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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. This shit sails over the heads of every other cunt here. Bravo!
  2. Eric Cuntman

    Ian Naude

    Yep. Only the sickest, most vile cunts get the best accommodation and highest level of protection. The vast number of paedophiles in the judiciary and police force certainly look after their own. No wonder the establishment are so protective of Muslims, they share the same tastes.
  3. Eric Cuntman


    They're both men! How did two chutney ferrets have four kids? You made this up!
  4. Eric Cuntman

    ORAL B

    Would you mind washing yours out with Harpic? No need to spit.
  5. The last time an Englishman held an ash shafted axe, it was Edward lll swinging it at Philip Vl at Crecy in 1346, we won that bastard.
  6. Axe handles are made from hickory. Or beech if they're cheap.
  7. If you place Su Pollard in the same attractiveness bracket as Carol Vorderman... ..it really is true that masturbation affects your eyesight.
  8. I nominated the last Vagisan cunt ointment advert because it featured Jenny Eclair. They've found an equally stringy, obnoxious and unattractive blonde hag to replace her. There's definitely a theme, they could be sisters.
  9. Will Dame Widow Fwanky be treading the boards in panto this December? I hear his performance of 'Thinderella' is breathtaking.
  10. An amusing footnote to the Hungerford massacre, After Ryan had already slaughtered god knows how many, a hero emerged from the chaos, an elderly man on a pushbike rode past him, jingling the bike's bell and shouting; "don't be so bloody stupid!" Doesn't sound like much, but still demonstrates more bravery than exhibited by the average police commissioner.
  11. Eric Cuntman

    Mrs McCann

    I just read that you can catch rabies in Mexico. Which means Jew hunting must still be legal there!
  12. Tautologies are like buses, you wait for ages, and then 2 come along together at the same time.
  13. Eric Cuntman


    Front row, far right.. ..murderer.
  14. She looks the type of girl to add novelty value to the experience, by using a set of Scania tyre levers to show you her kidneys.
  15. He'd be more likely to join a gaggle.
  16. I now have 6 ratlikes. fuck off.
  17. You've only posted on this thread because there's a picture that looks like a huge cock. You filthy fucking poof. Lol.
  18. This one can string a sentence together, just, but there's just no pizazz. And judging by the font and disproportionate gaps, this person seems to communicate using a fisher price plastic typewriter. Or they're like Stephen Hawking and type with a stick glued to their head.
  19. It would be prudent to keep her alive though. One day we may need her to respond to the signal of an ancient alien probe. She could be stored in a huge aquarium, made from 'transparent aloominerm'.
  20. We should nuke the entire post from orbit... ..it's the only way to be sure.
  21. That Michelle O'Neill's worth ploughing though.
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