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The Charity Game


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The latest charity ad to get on my tits is the Alzheimer Society with it's fucking actors impersonating a typical loving Alzheimer couple all in the name of keeping some professional in sharp suits and golf clubs behind a plush desk in a plush office eyeing up his next job at Oxfam. It's got to the stage now where the level of psychological manipulation throughout the daytime schedule now penetrating to the evenings is such that the overall experience of watching telly now is miserable and depressing. Add to that and peak time news programmes like six o'clock regional and ITV News have to include a charity fund raising focus, or hospital/illness segment, all the better if a child is involved. 

I think - like property development - it's a national mania - the charity sector - that I have never seen replicated on French or Spanish, let alone Germany, television. I think I only ever saw one charity ad in France and that was for war veterans living in the community. 

The reason? They aren't either mugs or serfs. Lifeboats, air ambulances, health services, decent pensions... Much of what these charities thrive on is either provided by the government or, especially if it's abroad, the people quite rightly don't care. 

I've fucking list count of how many times I've seen the hand come out of the screen trying to get £2 £5 or £10 a month or the Red Cross a whopping £35 out of my pocket. Christmas is of course the season of taking so we all have Jo Brand (any relation? Both unfunny) to look forward to asking for a precisely calculated £22.45 for a Christmas Shelter. 

Go on Jo, brush their teeth and wipe their arseholes. 

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15 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

The latest charity ad to get on my tits is the Alzheimer Society with it's fucking actors impersonating a typical loving Alzheimer couple all in the name of keeping some professional in sharp suits and golf clubs behind a plush desk in a plush office eyeing up his next job at Oxfam. It's got to the stage now where the level of psychological manipulation throughout the daytime schedule now penetrating to the evenings is such that the overall experience of watching telly now is miserable and depressing. Add to that and peak time news programmes like six o'clock regional and ITV News have to include a charity fund raising focus, or hospital/illness segment, all the better if a child is involved. 

I think - like property development - it's a national mania - the charity sector - that I have never seen replicated on French or Spanish, let alone Germany, television. I think I only ever saw one charity ad in France and that was for war veterans living in the community. 

The reason? They aren't either mugs or serfs. Lifeboats, air ambulances, health services, decent pensions... Much of what these charities thrive on is either provided by the government or, especially if it's abroad, the people quite rightly don't care. 

I've fucking list count of how many times I've seen the hand come out of the screen trying to get £2 £5 or £10 a month or the Red Cross a whopping £35 out of my pocket. Christmas is of course the season of taking so we all have Jo Brand (any relation? Both unfunny) to look forward to asking for a precisely calculated £22.45 for a Christmas Shelter. 

Go on Jo, brush their teeth and wipe their arseholes. 

Fuck off you twat.

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14 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

The latest charity ad to get on my tits is the Alzheimer Society with it's fucking actors impersonating a typical loving Alzheimer couple all in the name of keeping some professional in sharp suits and golf clubs behind a plush desk in a plush office eyeing up his next job at Oxfam. It's got to the stage now where the level of psychological manipulation throughout the daytime schedule now penetrating to the evenings is such that the overall experience of watching telly now is miserable and depressing. Add to that and peak time news programmes like six o'clock regional and ITV News have to include a charity fund raising focus, or hospital/illness segment, all the better if a child is involved. 

I think - like property development - it's a national mania - the charity sector - that I have never seen replicated on French or Spanish, let alone Germany, television. I think I only ever saw one charity ad in France and that was for war veterans living in the community. 

The reason? They aren't either mugs or serfs. Lifeboats, air ambulances, health services, decent pensions... Much of what these charities thrive on is either provided by the government or, especially if it's abroad, the people quite rightly don't care. 

I've fucking list count of how many times I've seen the hand come out of the screen trying to get £2 £5 or £10 a month or the Red Cross a whopping £35 out of my pocket. Christmas is of course the season of taking so we all have Jo Brand (any relation? Both unfunny) to look forward to asking for a precisely calculated £22.45 for a Christmas Shelter. 

Go on Jo, brush their teeth and wipe their arseholes. 

I couldn’t give a fuck about flids or those fat kids in Africa that pretend they’re starving. 

