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Red Nose Day

Guest judgetwi

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Guest judgetwi

Ok i know it's for good causes. I know nobody forces you to watch rich cunts on the telly telling us poor cunts to give up our money. I geddit ok? But what fucking winds me up is being stuck at work with stupid , unfunny, boring fucking bastards trying desperately to be "wacky" because it's all for charidee. Give me a fucking break please!!! I used to work with this complete bastard who was just like that character in the Fast Show wearing stupid clothes and trying desperately to be funny. RND was a massive event for him. He planned it for months in advance and had 3 or 4 changes of clothing he used throughout the day. Anyway, after about 6 years of this cunt his final Red Nose Day arrived because he was due to retire before the next one. This was going to be his last opportunity to show off to a captive audience without getting smacked in the gob and he was going to make the most of it. It was all he could talk about for weeks. Anyway, the day before he got a phone call telling him his Mum had just dropped dead from a massive heart attack. Obviously he fucked off immediately. Now nobody said anything but we were all thinking...........at least we won't have to put up with the cunt tomorrow........every cloud etc. etc. You probably won't believe this but the next morning he was at the gate , dressed as a FUCKING ANGEL, complete with wings on his back, stopping cars and demanding money for charidee. His next costume was the FUCKING DEVILarrow-10x10.png! Talk about bad taste! He spent the rest of the day acting the cunt while his poor Mother's corpse was still warm. These sort of cunts need to be shot! I met his wife once and she seemed quite normal so fuck knows how she put up with the wanker 24/7. She must be a fucking saint i reckon.

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Ok i know it's for good causes. I know nobody forces you to watch rich cunts on the telly telling us poor cunts to give up our money. I geddit ok? But what fucking winds me up is being stuck at work with stupid , unfunny, boring fucking bastards trying desperately to be "wacky" because it's all for charidee. Give me a fucking break please!!! I used to work with this complete bastard who was just like that character in the Fast Show wearing stupid clothes and trying desperately to be funny. RND was a massive event for him. He planned it for months in advance and had 3 or 4 changes of clothing he used throughout the day. Anyway, after about 6 years of this cunt his final Red Nose Day arrived because he was due to retire before the next one. This was going to be his last opportunity to show off to a captive audience without getting smacked in the gob and he was going to make the most of it. It was all he could talk about for weeks. Anyway, the day before he got a phone call telling him his Mum had just dropped dead from a massive heart attack. Obviously he fucked off immediately. Now nobody said anything but we were all thinking...........at least we won't have to put up with the cunt tomorrow........every cloud etc. etc. You probably won't believe this but the next morning he was at the gate , dressed as a FUCKING ANGEL, complete with wings on his back, stopping cars and demanding money for charidee. His next costume was the FUCKING DEVILarrow-10x10.png! Talk about bad taste! He spent the rest of the day acting the cunt while his poor Mother's corpse was still warm. These sort of cunts need to be shot! I met his wife once and she seemed quite normal so fuck knows how she put up with the wanker 24/7. She must be a fucking saint i reckon.

An eloquent rant judge, and spot on the money. Your work colleague clearly needs sectioning.

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Guest DingTheRioja

Always, always HATE cunts who go "on the telleh" and ask for my money when they are squirreling away millions of MY FUCKING LICENCE FEE where the tax man can't cometh...


Oi cunts? Put your hand in YOUR fucking pocket, NOT mine, you fucking talentless, self-aggrandising, smarmy, never-was-been, backslapping, shirtlifting, paedo-hiding WANKERS!


brb... off for me brekkie....

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My workday is barely 1 hour old and already been approached by a number of the "awhh c'mon it's for charidee cunts" and my disinterest and response that i give in my own way - privately that is - and that like the OP don't appreciate the "wacky .. look at me I'm like a sleb on the tv y'know" cunt is met with a look usually reserved for kiddie fiddlers or IS associate membership. At the risk of repeating what all the posts above have said already they can all fuck right off .

