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Guest Gurt

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2 minutes ago, Frank. said:

I often despair with the world we live in today, Spot.

I'll guess you have around twenty years on me. How do you cope?

I have around 10 years on you Frank....... I despair of the one eyed, short term thinking of lazy politicians whose naive and lazy reasoning dumped us in the fucking shit ....despite repeated warnings . The problem  Is, politicians don't suffer the consequences.

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15 minutes ago, cuntspotter said:

I have around 10 years on you Frank....... I despair of the one eyed, short term thinking of lazy politicians whose naive and lazy reasoning dumped us in the fucking shit ....despite repeated warnings . The problem  Is, politicians don't suffer the consequences.




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Greece has said that one of the Paris attackers passed through one of the Greek islands from Syria in October.

Just as well that they manage to identify everyone who comes in or else there would be hundreds more of the murdering bastards in Europe already.

No....hang on a minute. 

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1 hour ago, cuntspotter said:

I'm not quite sure how or why any of that was big talk but, regardless, I don't think I'll be taking any English lessons from you, Oscar. It's Doesn't ........ not don't. You fucking self righteous clod. 

No need to use profanity old man, doesn't suit you.

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7 hours ago, cuntspotter said:


      MIght It not be prudent to weigh things up my way

Lots Isn't it time we hese fuckers want to kill lots of us. Isnt

Disregard this post messaging gone tits upwards.

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Lots of these fuckers want to wipe us out. Shall we stop them with clever words and the blame game or should we use the megafuck tactics we have available to us to unleash the dogs of war. This could end up pretty shit if you girly appeasers have your way. 

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5 minutes ago, Manky said:

Lots of these fuckers want to wipe us out. Shall we stop them with clever words and the blame game or should we use the megafuck tactics we have available to us to unleash the dogs of war. This could end up pretty shit if you girly appeasers have your way. 

I can imagine there's a lot of people who want to wipe you out, Alf. 

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5 minutes ago, Manky said:

Lots of these fuckers want to wipe us out. Shall we stop them with clever words and the blame game or should we use the megafuck tactics we have available to us to unleash the dogs of war. This could end up pretty shit if you girly appeasers have your way. 

Your first attempt at this post more or less answers your own question. Idiot.

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1 hour ago, Manky said:

Lots of these fuckers want to wipe us out. Shall we stop them with clever words and the blame game or should we use the megafuck tactics we have available to us to unleash the dogs of war. This could end up pretty shit if you girly appeasers have your way. 

I don't like appeasement either.It gets you nowhere. What is needed is a thought through strategy..... There isn't one , no matter what the lying cunts ( Politicians) say. 

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8 hours ago, Alfie Noakes said:

All Abrahamic religions preach elitism, slavery, genocide and submission to those in authority. They are a cancer on humanity and its biggest failing and I am afraid it will probably be our downfall if the whole lot isn't banned from any power or political influence.

If you can stand the torture, read the bible. It's much the same as the koran, "unbelievers shall be slain" etc. We used it as a convenient excuse during the crusades. And we're still using it now. That pair of prize cunts bush and bl**r both professed to be instructed by god when they illegally invaded iraq on the basis of an utter, outright lie for purposes that had no connection with our security. We're doing the same now with syria,  and our people seem amazed that their people are fleeing from the fucking place.

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9 hours ago, cuntspotter said:


    won't come ght It not be prudent to weigh things up my way

Lots Isn't it time we hese fuckers want to kill lots of us. Isnt


This shit is stuck on my phone and wont Ccome Off so im Out of here for a while. Play nicely







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8 hours ago, witheredscrote said:

What a pointless remark . Do you want them to shoot people BEFORE an incident just in case they might be armed terrorists. That seems to be very 'British police - v - Negro in a car to me. You stupid cunt.

Do you really come here for informed political comment?

I was making a trite, throwaway remark  which I hoped drew attention to the French Security services - in marked counterpoint to our own Spooks at GHCQ and Thames House - inability to head of attacks BEFORE they happened.

Any elite forces worth their salt can play the hard-man after an event of the magnitude in Paris.

You've really overthought this one haven't you, erm, you stupid cunt.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
14 hours ago, JackoTC said:

Fucking muppet. Have you never heard of RAID ?

You are all fucking pigshit thick if you think this has anything to do with opening borders / immigration or non extremist Muslims.

How can you blame an entire religion of 1.6 billion people for the acts of a tiny few ? You southerncunt really are a fucking dimwit. Go back to reading the Sun, prick.

You cannot, CANNOT EVER, stop terrorism. If you were so inclined, then drive a car into a crowded bus stop !!! How many dead ? Get 20 people to do it at once and it will eclipse anything that happened last night.

its a terrible thing to happen, but why get worked up about it ? Ask yourself truly, do you know or even care about the bomb casualties in Turkey last month ? Its the fucking same thing, but because its in Turkey you didn't give a fuck or didn't even know I'm guessing ?

