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Fancy a fucking good laugh on this grey october morning ? ...


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Power-dressed 'wannabee-alphas' whose self-belief is inversely proportional to their ability to actually deliver.

Will play along with the whole, pathetic, 'mug it up for the cameras' charade whilst the more clued up viewer will understand that if they are as half as good and clever as they think they are, they would have approached and been taken on by a venture capitalist and be actually doing their pissant 'what the world is waiting for' load of old toot, instead of indulging in this fucking boring, played-out load of old wank.

Does that predatory homosexual Claude still posture and preen his way through the semi-finals, milking his few seconds in front of the camera for all it's worth by being a bully?

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I'm not sure I can get on board with this concept given the quite appalling lack of racial diversity in this line up. On the other hand, it does look as if there are enough nancy boy queers and cigar-chomping bull dykes to guarantee tears before bedtime.

Stuart Baggs was a cunt.

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Guest DingTheRioja

The yearly spasfest is back. I just hope 1 of those tossers is brave enough to give the Sugartwat a punch in the face.

Now that would be worth watching.

He wouldn't look any different though...

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Guest Even bigger cunt.

The apprentice is complete bollocks just another bunch of slippery nipplebrains in shiny suits,and designer dresses who in general could not tell there are arses from there elbows.

Edited by Even bigger cunt.
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Its a lot like X fuctor as in If youre any good you dont need fucktard shit for brains egomaniacs to help you,It just shows you are not any fucking good cos you need a leg up given to you by a TV programme that really doesnt give a flying fuck about you but just does what it does for its own agenda....."you're fucked!"

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The yearly spasfest is back. I just hope 1 of those tossers is brave enough to give the Sugartwat a punch in the face.

Now that would be worth watching.

The cast and extras [and make no mistake , for that is all the cunts are] of this sack of shit are truly a bunch of grade one arsewipes - but the real candidates for a swift baseball bat and claw hammer session are the producers and scriptwriter cunts and cuntesses who churn out this fucking garbage.

As an aside to Jigger's earlier reference to the Claude twat , our trusted workplace wag remarked  " and you all thought mincing required you to actually leave your chair ! "

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Guest luke swarm

We are cursed in this country by having an overabundance of these mock entrepreneur cunts......they all see themselves as sharp suited, yuppie types who are destined for success and riches but the majority of then are platinum grade arsewipes.

Can someone explain to me the Amstrad Cunt because I am at a loss to explain why anybody would aspire to that level of cuntiousness and see this as a role model 

I speak from ignorance as I have never watched this apprentice tripe but the odd glimpses I have caught are cringe worthy and the sycophancy displayed is stomach churning...like Big Brother I think this phenomena is thankfully coming to its sell by date.

As an afterthought....if any of these cunts do make it to high management, can you imagine the experience of working for such self aggrandising Richard Craniums.     

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Guest Alfie Noakes

I saw one episode a couple of years back where they opened an eaterie selling dishes named after British historical figures. One meal they named after that well known British sailor and explorer Christopher Columbus.

Such a leviathon of brain cells, no wonder we are sliding down the world's greasey pole with such acheivers about to take the helm. Fuck!

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Guest Snatch

I saw one episode a couple of years back where they opened an eaterie selling dishes named after British historical figures. One meal they named after that well known British sailor and explorer Christopher Columbus.

Wasn't he the cunt that discovered America? If so,he needs a corner all to himself the spaghetti eating cunt.

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Guest Gong Farmer

That marathon running bleeder took a right cunting here, as well.  Didn't judge praise her for her bravery and pioneering spirit?

Did he? Is he one of these odious lefty leaning liberals that thinks that these people and their ilk are all fluffy bunnies that have everyone's interest at heart? One of these ludicrous Marxist shitwraps that want to enforce and impress their idea of a socialist utopia a la Sweden on the rest of us? He sounds like a right cunt to me if need be said.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

Did he? Is he one of these odious lefty leaning liberals that thinks that these people and their ilk are all fluffy bunnies that have everyone's interest at heart? One of these ludicrous Marxist shitwraps that want to enforce and impress their idea of a socialist utopia a la Sweden on the rest of us? He sound like a right cunt to me if need be said.

Judge is a cunt, without a doubt. However, I am depending on a pickled memory from earlier in the summer, you know, that odd week of hot weather and fit birds in skimpy attire?  Don't quote me, we could bould both end looking a right cunt. 

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Guest Gong Farmer

Judge is a cunt, without a doubt. However, I am depending on a pickled memory from earlier in the summer, you know, that odd week of hot weather and fit birds in skimpy attire?  Don't quote me, we could bould both end looking a right cunt. 

So what if he didn't say it? Not saying it doesn't make him any less of the cunt he already is. 

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Sugar has done fuck all for ages except for this shit. Why do people want to work for him? I had an Amstrad CPC 464 as a kid, if you wanted to play arkanoid, you'd have to start loading the cunt before you had your dinner. Now you can play games WHILE having your dinner. Fuck this cunt off, and drown him with this shoal of bastards too. Waste of time, telly and oxygen the lot of them.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

So what if he didn't say it? Not saying it doesn't make him any less of the cunt he already is. 

Than I will probably have to apologize to the cunt for my unintentional yet executed malice. 

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Guest Gong Farmer

Than I will probably have to apologize to the cunt for my unintentional yet executed malice. 

I wouldn't apologize to him even if he had tied to a chair and about to wack me around the head with a sock full of soggy dog shit. Fuck him, he said it even if he didn't.  

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