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Guest ducunti

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Guest ducunti

So after all the years of shitting on everyone, making obscene profits and trying to monopolise world food selling the cunts have finally hit the wall, part in arrogance and bullshit and part in lidl and aldi. My heart fucking bleeds not and as a last desperate act they are now discounting a majority of their prices. Just goes to prove the cunts were ripping off their customers for all those years but I dont suppose there's much chance of a refund. 

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Funnier than Tesco going down the pan are their loyalty card customers. Thick cunts allow themselves to be duped by what is  basically a tracking device. "Tell us everything about your shopping habits, and we'll give you a zillionth of a penny for every over priced item you buy from us.  Then we'll send you vouchers for stuff we know you don't buy."

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Guest judgetwi

Christ Rat, you managed to avoid blaming the Jews in that one. Well done.

Tesco is Jewish owned, founded by one Jack Cohen. Everybody knows that so Herr Ratsfuhrer found it unnecessary to mention it. Tesco are often criticized for selling products which originate in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. I'm surprised the little Nazi didn't raise the subject but perhaps he is busy playing with his little winkle.

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Guest Patroller

Tesco is Jewish owned, founded by one Jack Cohen. Everybody knows that so Herr Ratsfuhrer found it unnecessary to mention it. Tesco are often criticized for selling products which originate in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. I'm surprised the little Nazi didn't raise the subject but perhaps he is busy playing with his little winkle.

You are one dreadful cunt judge. No one gives a fuck about rat either. Rat is a deluded fuckwit.
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Guest Patroller

I've never been in a Tescos nor would I be seen dead in one.
If I do use a supermarket it's one of the more up market ones like Waitrose or Booths.Better value,reassuringly expensive and less vermin in tracksuits.
It doesn't surprise me you buy your bananas at Tescos.
To satisfy your transgender chum when you're tired?

It's a pity no one laughs when you post ape!
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Guest cuntcrapper

They were the price setters in an oligolyptic, reversely vertical integrated set incorporating the other robberslicks, Asda, Sainsbury and 'brony' Morrisons from 'oop north'. Tesco full of arrogant little cunts whose only link to success within their miserable tiny lives comes from being paid by the Nation's number 1 crocodile.

After hours, (which they all do plenty of, making out they love it) they return to their miserable little Wimpy homes in their thick rubber soled shoes, to be nagged rotten by their F&F (use your imagination) attired chav wives. The real barons reside in £5m mansions with the Asian Sheiks, also made rich by cheating. Their rotten disgusting criminalistic existence has been going on for years and the turd has only surfaced from the Cheshunt cesspit thanks to last centuries enemies of Judaism, the Krauts in their new 'Panzers' Aldi & Lidl.

Now the cunts are going to simplify their hulking great sheds and cut prices to match the Huns strategy, which won't work cos their overheads have to be Mega, to cover their zombieking brained 'big is beautiful, we fuck everyone and everything' policy.

Hopefully a long drawn out humiliation awaits one of the nastiest screwdrivers in British commercial history. I wish them nothing but failure, disaster, mass redundancies, misery and ultimate obliteration.

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They were the price setters in an oligolyptic, reversely vertical integrated set incorporating the other robberslicks, Asda, Sainsbury and 'brony' Morrisons from 'oop north'. Tesco full of arrogant little cunts whose only link to success within their miserable tiny lives comes from being paid by the Nation's number 1 crocodile.
After hours, (which they all do plenty of, making out they love it) they return to their miserable little Wimpy homes in their thick rubber soled shoes, to be nagged rotten by their F&F (use your imagination) attired chav wives. The real barons reside in £5m mansions with the Asian Sheiks, also made rich by cheating. Their rotten disgusting criminalistic existence has been going on for years and the turd has only surfaced from the Cheshunt cesspit thanks to last centuries enemies of Judaism, the Krauts in their new 'Panzers' Aldi & Lidl.
Now the cunts are going to simplify their hulking great sheds and cut prices to match the Huns strategy, which won't work cos their overheads have to be Mega, to cover their zombieking brained 'big is beautiful, we fuck everyone and everything' policy.
Hopefully a long drawn out humiliation awaits one of the nastiest screwdrivers in British commercial history. I wish them nothing but failure, disaster, mass redundancies, misery and ultimate obliteration.

So, what do you think of their cheese selection?
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Guest cuntcrapper

They were the price setters in an oligolyptic, reversely vertical integrated set incorporating the other robberslicks, Asda, Sainsbury and 'brony' Morrisons from 'oop north'. Tesco full of arrogant little cunts whose only link to success within their miserable tiny lives comes from being paid by the Nation's number 1 crocodile.

After hours, (which they all do plenty of, making out they love it) they return to their miserable little Wimpy homes in their thick rubber soled shoes, to be nagged rotten by their F&F (use your imagination) attired chav wives. The real barons reside in £5m mansions with the Asian Sheiks, also made rich by cheating. Their rotten disgusting criminalistic existence has been going on for years and the turd has only surfaced from the Cheshunt cesspit thanks to last centuries enemies of Judaism, the Krauts in their new 'Panzers' Aldi & Lidl.

Now the cunts are going to simplify their hulking great sheds and cut prices to match the Huns strategy, which won't work cos their overheads have to be Mega, to cover their zombieking brained 'big is beautiful, we fuck everyone and everything' policy.

Hopefully a long drawn out humiliation awaits one of the nastiest screwdrivers in British commercial history. I wish them nothing but failure, disaster, mass redundancies, misery and ultimate obliteration.


So what do you think of their cheese selection?



Too Kosher for my liking!

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Tesco is Jewish owned, founded by one Jack Cohen. Everybody knows that so Herr Ratsfuhrer found it unnecessary to mention it. Tesco are often criticized for selling products which originate in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. I'm surprised the little Nazi didn't raise the subject but perhaps he is busy playing with his little winkle.

I take it as axiomatic that if something is worth owning then some fucking Jew already owns it. I imagine there must be the occasional exception, but 99% is more than close enough for Government work.

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The entente not-so-fucking-cordiale between me and Tesco's went south when, not content with selling me the contents of my weekly shop (condoms, Vaseline, Swarfega, bullets - that kind of caper) you arrive at the checkout to be confronted by sales chits for their Loans, Pet Insurance and Internet service provision.

Is there no crevice of our commercial life these graspers don't want a part of?

Penny for the Guy? Bob-a-Job week? Jesus Christ, throw a 10 pence piece into a buskers hat and the Usurers Hand of Tesco's catches it mid-flight and makes off with it, with a rebel yell.

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You are one dreadful cunt judge. No one gives a fuck about rat either. Rat is a deluded fuckwit.


It's a pity no one laughs when you post ape!

It's a pity no one laughs when you post ape!

Steady on there Wilkster .... For a new chap you seem unusually confident and assertive.
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Porking my 35 year old University tutor, she was lovely.

I fucked my English teacher from school about 6 years ago, after I bumped into her in a pub one night. Well pissed and all over me she was, so I thought "Why not?"  She's only 6 years older than me.

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