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King Billy

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21 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

In short, anyone who disagrees with you and agrees with another punter is an idiot or a sycophant then? I’ve disagreed, and fallen out with KB over many of his opinions (real or chain-yanking.) The only time I’ve really sided with him, and one you’ve clearly never quite recovered from, was when you spouted utter nonesense about wether or not he could’ve travelled throughout Europe, or to Hungary, without a vaccine passport. You were comprehensively proven wrong. You then went into your usual Google spiral and even took to searching for ferry timetables between Holyhead and Ireland, you sad cow.

You’re very fond of highlighting even the most tenuous of errors but when your own are highlighted and you are, quite rightly, subjected to ridicule, well, they’re conveniently labelled as ‘semantic pedantry.’ You really are an irritating, graceless cuntess. Quite how such a high powered captain of multiple industries has the time to indulge in petty half-arsed squabbles on here on a daily basis, normally during business hours is quite beyond me and others I’m sure. Grow up and improve your limited and repetitive catchphrasey put downs or better still…fuck right off. Stay whataboutery warm…etc.

Absolutely, fan-boi - all three of you. :rolleyes:

As for your post, which surely is contender for 'wail of the week', perhaps you could expand further in your inevitable reply, the "tenuous errors" that I highlight. I would also add "normally during business hours" is the exception rather than the norm, in any case you have no idea where in the world I'm posting from, be it office, WFH, hotel or airport lounge etc.

As for KB's vaccine passport, I think you're referring to the post where he was doing his usual showboating nonsense where he allegedly spent several months transversing Europe on one fake vaccine passport knocked up by by a "mate" of his and which was supplied a few months previously. When it was pointed out to him that the QR codes on said passports had a shelf life of only 30 days, he very quickly changed the story. Now, if you think that proved me "comprehensively" wrong then by all means knock yourself out and mark that up as a victory but don't go bitching on about being called out as an obsequious brown-nosed creep that you clearly are.

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45 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Absolutely, fan-boi - all three of you. :rolleyes:

As for your post, which surely is contender for 'wail of the week', perhaps you could expand further in your inevitable reply, the "tenuous errors" that I highlight. I would also add "normally during business hours" is the exception rather than the norm, in any case you have no idea where in the world I'm posting from, be it office, WFH, hotel or airport lounge etc.

As for KB's vaccine passport, I think you're referring to the post where he was doing his usual showboating nonsense where he allegedly spent several months transversing Europe on one fake vaccine passport knocked up by by a "mate" of his and which was supplied a few months previously. When it was pointed out to him that the QR codes on said passports had a shelf life of only 30 days, he very quickly changed the story. Now, if you think that proved me "comprehensively" wrong then by all means knock yourself out and mark that up as a victory but don't go bitching on about being called out as an obsequious brown-nosed creep that you clearly are.

Thin-skinned, arrogant and dishonest. Not the best traits for a competent moderator. You are so full of shit that should you be given a strong enema we’d be able to bury what’s left of you in a matchbox. Stay petty.

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58 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Absolutely, fan-boi - all three of you. :rolleyes:

As for your post, which surely is contender for 'wail of the week', perhaps you could expand further in your inevitable reply, the "tenuous errors" that I highlight. I would also add "normally during business hours" is the exception rather than the norm, in any case you have no idea where in the world I'm posting from, be it office, WFH, hotel or airport lounge etc.

As for KB's vaccine passport, I think you're referring to the post where he was doing his usual showboating nonsense where he allegedly spent several months transversing Europe on one fake vaccine passport knocked up by by a "mate" of his and which was supplied a few months previously. When it was pointed out to him that the QR codes on said passports had a shelf life of only 30 days, he very quickly changed the story. Now, if you think that proved me "comprehensively" wrong then by all means knock yourself out and mark that up as a victory but don't go bitching on about being called out as an obsequious brown-nosed creep that you clearly are.

I've noticed you employ the James O'Brien technique when it comes to debate... Divert the conversation by bringing up some shit from ages ago (that not many remember) as your attack, twist the original point to suit your argument, throw in some big words that nobody uses in general everyday conversations (that also signifies extreme arrogance and narcissism and a little insecurity) and end with an insult. This is not acceptable Mrs Roops, we began our online counseling a while back, after you took the first step and admitted you can be wrong, yet you're seemingly unwilling to continue this necessary treatment. You didn't even pay for the last session, who the hell do think you are anyways, wasting my time like this?