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Ok i know it's for good causes. I know nobody forces you to watch rich cunts on the telly telling us poor cunts to give up our money. I geddit ok? But what fucking winds me up is being stuck at work with stupid , unfunny, boring fucking bastards trying desperately to be "wacky" because it's all for charidee. Give me a fucking break please!!! I used to work with this complete bastard who was just like that character in the Fast Show wearing stupid clothes and trying desperately to be funny. RND was a massive event for him. He planned it for months in advance and had 3 or 4 changes of clothing he used throughout the day. Anyway, after about 6 years of this cunt his final Red Nose Day arrived because he was due to retire before the next one. This was going to be his last opportunity to show off to a captive audience without getting smacked in the gob and he was going to make the most of it. It was all he could talk about for weeks. Anyway, the day before he got a phone call telling him his Mum had just dropped dead from a massive heart attack. Obviously he fucked off immediately. Now nobody said anything but we were all thinking...........at least we won't have to put up with the cunt tomorrow........every cloud etc. etc. You probably won't believe this but the next morning he was at the gate , dressed as a FUCKING ANGEL, complete with wings on his back, stopping cars and demanding money for charidee. His next costume was the FUCKING DEVILarrow-10x10.png! Talk about bad taste! He spent the rest of the day acting the cunt while his poor Mother's corpse was still warm. These sort of cunts need to be shot! I met his wife once and she seemed quite normal so fuck knows how she put up with the wanker 24/7. She must be a fucking saint i reckon.

​I suspect his mother just couldn't bear the fact that the cunt was most likely going to be around 24/7 during his retirement and the stress brought on her death prematurely. She must have stashed away some poison too, just to hedge her bets. Poor wife though. I wonder what is her plan?

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They can all fuck right off,crocodile tears from 'c' listers who cant wait to get back home to their own 'cribs' full of fuck loads of over priced brand named tat that they could live without but choose to buy to keep up with the joneses and maintain street cred.Two-faced waste of skin cunts who value handbags & watches more than life itself,if you're that fucking concerned about some far off despot ruled shitpit then stay over there and live the fucking dream.Cunts!

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Guest Snatch

For once I agree with Judy. These cunts get right on my fucking tits. They think they are raising money for the poor. No your not. Those poor kids from Africa are now poor adults with poor kids of their own.

Fuck off and get your red nose out my face.

Lenny Henry's still an unfúnny cunt.

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..... Those poor kids from Africa are now poor adults with poor kids of their own......

Sad but true ..... these unfortunates are destined it seems to be born into shit, live in shit and die in shit and no amount of hand wringing self serving so called charidees,slebs and do gooders never have and it seems never will make any difference. But at the same time what a recruitment tool all the misery could prove to be for the IS johnnies and their plans for bongo bongo territory in general.

Oh and  yes ..Lenny Henry's still an unfúnny cunt.

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I saw that rich paddy cunt Ronan Keating winning  £11,000 last night to give to charity. £11,000 wouldn't pay for his shirt ironing service and he was saying what a great amount of money it was.  I fucking despair.  I was perusing the charidee shop today and they were pushing the Red Nose shite, I walked out without buying anything.  I'm actually quite charitable, although I wouldn't go so far as being a jigsaw checker, but I fucking baulk at this celebrity begging business.

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Anything fronted by Lenny Henry is a total cuntfest...... the most unfunny cunt that ever drew breath

He was funny on tiswas. He wasn't bad on OTT. Everything he's done since then has been shit, even his radio stuff (Rudy's rare records, anyone? ffs)

And who could forget his appearances on the black and white minstrel show? Priceless.


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Guest Gong Farmer

I am nonchalant towards this pick pocketing criminal embezzlement that  the BBC perpetrate on a annual basis and  so intend to smoke a joint and finish off a bottle of vino for every million  quid the cunts extract from the gullible saps that donate to this out and out fraudulent activity.  As they say in my country of residence...puur oplichterij.

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​Lenny fuckin Henry is a thick cunt. Well you would be if you fuckin get into bed in the street wouldn't you? I mean, what with pigeons shittin on the cunt's dreaming visage an all, you'd think the thick cunt'd find a hotel from the chain he's advertising. But, a bed on the street clearly gives the pillow-slapper an advantage over all the rest of the red nose Cunty presenters who go kerb crawlin after the show. Lenny can't be that thick, after all. And, why doesn't he have a cuppa before he gets into bed? I'lll tell ya fuckin why. The fuckin tea bags in them hotels he pushes are recycled panty-pads - the piss catcher ones, from pensioners, after they have been piped by their grandsons. And he wears striped pyjamas. Why? Does he actually want to look like a fat tube of bollockin toothpaste, what with really white teeth? I thought you were advertising hotels Len, not fuckin minty Cunty? And, why is the moon never full on the sign? Can't they afford the paint? Fuck me. I'm going back to sleep....AH - FUCK! Lenny has just jumped into my bed and there's a fuckin TV camera and film and sound crew. Bastards! Can't fuckin leave folk alone. Fuck off you cunts. And Lenny - get outa my fuckin sack you puss-filled ass blast. 

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