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American gun laws


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Guest deebom

A friend of mine moved to LA a few years ago and being a bloke he wanted to buy some guns. He went through all the proper channels, joined a gun club run by professionals, bought a fuckload of weaponry, associated gubbins and has a fun time shooting stuff at the gun club.

After a year or so he told me that he's applied for some sort of permit that allows him to carry a gun at all times. So I asked why. He always said he didn't want to carry a gun around with him, just shoot stuff at the club. He said he has to keep his guns in a locker at home, you cant keep them at the club. He has to drive through the 'Ghetto' (wherever the fuck that is.) to get to the club in his shiny BMW M5 with a bootfull of automatic weapons once a week. He said this was pointed out to him by a yank chum at the club, who also informed him that he will get carjacked at some point, the Police would be very unhappy with him for letting a bunch of hood niggaz steal his weaponry. So he now drives around with a big shiny semi automatic pistol of some sort, just in case.


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Guest MikeD

A friend of mine moved to LA a few years ago and being a bloke he wanted to buy some guns. He went through all the proper channels, joined a gun club run by professionals, bought a fuckload of weaponry, associated gubbins and has a fun time shooting stuff at the gun club.

After a year or so he told me that he's applied for some sort of permit that allows him to carry a gun at all times. So I asked why. He always said he didn't want to carry a gun around with him, just shoot stuff at the club. He said he has to keep his guns in a locker at home, you cant keep them at the club. He has to drive through the 'Ghetto' (wherever the fuck that is.) to get to the club in his shiny BMW M5 with a bootfull of automatic weapons once a week. He said this was pointed out to him by a yank chum at the club, who also informed him that he will get carjacked at some point, the Police would be very unhappy with him for letting a bunch of hood niggaz steal his weaponry. So he now drives around with a big shiny semi automatic pistol of some sort, just in case.


Texans are truly mad cunts, they'd rather hand over a member of their family than their guns.

A few years ago a guy from Aberdeen who worked in Texas was pissed one night, got lost and went to someone's door to ask for directions. Being Scottish and drunk it must have sounded like fucking Swahili to the bloke who's door he went to so he promptly shot him.


Not guilty.

Self-defence, he appeared threatening and was on someone else's property.

Mad cunts.


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Guest DingTheRioja

Texans are truly mad cunts, they'd rather hand over a member of their family than their guns.

A few years ago a guy from Aberdeen who worked in Texas was pissed one night, got lost and went to someone's door to ask for directions. Being Scottish and drunk it must have sounded like fucking Swahili to the bloke who's door he went to so he promptly shot him.


Not guilty.

Self-defence, he appeared threatening and was on someone else's property.

Mad cunts.


..but he was from Aberdeen...

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Texans are truly mad cunts, they'd rather hand over a member of their family than their guns.

A few years ago a guy from Aberdeen who worked in Texas was pissed one night, got lost and went to someone's door to ask for directions. Being Scottish and drunk it must have sounded like fucking Swahili to the bloke who's door he went to so he promptly shot him.


Not guilty.

Self-defence, he appeared threatening and was on someone else's property.

Mad cunts.


I went to Texas once with my mum back in the 70's. They seemed ok. My mum bought a nice 3 piece suite from there. Better then DFS anyday

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Guest MikeD

I went to Texas once with my mum back in the 70's. They seemed ok. My mum bought a nice 3 piece suite from there. Better then DFS anyday

That's so shite it's funny.

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Guest Gong Farmer

It's stipulated in the Bill of Rights that Americans have the right bear arms in case they ever find themselves having to defend themselves against 'another' tyrannical government. The founding fathers had forethought and must have seen Obama coming a mile off. The last time I was in the states some of the police were dressed in military uniforms and didn't look like the type of police officers that you could approach for directions or to ask the time. It's no wonder they want to hold on to their guns if having to live in a police state where everyone is regarded as a terrorist by the 'authorities'. Fucking citizen spies and  'see something, say something' it's like Erich Honecker East Germany on steroids. 

