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Biden super hero

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt

The geriactric old fool has been sent off to mumble incoherently to anyone who'll listen. Does the USA,  even in its wildest of dreams , actually believe the old crusty has any form of gravitas what so ever . The nearest he gets to any  form of reasonable sense  is constantly  proving Sir  Isaac Newton's Gravity notions  correct. The man is a laughing stock.No matter what the old buffoon  does the media talk of him as if he's JFK.They call Trump voters stupid then allegedly vote in some old geezer who's well past the point of cognitive decline .You couldn't write it , infact I bet Joe couldn't. The bloke walks around with a  trunk full of clangers all ready to drop .

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20 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

The geriactric old fool has been sent off to mumble incoherently to anyone who'll listen. Does the USA,  even in its wildest of dreams , actually believe the old crusty has any form of gravitas what so ever . The nearest he gets to any  form of reasonable sense  is constantly  proving Sir  Isaac Newton's Gravity notions  correct. The man is a laughing stock.No matter what the old buffoon  does the media talk of him as if he's JFK.They call Trump voters stupid then allegedly vote in some old geezer who's well past the point of cognitive decline .You couldn't write it , infact I bet Joe couldn't. The bloke walks around with a  trunk full of clangers all ready to drop .

This is you on a good day in sparkling form cunting an old has-been fit for the knackers yard and ranting in Tel Aviv cos the Arabs won't "Tawk to me". 

"Kill 'em" says the old fool. 

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Evening, elc. 

I remember you mentioning being a descendant of a goat herder somewhere on here and I can't help but think your relentless nominations, which are mostly of things that have already been nominated or variations of what you've nominated is some kind of personal Jihad against the membership here. I understand you're enthusiasm, being new here and all that but calm down and give the nominations a rest old chap, do you understand? 

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Evening, elc. 

I remember you mentioning being a descendant of a goat herder somewhere on here and I can't help but think your relentless nominations, which are mostly of things that have already been nominated or variations of what you've nominated is some kind of personal Jihad against the membership here. I understand you're enthusiasm, being new here and all that but calm down and give the nominations a rest old chap, do you understand? 

Go bollocks

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8 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

Well I for one think this is a cracking spot on nomination. So critics fuck off. 😂 

This 'Nomination' could have simply been added as a comment on an existing Joe Biden nomination or discussion. My point is the topics pages are being flooded with lazy, similarly themed nominations by yourself, @entitled little cunt and @Penny Farthing, any potential newcomer would likely read said shite, assume we're a spastic friendly website and run a mile. Have a browse through my mostly outstanding nominations Harold, that's if you can find them amongst the recent piles of shit you lot have added. 

Fuck off. 

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13 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

The geriactric old fool has been sent off to mumble incoherently to anyone who'll listen. Does the USA,  even in its wildest of dreams , actually believe the old crusty has any form of gravitas what so ever . The nearest he gets to any  form of reasonable sense  is constantly  proving Sir  Isaac Newton's Gravity notions  correct. The man is a laughing stock.No matter what the old buffoon  does the media talk of him as if he's JFK.They call Trump voters stupid then allegedly vote in some old geezer who's well past the point of cognitive decline .You couldn't write it , infact I bet Joe couldn't. The bloke walks around with a  trunk full of clangers all ready to drop .

Hard to believe that this senile old cunt might one day have one of his skeletal, arthritic digits hovering over a big red button!!

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9 hours ago, ChildeHarold said:

There you go again Billy getting all hot and bothered over nothing. I reckon a good hour of Sky News on Israel-Hamas will calm you down and get you ready for a deep refreshing sleep. Beware of the ticking noise in the night, it's not what you think it is🤔

It'll be the chattering of his Royal Doulton teeth because he can't afford to have the heating on if no ones pre-ordered a Christmas tree yet.