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16 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Thin-skinned, arrogant and dishonest. Not the best traits for a competent moderator. You are so full of shit that should you be given a strong enema we’d be able to bury what’s left of you in a matchbox. Stay petty.

In bold, most certainly the first two, which she demonstrates time and again. So far as dishonest goes, I'm not so sure. I genuinely think she's a bit more principled in this respect, and the only "dishonest" aspect of her posting is the freshly cut & pasted horseshit from Google, which, come to think of it, is probably quite a lot.

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35 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Thin-skinned, arrogant and dishonest. Not the best traits for a competent moderator. You are so full of shit that should you be given a strong enema we’d be able to bury what’s left of you in a matchbox. Stay petty.

So no factual counter-points in your rebuttal, just waffle...:rolleyes:

21 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I've noticed you employ the James O'Brien technique when it comes to debate... Divert the conversation by bringing up some shit from ages ago (that not many remember) as your attack, twist the original point to suit your argument, throw in some big words that nobody uses in general everyday conversations (that also signifies extreme arrogance and narcissism and a little insecurity) and end with an insult. This is not acceptable Mrs Roops, we began our online counseling a while back, after you took the first step and admitted you can be wrong, yet you're seemingly unwilling to continue this necessary treatment. You didn't even pay for the last session, who the hell do think you are anyways, wasting my time like this?

Yeah, cod psychology aside, suck it up OCR, if punters are gonna play with matches then they shouldn't howl when burned. Incidentally, in this instance the raking over of coals was instigated by DC.

(Post not powered by Google)

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27 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

In bold, most certainly the first two, which she demonstrates time and again. So far as dishonest goes, I'm not so sure. I genuinely think she's a bit more principled in this respect, and the only "dishonest" aspect of her posting is the freshly cut & pasted horseshit from Google, which, come to think of it, is probably quite a lot.

She’s outright lied and at best, deliberately mis-represented many things on here I’m sad to say. I enjoy the give and take as much as most of us in this place, but whilst you can debate a thief, a phoney or a con artist… it’s simply not possible with an outright liar. For those reasons, I’m out. 

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55 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I've noticed you employ the James O'Brien technique when it comes to debate... Divert the conversation by bringing up some shit from ages ago (that not many remember) as your attack, twist the original point to suit your argument, throw in some big words that nobody uses in general everyday conversations (that also signifies extreme arrogance and narcissism and a little insecurity) and end with an insult. This is not acceptable Mrs Roops, we began our online counseling a while back, after you took the first step and admitted you can be wrong, yet you're seemingly unwilling to continue this necessary treatment. You didn't even pay for the last session, who the hell do think you are anyways, wasting my time like this?



I have always thought that the Roops thicko is a decent moderator and should stick to that one job, as for debate, she's ok at the start but when things start to burst her bubble and alternative information upsets her belief system, then it shows the narcissistic traits...it has to understand that it's ok to be wrong sometimes as that's how we learn.

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18 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I’ve given that a ‘like’ Jake, which will inevitably see me labelled as a ‘brown-nosed’ cunt. Go figure…🤷🏼

Well i have given you about three likes on the bounce, i guess in the mind of the Roops monster, i'm your biggest fan.

As for the real truth, i like what i want to like and when i see something that i agree with.

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

Absolutely, fan-boi - all three of you. :rolleyes:

As for your post, which surely is contender for 'wail of the week', perhaps you could expand further in your inevitable reply, the "tenuous errors" that I highlight. I would also add "normally during business hours" is the exception rather than the norm, in any case you have no idea where in the world I'm posting from, be it office, WFH, hotel or airport lounge etc.

As for KB's vaccine passport, I think you're referring to the post where he was doing his usual showboating nonsense where he allegedly spent several months transversing Europe on one fake vaccine passport knocked up by by a "mate" of his and which was supplied a few months previously. When it was pointed out to him that the QR codes on said passports had a shelf life of only 30 days, he very quickly changed the story. Now, if you think that proved me "comprehensively" wrong then by all means knock yourself out and mark that up as a victory but don't go bitching on about being called out as an obsequious brown-nosed creep that you clearly are.

