DC as I’m gorilla spotting in deepest Borneo right now and the mist is playing havoc with my internet connection (as I’m sure Ginge will verify with her magic data scraping device). I just came face to face with 2 of the most enormous and absolutely terrifying gorillas you could imagine. Luckily they both turned around and disappeared back into the mist as quickly as they appeared. I must have a guardian angel looking after me because it looks like two of my fellow holidaymakers vanished at that exact moment aswell. I’m gutted for their families and all that but I’m fucking starving and I’m fucked if I’m going to stand here much longer shouting ‘Where are you Lenny and Ainsley?’ The hotel buffet closes in an hour and I’m not paying shit loads of my Christmas tree earnings for some slanty eyed little gook to bring me a rotting monkey meat toasted sandwich to my penthouse suite. I’m not a fucking idiot DC. Roops unfortunately is but I’m far too much of a gentleman to let her know. 

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11 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

if it wasn't for the brittle ego-driven antics of your No.1 fan-boi who bought the incident back to the forefront, no doubt as part of some ghastly mano o mano rimming exercise.

Chill out babe. You’ll get your turn to spread my muscular buttocks and thrust your clapped out thrush covered tongue up my tunnel of love one day maybe. But I must tell you that unashamed desperation and rude sexual whataboutery from a stalker/admirer/ possible life partner has always been a major turn off for me and it could blow your rapidly disappearing chances of fulfilling your ATM fantasies with me once and for all.😘

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2 hours ago, King Billy said:

I’ll have to keep this short DC as I’m gorilla spotting in deepest Borneo right now and the mist is playing havoc with my internet connection (as I’m sure Ginge will verify with her magic data scraping device). I just came face to face with 2 of the most enormous and absolutely terrifying gorillas you could imagine. Luckily they both turned around and disappeared back into the mist as quickly as they appeared. I must have a guardian angel looking after me because it looks like two of my fellow holidaymakers vanished at that exact moment aswell. I’m gutted for their families and all that but I’m fucking starving and I’m fucked if I’m going to stand here much longer shouting ‘Where are you Lenny and Ainsley?’ The hotel buffet closes in an hour and I’m not paying shit loads of my Christmas tree earnings for some slanty eyed little gook to bring me a rotting monkey meat toasted sandwich to my penthouse suite. I’m not a fucking idiot DC. Roops unfortunately is but I’m far too much of a gentleman to let her know. 

I note that ‘fan boi’ is the new ‘stay calm’ and ‘whataboutery.’ Looks like an expansive vocabulary isn’t a requirement for MENSA membership or to be a leading industrialist these days. I’ll kick it out of her. Standby for her next interjection…during business hours of course, Sunday’s always a busy day for her, what with the peeling and prepping for the roast dinner followed by the dishes of course.

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