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SAS - Who Dares Wins.. Anthony Middleton


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Frank I can see you know, sat on the beach in torremolinos , midday sun turning you a bright pink , (sun cream is for fairies), reading the latest mindless drivel from a lying sas 'hero'.

You would then bore everyone at the bar with tales of 1 man single handedly strangling 100 Arabs after a 100 mile walk. 

Poor long awaited effort, from a half 'out' poof, 3/10.

I'm toning down the smugness, ed.. making amends. Consider this one an amuse-bouche. 

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Guest DingTheRioja

Frank I can see you know, sat on the beach in torremolinos , midday sun turning you a bright pink , (sun cream is for fairies), reading the latest mindless drivel from a lying sas 'hero'.

You would then bore everyone at the bar with tales of 1 man single handedly strangling 100 Arabs after a 100 mile walk. 

Poor long awaited effort, from a half 'out' poof, 3/10.

I thought you meant "after a 100 mile wank"...

Just wait until you see my Ching Chong China man impression.

There's a bloke does one of those meat van market stalls round here with the microphone, he seems to think he's some sort of garage/grime DJ with his wanky half cock-er-ney accent... anyway.. when it comes to the chinese/BBQ sauces ribs, he actually does say "ching chong ping pong chinese pork chops"..

I'd fucking love to see him say that if the chinese from the arse end of Leeds hear him.... they'd be selling him off in 2 lb minced meat trays before his chav wife could scrape the slap off her face...

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I think, although I could be wrong, that this is the first nom I've seen from Frank since I joined the Corner.

All that waiting, they always say you should never meet your heroes.

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You mean to say that I've sat through and read over 300 posts of your utter fucking shite, waiting for your first nom, and this is fucking it?  You should be ashamed of yourself.

I'm terribly sorry decs, spot wouldn't lift the ban until I posted a nom, however shit. He's given me a final warning... post three noms within a week or be permanently banned. You might like the next one .. 'Dom & Steph from Gogglebox'. 

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

so exactly why has this poofs fantasy been nominated as a cunt?

I've been told I'm quite handsome from a number of girls but if a geezer came up to me and said it I would be thinking mincing fucking poof, or just say 'hello Frank'

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Guest Alfie Noakes

Well frank, after the pasting you thought you may have given me on my first few noms here is my opinion. You are seriously lacking, it isn't even a pile of shit. 0\10. Now please eat some raw shellfish and get botulism there's a good chap.

Edited by Alfie Noakes
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Guest luke swarm

I have watched the past three episodes, Mike. This man, apart from a squeaky Essex voice, has it all. I've never had a problem telling another man that I think he's handsome. Have you?

do you do this often Frank ?....telling strangers that they are handsome.....I must say I admire your honesty and got to hand it to you, it takes a real man to admit that he likes cock on a site called cunts corner. I am beginning to like you...not a lot though.    

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Guest luke swarm

Well frank, after the pasting you thought you may have given me on my first few noms here is my opinion. You are seriously lacking, it isn't even a pile of shit. 0\10. Now please eat some raw shellfish and get botulism there's a good chap.

come now Alfie....you must offer encouragement to poor Frank....0/10 is a bit harsh by any standard.......give the man some hope....it is his 1st Nom at least since I started here in august.....yes it is a dismal post but its a bit better than the usual tedious wank he usually posts. 

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Considering the amount of abuse thrown our way by Frank and how he considers us all thick and/or beneath him, I thought that when he finally does contribute a nom his true genius will be apparent and that'll be the end of the site as nobody will ever improve on it.

Either that or he'll show himself up for the completely up his own arse, deluded prick that he is.

I know my conclusion.

Any thoughts?


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Considering the amount of abuse thrown our way by Frank and how he considers us all thick and/or beneath him, I thought that when he finally does contribute a nom his true genius will be apparent and that'll be the end of the site as nobody will ever improve on it.

Either that or he'll show himself up for the completely up his own arse, deluded prick that he is.

I know my conclusion.

Any thoughts?


I wasn't expecting an easy crowd, Mike. 

They'll warm to me. 


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Have I got the rules right?

Someone starts a thread or nom or whatever you want to call it. After 2 or 3 fairly sensible comments, Frank turns up. At this point, everyboduy except Frank become friends. All the friends give Frank a major cunt kicking .

If so, can I play?

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