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It's stipulated in the Bill of Rights that Americans have the right bear arms in case they ever find themselves having to defend themselves against 'another' tyrannical government. The founding fathers had forethought and must have seen Obama coming a mile off. The last time I was in the states some of the police were dressed in military uniforms and didn't look like the type of police officers that you could approach for directions or to ask the time. It's no wonder they want to hold on to their guns if having to live in a police state where everyone is regarded as a terrorist by the 'authorities'. Fucking citizen spies and  'see something, say something' it's like Erich Honecker East Germany on steroids. 

it sounds a bit like Blaenavon!

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That's so shite it's funny.


It's stipulated in the Bill of Rights that Americans have the right bear arms in case they ever find themselves having to defend themselves against 'another' tyrannical government. The founding fathers had forethought and must have seen Obama coming a mile off. The last time I was in the states some of the police were dressed in military uniforms and didn't look like the type of police officers that you could approach for directions or to ask the time. It's no wonder they want to hold on to their guns if having to live in a police state where everyone is regarded as a terrorist by the 'authorities'. Fucking citizen spies and  'see something, say something' it's like Erich Honecker East Germany on steroids. 

When I was in Florida with a friend she couldn't believe how fat a lot of the police were. "How can they chase criminals being that fat". I pointed out that the only ones that did the chasing were the bullets in their guns.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

Texans are truly mad cunts, they'd rather hand over a member of their family than their guns.

A few years ago a guy from Aberdeen who worked in Texas was pissed one night, got lost and went to someone's door to ask for directions. Being Scottish and drunk it must have sounded like fucking Swahili to the bloke who's door he went to so he promptly shot him.


Not guilty.

Self-defence, he appeared threatening and was on someone else's property.

Mad cunts.


Texas is the soiled nappy of the colonies!  

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Guest Bill Stickers

Anything that kills Yanks is fine with me.

When I was locked in a lunatic asylum in California they made me sign a list of conditions before they could let me out. They said that under CA law I would have to wait 5 years before I could legally buy a gun. They asked if I had any objections. I said that I objected to the fact that certifiable lunatics could get a gun after only 5 years. Being Yanks, they didn't have any sense of humour so I had to quickly recant my objection or else they would refuse to let me out.


If only they had taken away your medication and left you with a shotgun. Then we wouldn't have to listen to you tediously reminiscing about a load of old bollocks.

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Guest Bill Stickers

Yeah, I asked them to do that but you know how Yanks are about health and safety regulations. Can't get a shotgun now coz of mental record. Have you got any better suggestions so that I don't have to trouble you with my tedious bollocks again? I only fucked it up last time coz I couldn't get hold of elastic at short notice to make the suicide bag. I passed out from oxycodone while I was still twatting about trying to duct tape hair bands together and stick them to a rubbish bag.

As you're using a computer, you must have electricity.

In light of that, go downstairs and fetch the toaster, and clear all the dust and grime out of your disused bathtub. You know the rest.

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Thx for the suggestion but I don't have a toaster. Anyway I'm pretty sure that whatever appliance I used, the fuse box is modified nowadays so that it would blow before I got a lethal dose. I'd just end up with severe burns and get sectioned again. After my attempt last Wednesday when I got drunk enough to get courage to hang myself but was too drunk to follow instructions on tying a noose, and consequently ended up in hospital again with alcohol and oxycodone poisoning, I'm now on my final warning before they lock me up and throw away the key, so I really have to get it right next time.

It's posts like this which make me grateful that frank has fucked off.

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Guest DingTheRioja

Thx for the suggestion but I don't have a toaster. Anyway I'm pretty sure that whatever appliance I used, the fuse box is modified nowadays so that it would blow before I got a lethal dose. I'd just end up with severe burns and get sectioned again. After my attempt last Wednesday when I got drunk enough to get courage to hang myself but was too drunk to follow instructions on tying a noose, and consequently ended up in hospital again with alcohol and oxycodone poisoning, I'm now on my final warning before they lock me up and throw away the key, so I really have to get it right next time.

It's posts like this which make me grateful that frank has fucked off.

This isn't Broken Nads on a comeback tour is it?

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