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Everything posted by and

  1. The word is 'clique'. Hope that helps.
  2. Do you have anything in an Extra-Large? (asking for a friend)
  3. As purveyors of over-priced tat for the gullible, they should do pretty well. Gianni Versace was a cunt.
  4. First they came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up, because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me.
  5. Try reading some of your own previous posts, hypocrite. Self-awareness ain't your strong point, is it?
  6. I know fuck-all about cars. Every time I park my 'year old Bentley' outside my basement flat, some cunt vandalises it, I think I'm going to trade it in for something less conspicuous, maybe Aston Martin, or an E-Type Jag.
  7. But @Wolfie's already got more clients than he can cope with, maybe you'd like the job?
  8. Well, Eric, I had more faith in you to see through all this bullshit, dick-swinging nonsense, perpetrated by the Boys Club. Sadly, you've been taken in. You're taking it far too seriously, it ain't life or death, it's Cunts Corner, FFS. The cunts get 'provoked' because that's what they want, something or somebody to have a dig at, what else would they do, discuss the merits of year-old Bentley's, who on tv they'd like to poke or the next England manager, you can get that shite in any tap-room in England. Maybe you should join The Garrick Club?
  9. He's just had a failed cock amputation. 🍒🩹
  10. Let's ask an expert, how could any woman resist a man with a 'year old Bentley'? Paging @Dyslexic cnut Lol, lol, lol
  11. A bit like most who come on here to spout their nonsense about this, that and the other. What's your excuse, Tinkerbelle? 🧚‍♂️
  12. You're probably right in that assumption, but the BBC organisation is probably 25% gay. The entertainment industry in general seems to be a haven for shirt-lifters and rug-munchers, I guess it goes with the territory, all that dressing up, pretending to be someone else, and wearing makeup, it's bound to have some sort of effect on the psyche, look what happened to @Old Chap Raasclaat, it's obvious when you think about it.
  13. Do Poodles have clits? 🐩
  14. Now all we need is @Wolfie to put a like on your comment and you'll probably be certain of a sex partner tonight. Ain't love wonderful?
  15. My, how times have changed...
  16. He's like a love-sick teenager, he's obsessed and can't leave you alone. What have you done to encourage this behaviour?
  17. FUKC Primark (see what I did there?), what about these beauties? https://www.aldi.co.uk/crane-outdoor-men's-t-shirt/p/830853779419600
  18. He's a very sincere and honest person, I can understand how he's been hurt by your constant, uncalled-for aggression, towards him, you ought to be ashamed, you black-hearted cunt. 🖤
  19. Either that, or they'd miss his stop completely, inconsistent cunts.🚏🚌
  20. You say tomato, I say fuck you, Monkey man. Lol
  21. My online life is closer to reality than you think, Windrush, I certainly don't pretend to be a different race to elicit sympathy from a shower of cunts. Lol lol lol
  22. It's all getting rather personal, and we still haven't been introduced.
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