Who the fuck do you think you’re kidding here? Your normal M.O. is to be active on here between 8-10am (BST or GMT.) These are ‘business hours,’ especially if you’re someone as supposedly high-powered as your good self. I highlighted, recently, that when you were active late afternoon it was only because you were irate and rattled as you stomped about the site. I did notice that the quality of your posts were markedly sub-standard for you that afternoon, what was the problem, had you run out of evening primrose or were you stressed from spending hours bollocking those thick physicists at CERN again?

I think it’s rather hilariously ironic to contend that I’d have ‘no idea in the world’ where you’re posting from given your widely mocked history of geographical ignorance…there’s a fair chance that it’s you who doesn’t know where the fuck you are. I’d suggest that you’re in your kitchen scraping hubby’s kipper bones into the bin. (Kippers aren’t a freshwater fish found in a tributary of the Orinoco, near Stockholm incidentally.)

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2 minutes ago, Jake The Muss said:

Well i have given you about three likes on the bounce, i guess in the mind of the Roops monster, i'm your biggest fan.

As for the real truth, i like what i want to like and when i see something that i agree with.

Standby…she’s just logged back on…during business hours too…🙈

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13 hours ago, King Billy said:

It’s a good thing she doesn’t take herself at all seriously as that might give her the appearance of an unbearable, self obsessed, never wrong, finger wagging, ‘shut up and listen to me’ know all cunt in the eyes of the less intelligent members on here (me) which would be totally wrong of course. Tbh I often wonder how she carries the burden of her magnificence so easily and never ever complains about the huge responsibilities she seems to have been alotted, both on here, and the multitude of other top level industries she’s modestly admitted to excelling in at the highest levels. Tbh I’m a huge fan and I will probably let her have a go on the big fella one day but I’m just a bit worried she might turn out not to be the perfect 10 that I constantly imagine her to be.

I’d still knock one up her wrongun anyway as I was brought up to respect women even the far from perfect 1s and 2s. 
‘Get them all fucked son and the world’s your oyster’, my old man used to tell me every time we discussed my future plans. Sound advice it was too.

I had some very good advice from the old man, he would say that's for thinking and that's for sinking, which bought both heads in to play.

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18 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

She’s outright lied and at best, deliberately mis-represented many things on here I’m sad to say. I enjoy the give and take as much as most of us in this place, but whilst you can debate a thief, a phoney or a con artist… it’s simply not possible with an outright liar. For those reasons, I’m out. 

Shocking. I should be cast out from The Corner not only for my imperiousness, appalling condescension and all round arrogance but for outright lying as well. Just an observation fan-boi, but you were very quick to pedantically highlight two schoolgirl errors - I'm thinking minnowgate, fresh or saltwater fish and of course, Rhine or Rhone - in fact you feasted on the items for several months yet on the big "lies" not a peep from you. Were you at best exaggerating or were you lying?

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15 minutes ago, Jake The Muss said:

I have always thought that the Roops thicko is a decent moderator and should stick to that one job, as for debate, she's ok at the start but when things start to burst her bubble and alternative information upsets her belief system, then it shows the narcissistic traits...it has to understand that it's ok to be wrong sometimes as that's how we learn.

Ah yes, "alternative information" aka the opposite of reality...

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15 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Shocking. I should be cast out from The Corner not only for my imperiousness, appalling condescension and all round arrogance but for outright lying as well. Just an observation fan-boi, but you were very quick to pedantically highlight two schoolgirl errors - I'm thinking minnowgate, fresh or saltwater fish and of course, Rhine or Rhone - in fact you feasted on the items for several months yet on the big "lies" not a peep from you. Were you at best exaggerating or were you lying?

Remember your dishonest submission on here that I’d PM’d you my CV? (amongst other things.) You little Tom Pepper you. I don’t believe you should be ‘cast out from the Corner’ and don’t believe I’ve ever seriously suggested the same. Curious isn’t it? I highlighted your ‘pedant’ defence and, predictably, here it is a day later in all of its glory. The Queen of petulant minutiae bleating when she gets a healthy dose of her own medicine? It’s simply impossible for this to be funnier. It just is. 

