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Everything posted by Roadkill

  1. Shits going bad in the worst way possible, lads. A divided country that won't make simple decisions. A bunch of loonies on the doorstep who hate pretty much everything about our culture getting backed up by a bunch of wrongfully guilt riddled lefties totally blind to any reason. A shit-stain of a government that's focused entirely on the opinion of the minority and willing to do anything to appease them. A warmongering superpower getting ready to take full advantage of the shit-storm. And a choice of two useless twats getting voted in to the only other warmongering superpower that could hold them at bay. Oh and lots and lots of nukes for everyone to play with. I'm gunna get to work on my fallout shelter.
  2. I went to Edinburgh once. Stayed in a Travel Lodge just across the road from the train station in an alleyway that smelt of shit https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@55.9531874,-3.19215,3a,75y,268.94h,76.8t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s-CzOU9ZN_i76-yvjNc6-ZA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  3. Roadkill

    Kelly malloney

    I think I'll just keep my dick, thanks.
  4. Roadkill

    Kelly malloney

    Fucking hell that's just horrible.
  5. Had one still wearing his school uniform and a plastic fireman's helmet a few minutes ago. I used to go the full haul on Halloween as a kid, makeup, cloak, vampire teeth. Now it's just a bunch of midget civil servants walking around asking for sweets...
  6. Roadkill


    A sadly not very rare glimpse into Punkape's mind and desires...
  7. Roadkill


    They YOU get to enjoy a bonfire in peace! After the screams have stopped.
  8. Roadkill


    Holy fuck mate... Is that what you think we do?! You've been doing it wrong...
  9. Roadkill


    It's even more fucked up when you think of all the plastic used to make them. It could go towards prosthetic limbs or Lego.
  10. Roadkill

    English Heritage

    Hi Bubba! Probably a combination of all three. But in all fairness, you're the stupid cunt who had to read it several times before you came to this conclusion.
  11. Roadkill


    Must have built them better in those days the new ones just fall apart. Probably made in China to save cash.
  12. I know it hurts Punk but jealousy just won't help
  13. So you're fleeing from your homeland which is currently reduced to a huge rubble-filled crater controlled by AK-47 wielding loonies who keep changing their names and have a strange obsession with Nutella. Any special requests you have before we save you and your families lives? You don't like rural areas because wellies are uncomfortable? OK, We'll make a note of that in your file. And what benefits will you be claiming upon arrival? We have a wide selection...
  14. Roadkill


    Bunch of grumpy cunts. Fireworks are the shit XD
  15. I think we should let them go independent. It would release my from my life-long oath as a Geordie to protect the realm from the Highland Scourge and I could finally move somewhere nice like... uh... Bedford?
  16. Roadkill

    English Heritage

    Pointless and ugly. Definitely the architecture of today. At least most of the pre-fabricated shite from the 70's had the decency to rot away and collapse after 30 years. Looks like that stuffs gunna be the same stone as the castle. If you ever find yourself in or around Newcastle and take ill pray they take you to the RVI and not Cramlington hospital. They threw it up a few months back, nicked the A&E from an already established hospital, then painted the entire interior white. Whatever cunt built it must have had Parkinson's disease because there's not a single straight corridor in the place and the person I was visiting was put in a 3 walled triangular room. It was built like a fucking fun house
  17. Ever noticed these same cunts will all go quiet if they hear you trying to talk to your partner about something in the movie, even if it's just something quick like how much of an annoying, tedious, and talentless vaginal discharge Benedict Cumberbatch is and always will be? Then they come over and complain to you for speaking over the film. They stand all righteous when they give you a smug little telling off then stroll back to their crisps and mobiles like the sun shines out of their very arseholes. Cheeky cunts.
  18. He's a ginge. Did him a favour.
  19. I WAS the cunt in an overcoat, mate
  20. His barber needs euthanised.
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