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The Beast

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Everything posted by The Beast

  1. The Beast


    It has to be some sort of drugs. Acid most likely.
  2. The Beast


    If you dump your offspring on others and allow them to do the nurturing, it is little wonder they think you are a cuckoo cunt.
  3. I don’t involve myself in extremes. The depopulation talking point is one such example, not that a big cull would not go amiss, given the ecological destruction that has occurred and will occur. I think it is a mixture of a departure from rational science combined with weak back covering political decision making. The end result is one has to make their own judgement and go with it as far as they can without ending up in gaol.
  4. Hatt Mancock has approved the Pfizer SARS-COV-2 vaccination in 12-15 year olds. A cohort of 2000 children were involved. Decisions based on underpowered research such as this may not end well.
  5. The Beast


    It could well be a long cruel summer. All of this was avoidable, yet done by design.
  6. A big red flag for me was when Ruth May, the Chief Nursing Officer was pulled from one of the daily briefings because she wouldn't play ball. I had dealings with her when she was a senior manager at Edgware Hospital, she was the main actor in forcing through the closure of the A&E department and I had further dealings with her when she was Chief executive at Mid Essex Hospitals. She was known as Ruthless May. So for her not to tow the party line gave me more than an inkling that things are not right with these bullshitters.
  7. I listen to what they say, but I also listen to the Professors of Immunology that have been censored to get more opinion. No one has been correct about everything they have said during this virus, but some seem more predisposed to stretching the truth or omitting certain facts than others.
  8. I wouldn't call it a hoax, more of a farce. It is not pleasant for the elderly, frail or those with comorbidities. An ITU stay is a bit of a cunt as well, to say the least. However, from a UK perspective, the PCR test used, taken and processed in the way it has thus far is a nonsense, mask wearing outside of the clinical environment and care homes is totally unnecessary, the variants so far are all no less than 99.7% the same as the original Wuhan strain and the AZ vaccine in particular, has a legacy of underpowered and protocol breaching research and a too high risk of thrombi for those that would unlikely ever have a serious illness from SARS-COV-2. At this stage, vaccinating children is not clinically indicated either.
  9. Funny that innit? Neither am I....... and I had the privilege of working in a hot house of the thing, with about as much social distancing of clinical staff as sheep in a wagon on the way to the abattoir. Never mind, KB. It's people's choice........ for now.
  10. Indeed. The money power are trying to turn the screw. The colour revolution failed, now they try bribery. These bastards seek the complete obliteration of traditional identities of countries and replace it with this sick globo homo shite.
  11. I just wonder if the penny will ever drop with most ordinary wankers. Last year, the media camped outside the precancerous looking cunts house for 3 weeks after he went to Durham to check his visual acuity. They tried their utmost to get him sacked, so he just invented more patter and essentially told them to go fuck themselves. Roll on a year and he points out what most sensible cunts already realised about bastards Johnson and Hancock, the very same journalists who wanted him finished, are now fighting the Labour wankers in the queue to suck his cock. Said ordinary wankers will moan they deserve better than this circus of shit, but In my view they get what they deserve. They still read the newsrags that thrive on this shite and watch the same detritus the box puts out, and then have the stupidity to go and vote for these cunts as the least worse option. This country is a nut house and a kakocracy.
  12. The difference between Max Mosley and Robert Mugabe? Mosley liked to admit when he was beaten.
  13. I can only be honest and not too wordy about this. I don't care if she has been slotted, as I view her ideology as anti white. I will avoid racist epithets as this will only bring the site into problems. I direct my ire to the political class who have purposefully allowed England to fall to the awful standards that exist today. This should always remain the focus, the rest is just noise and distraction. We have had a long line of feeble politicians in government.......weak people create hard times.
  14. I don’t know what goes on in international geo politics, but the Belarusians don’t like anyone poking their noses into their business. They appear to have suppressed the globalist sponsored colour revolution and any outliers are being rounded up.
  15. I am not your handler, but I have heard enough now. If you just stuck to the left wing dogma with half decent talking points, I would not mind, but you seem to constantly stray into destructive, shit the bed psychopathy.
  16. I am not minted, but I tend not to give a fuck about money. As long as there is food on the table, my children are clothed and I have a presence in their upbringing, nothing else matters to me. I probably had more money 10 years ago, because I would travel long distances and work away from home, all in pursuit of highly paid jobs. Right now I am more bothered about the knife that is at the throats of all decent white folk in England. White privilege, critical race theory, hate speech laws and the forthcoming laws concerning free speech on the internet. These things will make a big difference to my children’s future. So if a group of cunts all from the same Semitic tribe want to do what they have been doing for donkeys years, then leave them to it. The enemy is my midst, as far as I am concerned, is the duopoly political cabal that has squandered everything good about England, commodified everything in life and filled this country with some very undesirable foreigners.
  17. I don’t disagree with much of what you say, but the latest skirmishes are just a repeat of what we have seen umpteen times before. Organisations like the U.N and the E.U were set up to represent the globalists interests. And, yes, Jews are over represented in the financial sector, judiciary and media. Has been the case since the anti racialist post WW2 narrative came into being. If I were to offer support to any group in the Middle East it would be the long suffering people of Lebanon.
  18. As an English republican, I don't know cunts pay any attention to this ancient, insoluble dispute. Being cruel, but completely objective from my point of view, jews killing the goat herders or vice versa, what is the big deal? Until this dispute arrives in my village, threatening my family, then I have no skin in the game. No apologies.
  19. A point well made. Often these scientists, who are not fucking quacks as you rightly point out, are subjected to personal insults, censorship, depersoning, death threats and complete ostracism. They are taken out, not their opinions. Where has the debate been about masks, vaccines and lockdowns? Fuck all. Where have the investigative journalists been? Silent. These were the very same cunts that spent 4 years trying to throw the result of a democratic referendum. I don't need stupid fucking lectures of some lying bent politician or a pharmaceutical share owning government scientist about this virus. I have seen how bad it is for those who are vulnerable, whilst witnessing their haphazard and negligent approach to those in care homes. Locking up the well and making them wear masks has been utter stupidity. And vaccinating well children against this virus is just as stupid. Funny how they refuse to spend the money immunising children against chicken pox, which killed more children than SARS-COV-2 in 2020. As for the variants, this is another con. It's time someone started to ask some scientific questions to these cunts at the press briefings, instead of hand picked wankers asking about foreign fucking holidays and pubs. And when there is blowback from all this shitstorm, I guarantee Mr Politician cunt will walk off scot-free, having pocketed hods of cash for himself and his chums from bent contracts. The finger will be pointed at the medical staff and the public played off against them. As for the nomination, I don't know who is more mentally retarded, the indeterminate Laurence or the cunt that pandered to him.
  20. As someone who has worked at this so called front line, the very last thing I want or fucking need is a poxy statue that will reinforce the globo-homo agenda. The commissioning criteria will be that it must shoehorn in every facet of diversity and feminism.
  21. The old mince pies are certainly not as good as they used to be. I only realised when people noted that I was gurning away like a spastic when reading small print. A simple £10 pair of lenses is all that is required.
  22. Fucking brilliant getting older. Now women in their 50's seem attractive too.
  23. I think this action to fuck over Jersey is a useful distraction from the precarious state of domestic French politics.
  24. It is an anti white, anti family and anti any thing traditional party. The biggest kick in the bollocks for Joe Cunt is that the only way he can cope with this is to vote fucking tory...... which essentially is the same thing, just at a slower speed.
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