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It's funny when you submit Putin to the Google search engine half the results are about Putin's "health". Yet not one jot on this geriatric Biden's "health" - he's a fucking walking 🧟‍♂️. Then that fucking fool Kevin 0'Sullivan on TalkTV talks about "US becoming a gerontocracy like China" Has the fucking fool seen Jai Ping? Or the front line of Chinese ministers and defence chiefs? Look at that fucking constipated US Foreign Secretary who's only qualification is his colour what's his fucking name "Austin"? Yeah moves like an Austin 7 towing a caravan. Cunts. LOL

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33 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

It's funny when you submit Putin to the Google search engine half the results are about Putin's "health". Yet not one jot on this geriatric Biden's "health" - he's a fucking walking 🧟‍♂️. Then that fucking fool Kevin 0'Sullivan on TalkTV talks about "US becoming a gerontocracy like China" Has the fucking fool seen Jai Ping? Or the front line of Chinese ministers and defence chiefs? Look at that fucking constipated US Foreign Secretary who's only qualification is his colour what's his fucking name "Austin"? Yeah moves like an Austin 7 towing a caravan. Cunts. LOL

Biden is a sprightly old man .. look how he dances down steps and performs tricks on his bicycle.

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19 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

Biden is a sprightly old man .. look how he dances down steps and performs tricks on his bicycle.

I thought the Israeli President had a charming discussion with Sunak criticising the BBC with Sunak. What a fucking cheek. Fucking cunt. I'm not paying licence this year and I am critical too, but I won't listen to a foreigner having a dig because it doesn't toe the propaganda line. 


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12 hours ago, King Billy said:


KB, I've noticed the formation a new SAP (spastic, alcoholic and perverted) clique on here... you've got @entitled little cunt and his daft friend @ChildeHarold chatting total shite to Lieutenant weirdos @and and @Penny Farthing, under the direction of Drunken Captain @Cunty BigBollox who answers to the Aids ridden, monotonous Greek poofter Major @Frank.

What a fucking disgrace they all are, they need lining up and shooting. 



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2 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

KB, I've noticed the formation a new SAP (spastic, alcoholic and perverted) clique on here... you've got @entitled little cunt and his daft friend @ChildeHarold chatting total shite to Lieutenant weirdos @and and @Penny Farthing, under the direction of Drunken Captain @Cunty BigBollox who answers to the Aids ridden, monotonous Greek poofter Major @Frank.

What a fucking disgrace they all are, they need lining up and shooting. 



even spastics and perverts gravitate towards a natural leader. What can I say.

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3 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

KB, I've noticed the formation a new SAP (spastic, alcoholic and perverted) clique on here... you've got @entitled little cunt and his daft friend @ChildeHarold chatting total shite to Lieutenant weirdos @and and @Penny Farthing, under the direction of Drunken Captain @Cunty BigBollox who answers to the Aids ridden, monotonous Greek poofter Major @Frank.

What a fucking disgrace they all are, they need lining up and shooting. 



Has this offer been made to others? I am not sure whether to accept or pass at this stage. In the normal course of events this would be an offer I could be reasonably expected to say yes to, but as it is I think a short arm jab in the ribs and a turn of the boot would be my answer. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
11 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

This 'Nomination' could have simply been added as a comment on an existing Joe Biden nomination or discussion. My point is the topics pages are being flooded with lazy, similarly themed nominations by yourself, @entitled little cunt and @Penny Farthing, any potential newcomer would likely read said shite, assume we're a spastic friendly website and run a mile. Have a browse through my mostly outstanding nominations Harold, that's if you can find them amongst the recent piles of shit you lot have added. 

Fuck off. 

You're obviously a poet laureate  of the cunting  scene .

Unfortunately I haven't read anything you have regurgitated  that has influenced  me  enough to respond in any way which is the point of this site and indeed,  if expanded into a societal  sense is the point of democracy and  debate there in .Its something that seems to be wholly missing from your rather , dare I say it , infantile thought processes. If you dont like what I say , dont read it , it really is very simple .I'm sorry of you believe my litery  dalliances are somehow beneath you .If that is indeed the case why not leave us all spell bound with your personal litery genius  rather than your critical bollox.


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