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Everything posted by ChildeHarold

  1. ChildeHarold


    Yeah, the twenty million Russian dead had nothing to do with it dick head? Even a baby knows this country's armed forces won NOTHING in the Second World War acting on its own. The holding off of German airpower in the Battle of Britain was the nearest it came to it, but it wasn't a military victory in any strict sense of the word. The Luftwaffe merely decided to give it a rest until later. The later never came because Russia DEFEATED the Germans by the time of Kursk and America entered the European theatre of war via Italy with the British relegated to second. Interestingly half of the Anerican campaign in Italy was devoted to hunting down communist partisans and often assisting German nazis and Italian fascist along with Croation fascists to get to the USA.
  2. ChildeHarold


    Even if one believed the colourful graphics it doesn't advance or support one jot of the argument for Brexit. Expecting the UK to magically sprout a pair of wings and start flying round the world signing trade deals is not what modern logistics is built on. Minnows like the UK are going to be shuved straight down the queue when it comes to trade.
  3. To everybody's relief Murray hopes to recover sufficiently in time to get to Melbourne. Thus the saga of the embattled Brit athlete multi-millionaire carrying on continues. Excuse me while I relieve my bowels after this exciting good news.
  4. ChildeHarold


    Study after study has shown that the UK economy is falling behind France and Germany in productivity. The average British citizen is less educated less qualified and less productive than comparable foreigners. Partly, as ever, caused by inequality, social divisions, out of date and run down infrastructure, poor educational provision, lack of investment in technical education, and returning to the first item lack of social and economic mobility. This has been going on for so long in Britain that rather than fall further and further back into the third or fourth tier of EU countries and in order to avoid humiliation and facing up to the 21st century, this country has left the EU and dived back into its past. It is like a fucking museum in Britain with everything held up to the mirror of the past and all failures of which there are many glossed over.
  5. White Power Bill's sacred pipe of meditation and enlightenment
  6. ChildeHarold


    Are you respecting the sacred power of the pipe Billy?
  7. ChildeHarold


    If by mature and no oportunity for growth you mean back to back comparisons of growth and productivity with the UK economy since the financial crisis then I can't see what point you are making.
  8. The 2001 references are not really appropriate.
  9. I don't know how yoy can let your real feelings slip in a careless comment about hoping anybody but the England football team wins then expects some sort of public backing in England. Murray is a selfish money grubbing cunt, anti-English, and a hypocrite.
  10. ChildeHarold


    I read you inside out months ago and returned it to the Charity Shop 10 pence Bargain Box.
  11. So you are one then. A signed confession and love letter to The Punkster.
  12. Then make it without breaking the rules and covering up later.
  13. ChildeHarold


    Yeah it's always a problem round the UK isn't it. Always worse than anywhere else. Like Covid.
  14. ChildeHarold


    The definition of a customs union of 250 million people with highly sophisticated and advanced farming and manufacturing industries following strict standards, rather includes restrictiins if you are OUTSIDE it you fucking idiot. A post Brexit Little Britain may find a few likewise puny partners here and there, who haven't or may have already signed even better deals with the EU more advantageous than anything the UK is likely to negotiate, but direct access to one of the largest markets in the world has been lost. What's your favourite fish? Ha ha ha.
  15. ChildeHarold


    Is that the land, the British white criminal thug exploiters of whom you seem to be a good example, stole from the Maori people? Charming peasant.
  16. I'm getting used to sensible nominations attracting vilification and the penis-vagina fixation running through a certain section of peasant life here.
  17. I see you are determined to carry the Washington - London fascist outlook on world affairs into 2021. Brain dead peasant.
  18. What's your favourite virus White Power Bill and do you respect the power of the pipe? .... as in any old bit of lead pipe about two foot long with a bit of weight in it
  19. From the man with no friends. Have those friction burns on your foreskin healed yet?
  20. You are really sending out a lot of "I AM LONELY" cries for help tonight. You poor little fucker.
  21. What's your favourite fish?
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