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1 minute ago, Mrs Roops said:

Ah yes, "alternative information" aka the opposite of reality...

And there we have it, you jumped in blindly with both athlete's feet, i guess your testosterone got the better of you.

So alternative information is now the opposite of reality Wow, well done !!

Tell that to all those in history you had alternative information, if we kept to the main stream narrative then we would still believe the earth is flat ??? hold up a minute.

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15 minutes ago, Jake The Muss said:

I had some very good advice from the old man, he would say that's for thinking and that's for sinking, which bought both heads in to play.

Fuck this nonsense Bender .. what are your thoughts on the likelihood of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe?

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57 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Ah yes, "alternative information" aka the opposite of reality...

Forget about the film.

Do you believe that child sex trafficking is real ?

Do you think the covid injections are safe and effective ?

Do you think elections are secure ?

Do you think CBDC's are good ?

Do you think that the Biden's are criminals ?

Do you like the WEF ?

Would you eat bugs as a replacement ?

Do you agree with puberty blockers for youngsters ?

Yes or no answers please.

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54 minutes ago, Jake The Muss said:

And there we have it, you jumped in blindly with both athlete's feet, i guess your testosterone got the better of you.

So alternative information is now the opposite of reality Wow, well done !!

Tell that to all those in history you had alternative information, if we kept to the main stream narrative then we would still believe the earth is flat ??? hold up a minute.

When do you think, 'there is no contagious disease, all of which caused by bad chemistry from within' will become mainstream?

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2 minutes ago, Jake The Muss said:

Forget about the film.

Do you believe that child sex trafficking is real ?

Do you think the covid injections are safe and effective ?

Do you think elections are secure ?

Do you think CBDC's are good ?

Do you think that the Biden's are criminals ?

Do you like the WEF ?

Would you eat bugs as a replacement ?

Do you agree with puberty blockers for youngsters ?

Yes or no answers please.



which ones?

yes, with caveats, we already have fiat currency




for what purpose?

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2 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

When do you think, 'there is no contagious disease, all of which caused by bad chemistry from within' will become mainstream?

Have you ever heard of Max Joesph Von Pettenkofer ? An interesting chap, i will send you a link as it's my belief there's a grey area about contagion.


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1 hour ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Remember your dishonest submission on here that I’d PM’d you my CV? (amongst other things.) You little Tom Pepper you. I don’t believe you should be ‘cast out from the Corner’ and don’t believe I’ve ever seriously suggested the same. Curious isn’t it? I highlighted your ‘pedant’ defence and, predictably, here it is a day later in all of its glory. The Queen of petulant minutiae bleating when she gets a healthy dose of her own medicine? It’s simply impossible for this to be funnier. It just is. 

I didn't say you did, I was obviously being facetious, you pedant.

Anyway, do you really want to revisit?

On 13/05/2021 at 14:08, Dyslexic cnut said:

It wasn’t even that extensive. It was the actual acronym of two, higher education qualifications which I thought was only fair as I’d ridiculed hers and she had asked for them. ‘CV?’...’potted’ or otherwise is complete bollocks and she knows it. She’s probably busy washing congealed orange peel out of her 1970’s clungebush.


On 13/05/2021 at 23:05, Mrs Roops said:

Well, the devil is in the detail - or rather the lack it. You did indeed supply two acronyms, but omitted to mention that you indicated the fields in which the degrees were awarded in which the subjects and scope were as different as chalk and cheese. You also omitted to mention that you provided a further qualification which inferred you had a highly paid and glamorous career. The icing on the cake was the stint of altruism where you put one of your professional qualifications to good use which bettered the lives of people who otherwise could not afford your services. One mo' thing; to earn the glittering prizes (which were hardly "Mickey Mouse" degrees) one would require a mindset that could assimilate complex detail and present a narrative in a calm and measured manner, and yet we have seen that when flustered you deflect by using patronising terms of endearment, you've even played the menopause card. Your PM was designed to impress, that it certainly did though not in the way you intended.


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