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6 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I couldn’t give a fuck about flids or those fat kids in Africa that pretend they’re starving. 

In Africa they play the numbers game. Spaff out as many kids as you can in the hope that at least one makes it to 3 years old and is old enough to walk 5 miles to bring back water from a muddy ditch. 

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19 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

In Africa they play the numbers game. Spaff out as many kids as you can in the hope that at least one makes it to 3 years old and is old enough to walk 5 miles to bring back water from a muddy ditch. 

Rather than build the mud hut near the water source. It’s not like they have council tax bands or school catchment areas to worry about. Thick cunts. 

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I couldn’t give a fuck about flids or those fat kids in Africa that pretend they’re starving. 

It's all a con trick from the high street shops to the celebrity endorsements. There are so many charities now the FSA can't regulate them. Their books are distinctly murky. And definition of a charity allows anything and any crackpot can set up a charity. They are no better than a fucking Go Fund Me. 

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5 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

It's all a con trick from the high street shops to the celebrity endorsements. There are so many charities now the FSA can't regulate them. Their books are distinctly murky. And definition of a charity allows anything and any crackpot can set up a charity. They are no better than a fucking Go Fund Me. 

I don't like these charities who knock on my door. They can fuck right off.

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2 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

The Salvation Army advert at Christmas is the biggest fucking piss take when they ask for £27.50 to give a homeless person Christmas dinner. Fuck off you cunts, it's only £15.95 in Wetherspoon's. CUNTS.

Frank usually gets his microwave Christmas meal for one from Lidl for £7.  

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10 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

The Salvation Army advert at Christmas is the biggest fucking piss take when they ask for £27.50 to give a homeless person Christmas dinner. Fuck off you cunts, it's only £15.95 in Wetherspoon's. CUNTS.

Remember it's all donated stuff, food, time, materials, probably even the leccie - so why the precisely calculated amount? Is it to provide the exact bonuses the directors need to have a prosperous New Year? The whole thing stinks like Rab C Nesbit's crack. 

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24 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Shergar did when it fell out of your uncle’s stolen Hercules transporter.

I know. All those tins he managed to get him into. All over the M40.  Spillers are still after him for the down payment they paid him.

But as Turkish said "You'll never find a pikey who don't want to be found".

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest entitled little cunt
On 17/09/2023 at 22:09, ChildeHarold said:

The latest charity ad to get on my tits is the Alzheimer Society with it's fucking actors impersonating a typical loving Alzheimer couple all in the name of keeping some professional in sharp suits and golf clubs behind a plush desk in a plush office eyeing up his next job at Oxfam. It's got to the stage now where the level of psychological manipulation throughout the daytime schedule now penetrating to the evenings is such that the overall experience of watching telly now is miserable and depressing. Add to that and peak time news programmes like six o'clock regional and ITV News have to include a charity fund raising focus, or hospital/illness segment, all the better if a child is involved. 

I think - like property development - it's a national mania - the charity sector - that I have never seen replicated on French or Spanish, let alone Germany, television. I think I only ever saw one charity ad in France and that was for war veterans living in the community. 

The reason? They aren't either mugs or serfs. Lifeboats, air ambulances, health services, decent pensions... Much of what these charities thrive on is either provided by the government or, especially if it's abroad, the people quite rightly don't care. 

I've fucking list count of how many times I've seen the hand come out of the screen trying to get £2 £5 or £10 a month or the Red Cross a whopping £35 out of my pocket. Christmas is of course the season of taking so we all have Jo Brand (any relation? Both unfunny) to look forward to asking for a precisely calculated £22.45 for a Christmas Shelter. 

Go on Jo, brush their teeth and wipe their arseholes. 

I can't remember that particular advert for some reason.

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 18/09/2023 at 12:54, Eric Cuntman said:

Rather than build the mud hut near the water source. It’s not like they have council tax bands or school catchment areas to worry about. Thick cunts. 

Well if you don't believe Ewan macgregor and Olivia Coleman shame on you .I saw Ewan lifting a cardboard box in Africa on one advert .At least he's doing something rather than just sitting on his arse in one of his 2.5 million pound properties picking gold dust out of his navel .Olivia flew to Yemen .I'm sure they were really pleased to see her .The trouble with you is you're cynical.

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