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Everything posted by Decimus

  1. Decimus

    Sadiq khan

    Mrs R has politely requested that you cease and desist your antagonistic, shit slinging assault on all and sundry. I suggest that you follow her advice and buck your ideas up before The Hat logs on and shit gets real. It's New Year's Eve and he's an angry drunk.
  2. And he only got a four day fucking ban whilst I got seven months for casually calling The Judge a nonce. When it comes to The Corner's judicial system, I may as well be fucking black.
  3. He's been sent to the category A 'Nonce Accusers' wing of The Cooler. You can post a picture of a dog fucking a woman, a dead child on a beach, a fat Asian woman shitting into her own mouth, a black man being lynched, but woe betide any cunt who calls another cunt a nonce on here. See you in seven, Ed.
  4. I can hand on heart genuinely say that I've never come across a more stupid fucking cunt in all my time on here. That's not hyperbole, it's a fact. Not only was he thick enough to originally drop his Hull cut and paste directly into a thread I was already actively abusing him on, thinking I wouldn't notice, he was then too fucking brain dead to check the date he ripped it off against the date I authored it. I'd have liked to have seen the look on his vacant, cretinous face the moment it was pointed out to him. Couple all this with the fact he's now unwittingly revealed that he's a bankrupt former hairdresser, plus his staggering illiteracy, and I genuinely believe he's not just incredibly dumb, but actually suffers from some form of cognitive dysfunction. Normally I'd take pity on the mentally sub-normal, but the man is such a grotesque fucking wanker that I actively revel in the thought of being able to further humiliate him at some point. A spastic at the very top of his game, it'd be hard to credit if I hadn't experienced it first hand. I imagine he's got a bonce shaped exactly like Zip The Pinhead.
  5. Plus the squint, Lynx Africa stench and novelty socks. What a vile cunt.
  6. Like all good snitches, I enjoy the satisfaction of knowing my grassing has resulted in a collar being felt. Bearing that in mind, if I make a report is there anyway that you can notify me if you've decided to act upon it?
  7. I've also reviewed your material and have come to the conclusion that you're a two bit estate agent, an OTE commission wanker with a polyester suit and a penchant for taking it up the wrong'un. Lol.
  8. Aitch, in preparation of my new year's resolution to brutally rape your arsehole, I've undergone the arduous task of reviewing some of your material. Whilst all of it is undoubtedly shite, I've come to the conclusion that your account is being run by two separate people. One is a total pub fucking bore, the sort of wanker who sits nursing half a pint of mild for two hours whilst tutting loudly at a copy of The Daily Express, desperately hoping someone will ask for their opinion on "The ruddy government". The second is a spice addicted tramp who logs on to The Corner with a £25 pay as you go Sagem. The type you see in city centres gesticulating at pigeons whilst sat in a puddle of their own piss and super strength cider. Am I wrong?
  9. You hit the nail on the head before... The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Stand by.
  10. Your tongue better be on point tonight, Ed, because a cunnilingus induced multiple orgasm is the only thing that is going to save you from R's heavy trigger finger.
  11. According to these figures, in the UK the total amount of deaths versus the total amount of estimated infections is less than 4%. On top of this, these figures do not take into consideration age, comorbidities, or any other number of pertinent factors you would have to take into account when estimating the overall danger of Covid19. I'm sorry, but the figures don't lie. The curtailing of civil liberties and the damage being done to the economy is disproportionate to the threat posed by this pandemic. Fuck right off.
  12. It goes to show how consistent he is in his absolute fucking mentalness, that when I saw this on the recent posts section of the forum I knew exactly who you were replying to. Aitch, put down the pipe and your dog eared copy of 'The Anarchist Cookbook', you demented Vyvyan Basterd-lite fucking tosser.
  13. Out of genuine interest, who's your all time favourite racing car driver, J?
  14. His brother talks more sense than him.
  15. You're desperate name dropping and rattling aside, your soliciting of Pen has now backfired. Dyslexic Cnut seems to have abandoned you, the vast majority of the site ignores you, and the rest of us will never let you forget the embarrassment of your plagiarising and bullshitting antics. Where are you going to turn to next? You're fast running out of options and you're rapidly becoming the new @Salty Piss Flap . I give it a week until you're permanently banned due to a shit flinging meltdown. It'd probably be best for all concerned if you left voluntarily with whatever small amount of dignity you have left.
  16. Wahhh, Blighty, Waahhh, Covid, Wahhh New Zealand, Wahhh you didn't write it. For an ex-manual labourer, you really are a sensitive and easily rattled little faggot. I imagine you were the building site whipping boy, which is probably why you left to go to some wet as fuck, liberal backwater where people aren't allowed to call you names. As for Harry Brogdale, he's about as real as your good mate Nev. That's the thing about lying, Johnny, you hod carrying spastic, once you've been caught doing it multiple times,which you have, no one is ever going to believe a word you say again. Now run along and wank yourself silly over one of my fantastic nominations, but ask my permission this time if you're going to copy it, you thick, 'Boy Who Cried Hull', bullshitting, old fucking wanker.
  17. Yes, I've been wound right up every single time you've been caught out bullshitting, I looked especially stupid when you posted your plagiarised nomination including a date stamp that confirmed it was days after my original post. By confirming you're a lying, thick as fucking shit weasel incapable of reading a simple date format you've really shown us all a lesson! If you can't even tell the difference between the numbers 13 and 17, is it any wonder you can't tell the fucking time as evidenced when @Eric Cuntman caught you out in yet more bullshit? The only thing I believe that you've said so far is that you were in the building trade, purely because you're too fucking thick to have ever achieved anything else. You manual labouring, fantasist, unoriginal, tedious, illiterate, prefab dwelling, plagiarising, absolute fucking idiot.
  18. With your creepy, pathetic stalking of myself whilst lifting my all time greatest hits, it speaks volumes about how fucking thick you are that you didn't know what I did for a living until yesterday, despite me mentioning it numerous times during the years you've been cumming yourself silly over my material. If it wasn't such a great post, why did you feel the need to copy and pass it off as your own four days after I originally penned it? Nobody is going to believe this "Nev" exists after all the other bullshit you've been caught out on, especially with your shit excuse that anyone other than you would refer to the UK as Blighty, time after time, after tedious fucking time. Also, why would "Nev" edit his five year old post on 17 December 2020 completely out of the blue? I'm absolutely loving the fact that despite trying to act like you hate me, you are obviously so in awe of me that you try to pass off my material as your own. Keep digging, Johnny, the more you reveal, the more you're exposing yourself as an insecure little cunt who hides behind the stolen words of those more mentally capable than himself.
  19. I'm sure that it's just a coincidence that "Nev" also used to bang on about Royal Enfields, the provincial backwater of New Zealand and seemed to use the word Blighty with frequent tediousness. I'm sure it's also a complete coincidence that "Nev" revisited his post from five years ago on a dog shit forum to edit and remove something on December 17th 2020 shortly after I gave you that idea on here. If I didn't think it was so pitiable, I'd be flattered that years ago you used to spend time lurking on here whilst stealing my material. Try engaging your brain and developing your original thinking in future, Johnny, you useless, pathetic, parroting fucking idiot. You've completely embarrassed yourself.
  20. Aitch has been on a big one over the festive period, and has now deteriorated to the point that he's throwing faeces at his own reflection. Correlating his post deterioration and consumption levels, at this rate I expect him to OD at around 22:43 on new year's eve. Hopefully.
  21. He looks like he's got cancer. CANCCCERRRR.
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