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Everything posted by Cuntybaws

  1. Can we assume they're mainly sticking it to landlords, then? In which case I'm calling "not a cunt".
  2. The good news, Punkers, is that I can save you blowing $4,195,000 at Jacob & Co by the simple expedient of removing your fucking arms with a bone saw, sans anaesthetic. http://www.elitetraveler.com/shopping-lifestyle/most-expensive-cufflinks-in-the-world
  3. Tessa Wyatt, though, eh? Talk about a danger blowjob...
  4. Excellent fucking work, Bill.
  5. I'd be happy to test this hypothesis by bisecting the cunt with a band saw.
  6. Jazz must really be gone, because this spinning, twinkling, iridescent hook would otherwise be firmly lodged in his cleft palate by now.
  7. It's fucking Sickipedia's fault. Their piece of shit site is still down so all the institutional racism has to go somewhere else...
  8. No fucking loss if the brats get squashed, they'll all be black anyway.
  9. Years of denial and finally the truth comes out. Admin is going to get jolly batey.
  10. This is the most fun I've had in ages, but I have to go now as it appears I'm on my hole shortly. I feel like the youngster talking to the Vietnam vet. "You don't know, man, you weren't there. "
  11. But you tell that to the kids today and they won't believe you!
  12. But poor old Rothers could never get his cumfarting nominations to stick. So to speak...
  13. The corner of Furio, MammothCock, Flinty & Benny, Kreed, and a host of sociopaths whose content lived on after their IDs had expired. The Nazi stuff was a trivial sideline by comparison with the 2008/9 vintage. Just sorry I never saw it firsthand.
  14. Johnny Alpha's worth ten o' Middenface. And ye'd still get change.
  15. Cuntybaws

    The Jump

    The only positive thing I can find to say about The Jump is that it's better than Splash! Talk about damning with faint praise.
  16. Stick your head under my kilt and see for yourself. And while you're down there... ...brace yourself for a Scotch Oven. (Similar to a Dutch Oven, but radioactive, and with more tartan.)
  17. Wrath of Properkhunt in 5...4...3...2...
  18. When you know your diet is going to kill you by your thirties anyway, prophylactic measures go out the window.
  19. The Suzuki Swift. It isn't. Don't get me started on the Smart car...
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