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Bacon causes cancer

Guest Alfie Noakes

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This has been known for years. Back in the 30s Drs in Germany were putting this forward. That's why Hitler turned vegetarian.

I don't know about the Hitler thing, but you are right. Red meat and processed meat in particular have been suspected carcinogens for ages. In the case of processed food nitrites are most likely to be the problem because they can form highly carcinogenic nitrosamines in the presence of amines.

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Their favourite quote is "research shows".

So they say. That could mean fucking anything and we've no way of disproving it.

Fuck them. Where's that frying pan?

You can quote me on this mike , if we're still alive in about 50 years time. 

"Smoking and drinking have turned out to be beneficial. The perceived health risks are outweighed by the lower stress levels of smokers and drinkers."



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You forgot the margerine fiasco... neatly swept under the carpet....

They wouldn't fucking dare!!!!

Shhh... this is simply a ploy to make sure there are no backsliders over there... leaves all the more bacon for us sensible people...

German scientists also proved that the Aryan race was superior to everyone else... just saying...

When I worked for the health service, I had the full report from the Lancet (iirc) proving that 1 to 2 glasses of red wine every day improved your health massively, and that the negatives were minor enough to enable you to simply eat an extra portion of fruit & veg to counterbalance it, tomatoes being the veg of preference for some reason...

Wish I'd kept it...

These multi-response listings of yours create a null and void. With respect, you come across like a wet fish... with a tick. Lyme disease?

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You can quote me on this mike , if we're still alive in about 50 years time. 

"Smoking and drinking have turned out to be beneficial. The perceived health risks are outweighed by the lower stress levels of smokers and drinkers."



Fifty years? Be a lot sooner than that if there's money in it for some cunt.

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Guest DingTheRioja
  1. These multi-response listings of yours create a null and void.
  2. With respect, you come across like a wet fish...
  3. with a tick.
  4. Lyme disease?
  1. That is not correct English.
  2. You come like a wet fish.
  3. Nervous twitch?
  4. Please add some quick lime on top of the Value Cornflakes you have for breakfast, lunch, dinner and munchies....it's better for you than sugar, the WHO says so....
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Guest Gong Farmer

I was wondering if it's only people that shove sausages up their arses that get bowel cancer? I've never shoved a sausage up my arse and I haven't got it. There's some good advise there somewhere.

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I was wondering if it's only people that shove sausages up their arses that get bowel cancer? I've never shoved a sausage up my arse and I haven't got it. There's some good advise there somewhere.

Is there a doctor in the house?

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You've been peeking in windows and wanking furiously for just as long, but you're not blind.

40 years granted,so get this you lot,cheese,lager,sunny holidays,driving,gardening,sports,working,sleeping,cycling,moaning,smiling and shitting all give you cancer......BEWARE

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

Apparently the more moles you have on your arm the bigger the chance of getting cancer.

For fucks sake. Years ago coffee was bad for you,then it was god for you and now it's probably both good and bad for you.

And to think these cunts get paid thousands for their so called research.

I have a couple of moles in my garden. What are my chances Dr Snatch?

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I have a couple of moles in my garden. What are my chances Dr Snatch?

Your chances are very good.

I suggest concreting it over and painting it green. Thereby the moles will fuck off elsewhere and also doing away with gardening,giving you more time to do something else.

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