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The Beast

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Everything posted by The Beast

  1. Give it a rest. I have a good mind to get rid of the likes table and put up a grassers table instead. You would be top of it hands down.
  2. This policy has been mooted for a while. Nursing ceased to be nursing once the training scheme was removed from Schools of Nursing and given to Universities. Nurses now train to manage. Academic attainment is the purpose for many who go into the job. I meet many students from African countries who want the degree in nursing, but have no interest in actually working as a nurse once qualified. The RCN, a revenue collection agency that enjoys royal patronage, has helped successive corporate governments to fuck this job up totally. Nursing care, i.e the hard part of the job, is now franchised out to a group of unregulated and unregistered people called Health Care Assistants, at sweat shop wages.
  3. Fucking poncing bunch of doormen at The Saveloy on The Strand.
  4. Not wanting to drag up old ground, but I note that the establishment in all its branches, chums in the press, chums in the IMF, chums in the BOE, chums in the ECB, chums in the Fed Reserve, chums in the EU, chums across the political world of leaders all wheeled out the big guns to convince us to vote REMAIN. Such a good bunch in Liverpool at giving it to the said Establishment, only 64.1% of the cunts bothered to vote. Remain of course.
  5. That's what he uses to pot the brown with.
  6. I thought Danny Baker gave up the Daz doorstep challenge years ago.
  7. And opening his uneducated gob in the wrong places.
  8. One day you may fire out a few kids and you will be circumspect as to which wanker you let look after them in your absence. Tequila is for pipe cleaners.
  9. The Beast

    Taxi drivers

    Ah the ideal juncture to tell you I'm an Irish republican and an English republican and I'll make no apologies.
  10. The Beast

    Taxi drivers

    "User experience". Now that is a turn of phrase coined by cunts for cunts.
  11. I don't mind this term of address. It's when cunts use the term "bruv" I want to inject them with potassium.
  12. That referendum was the biggest political result I have ever known in my 44 years on this planet. The door was left open and we did the right thing. Future generations will thank the 17 million who had the sense to see that a corrupt, lavishly funded, unelected, unaccountable, ineffective club will no longer subsidised by mugs hard earned dough. Jacques Delors is a cunt.
  13. I don't agree, all a load of pony. PFI Biggest welfare bill ever and dependance, white underclass as result. Mass immigration 14 million cunts voted for Major, (not a majority of cunts in UK plc) Blair didn't quite amass this level of support. Turn on the TV, look at the humanitarian crisis in the Middle East and North Africa, it started with the destabilisation of Iraq. North of Ireland, thank the late Mo Mowlem not Blair Middle England exists in the minds of election campaign managers and their friends in the press. John Smith would have told Alistair Campbell, Mandleson and Charlie Whelan to fuck off.
  14. On topic, She's 20 and knocked up. Where's the father? Fuck off.
  15. Our Cliff has been an ever present on this site, so it would seem.
  16. The Beast


    Re the fat cunt, sleep apnoea didn't mitigate his actions. As an aside, Jacko set this up.
  17. I have to say, even with my laid back style of moderation, it was probably the wrong thing to attempt to discuss. I had my reasons, but they were not articulated in the nomination. Some things are just better kept to oneself.
  18. Dig in, Bill. This is nothing. She hasn't warmed up yet.
  19. The Beast

    Keith Vaz

    Never mind about all this malarkey with Communist irons, this cunt has a long litany of dubious dealings, dodgy passports, supporting a fatwa and so on. This cunt is in an enormous position of trust and how the fuck he has never been pulled up is a fucking shambles. And he's a fucking RC too.
  20. Fucking foreign muck. I 'm off for my traditional Sunday afternoon curry buffet.
  21. Withdrawal of labour is a basic right. All these silly cunts that demand services like the tube are deemed an essential service and strikes are not permitted are cunts too. As for the quacks, if the tories had their way, these poor cunts would still be working a 90 hour week with a 1 in 4 round the clock on call.
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