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As soon as the gutter press get their grubby mits on a story of a celeb, allegedly cheating on his wife, or run with a story from some old bint who went to a footballers hotel room at 3am and got touched on the bottom we have headlines for days. 

However this does not seem to apply to the establishment, we all know Ted heath like a game of walk the plank aboard his boat, but how come we only find out the details of him and his mates when they snuff it?

Would be nice to see some of this dirt before a court sometime soon, but I can't see it.

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The virtual total lack of any [presumably] surviving victims surely tells us all we need to know about the establishment sea of shit goings on then , now and in the future. The fuckers know it and all the earnest 'something must be done' politico hand wringing amounts to jack shit. One law for them and ......  you know the rest.

Edited by colonelkurtz
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  • 3 months later...


Another former pm story doing the rounds 

Anthony Charles Lynton Blair (Tony Blair, former PM of the UK)

He was charged and appeared in court at Bow Street Magistrates Court for importunity in a public toilet with another male. He tried to get sexual favour from the other man; little did he know that the toilet was being watched by police. Blair was fined £500, and walked away with nobody knowing who he really was as he used his middle names to cover who he was. Charles Lynton is the name used, and his friends in court got him off with a fine, because he is one of them.

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Another former pm story doing the rounds

Anthony Charles Lynton Blair (Tony Blair, former PM of the UK)

He was charged and appeared in court at Bow Street Magistrates Court for importunity in a public toilet with another male. He tried to get sexual favour from the other man; little did he know that the toilet was being watched by police. Blair was fined £500, and walked away with nobody knowing who he really was as he used his middle names to cover who he was. Charles Lynton is the name used, and his friends in court got him off with a fine, because he is one of them.

This a copy and paste job (circa 2010) from seancopeland.com, a well known tin-foil hat site.

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This a copy and paste job (circa 2010) from seancopeland.com, a well known tin-foil hat site.

from the scallywags web site, the lot that named the current load of newsworthy dead M.Ps and a few that have not made newsprint yet,  years ago. It is most definitely a cut and paste though, but didn't know that was a against the rules 


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from the scallywags web site, the lot that named the current load of newsworthy dead M.Ps and a few that have not made newsprint yet,  years ago. It is most definitely a cut and paste though, but didn't know that was a against the rules 


Watch yourself eddie, once the roopster gets the scent of blood in her nostrils the sound of burning posters is drowned out by the howls of the banned. Its not a pretty sight.

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