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Eric Cuntman

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Everything posted by Eric Cuntman

  1. If you can't be polite then fuck off you stupid fucking cunt. I'm losing patience with you. I won't warn you again.
  2. Lewis Hamilton has also tested positive for 75% white DNA. But he doesn't shout about that. Racist little cunt.
  3. Unfortunately, it seems that they're about 80% correct.
  4. One of his billionaire chums like Bill Gates will probably give him a 'cerebral interface' helmet. Like what Clint Eastwood had in 'Firefox'.
  5. Publicity stunt. Another member of the super rich elite reinforcing the population control dogma with another "It could happen to anyone" story. Same as Wingnut Charlie and Boris. Load of bullshit.
  6. Perhaps there aren't any pictures to upload because he made it all up.
  7. This only applies to photos that exist. So not much help to Pants-Boy.
  8. I fucking knew you would try and explain your absence with some bullshit about your fifth holiday this month. I take it your benefits have been paid in and you've persuaded them to reconnect your broadband. Or didn't they have technology at the exclusive resort you imagine you stayed at? (expect back-up story about camping out and hunting bears like a tough brute alpha male. Hence no wi-fi.)
  9. Except Dame Edna. That is funny. Plus he levelled up the scales with Les Patterson.
  10. Is he the black cunt out of 'Pacific Rim 2'? What a stupid fucking idea... 'Earths cities are under attack from big Godzilla cunts!' 'Shall we launch some jet fighters and kill the big Godzilla cunts with some missiles?' 'No. let's spend tens of billions building big robots to have punch ups with the big Godzilla cunts.' Fucking shite.
  11. Who's on what naughty step? Why? I always miss this shit.
  12. No. This was much earlier. It spoofed 'Fife Robertson' reporting on a flood. 1966. I just looked it up.
  13. No I'm not. The BBC gnome service was a real thing. It was a satirical 45rpm flexi-disc given away either by the BBC or Private Eye magazine. I can't remember which.
  14. Do you have the 'BBC Gnome Service' flexi-discs' from the 1970s?
  15. There'll be no sheep-shagging around here Harold. Leave her alone you big love albatross.
  16. Harold, are you officially mental? As in, certified by doctors with qualifications. Or just a gifted amateur?
  17. Did this ginger postman have a black & white cat?
  18. Is 'Sadly the conceited prick' any relation to 'Gladly the cross eyed bear'?
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