I said I don't like the place.  Simple as that.  Terrorism is not a tangible thing, it is an ideology, which brute force will not stop.  All the bombs, drones, tanks, and troops of every country in the world will serve only to create more cunt terrorists.  Until the mind set of hating the west just to hate the west because their cunt god is the one true, nothing is going to make a dent.  I don't like innocent human life being lost in the  name of religious zealotry, but there is fuck all I can do about it.  As far as I'm concerned, the only fuckers who might have a chance at stopping it, are the mushies themselves.  This is a fight they have to take on.  If they despise and condemn their faith being cunted, then it is squarely on their shoulders to fuck the terrorists off, and preserve what dignity their religion has left.  Don't know what wound you up, but get yourself sorted.  


Frank, are you still alive?  I thought you would have committed Hari kari for surviving the abortion your mum gave herself with that rusty hanger.  Please do, have another go at it you boring fucking bellend!  

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14 hours ago, JackoTC said:

How can you blame an entire religion of 1.6 billion people for the acts of a tiny few ? You southerncunt really are a fucking dimwit. Go back to reading the Sun, prick.

Go and have another drink, Jacko. You show me the vast swathes of the muslim faith who come out wringing their hands in sorrow, or show any real compunction at all to root out the evil that exists among them. You can't tell me they don't notice radicalisation?  I know they are not ALL murdering bastards, but the religion as a whole stays pretty quiet when it comes to vehemently denouncing these sort of actions, don't you think, or are YOU too much of a piss addled fucking dimwit to notice?

Oh, we don't get The Sun here.

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Guest Bill Stickers
17 minutes ago, southerncunt said:

You can't tell me they don't notice radicalisation?  I know they are not ALL murdering bastards, but the religion as a whole stays pretty quiet when it comes to vehemently denouncing these sort of actions, don't you think, or are YOU too much of a piss addled fucking dimwit to notice?

I trust you are regularly monitoring the press releases, social media accounts and public statements issued by prominent Muslim groups, think-tanks, and individuals?

Or are you expecting each one of them to hand-deliver an apology letter to your door?

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9 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

I trust you are regularly monitoring the press releases, social media accounts and public statements issued by prominent Muslim groups, think-tanks, and individuals?

Or are you expecting each one of them to hand-deliver an apology letter to your door?

No, I am not. Sadly, the most prominent public statements from a Muslim group are from IS.

I don't know how you stop all this bullshit, indeed I don't think it will ever be possible. We have not had it as bad down here, but it will come, of that I am sure. My point is that the Muslim community needs to do more to root out these people. When some young bloke all of the sudden withdraws from his social circle, starts growing a beard, starts to talk religion like he never has before, condemns the western society he has grown up in on his facebook account, you cant tell me nobody in the family or wider social circle notices? Give me a fucking break. The 2 shootings we have had here both fit the above description.

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Guest Bill Stickers
5 minutes ago, southerncunt said:

No, I am not. Sadly, the most prominent public statements from a Muslim group are from IS.

I don't know how you stop all this bullshit, indeed I don't think it will ever be possible. We have not had it as bad down here, but it will come, of that I am sure. My point is that the Muslim community needs to do more to root out these people. When some young bloke all of the sudden withdraws from his social circle, starts growing a beard, starts to talk religion like he never has before, condemns the western society he has grown up in on his facebook account, you cant tell me nobody in the family or wider social circle notices? Give me a fucking break. The 2 shootings we have had here both fit the above description.

That is a different point entirely.

You were saying Muslims do not condemn the attacks, yet you do not ever have your ear in the possible direction of a condemnation. Each one of the billion Muslims is not going to give you a phone call and do it personally, and why should they.

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Guest judgetwi
16 hours ago, Eddie said:

Standard response. It has everything to do with islam, it was done in the name of islam,  it might not be what you believe to be what islam stands for ; but clearly what the terrorist believe islam requires of them.

Standard response indeed Professor. But your response would be thoroughly approved of by the Israeli government vis a vis the Muslims on the West Bank. Yet for some reason you don't buy that bullshit. I wonder why?

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Guest judgetwi
15 hours ago, Properkhunt said:

I agree with most of that, except the last sentence. Just as with the IRA, and the abundance of good catholic men that would not have the balls to murder someone, but were very happy to put in a few quid when the plate was passed around. I think you may find quite a few sympathisers in mosques up and down the UK plc.

Would you be talking about yourself here Doc? You forget to mention the untold numbers of people who put their hands in their pockets through fear and intimidation............possibly because cunts like you were holding the begging bowl. No apology expected.:D

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Guest Bill Stickers
4 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

Standard response indeed Professor. But your response would be thoroughly approved of by the Israeli government vis a vis the Muslims on the West Bank. Yet for some reason you don't buy that bullshit. I wonder why?

Here he is! Tony Blair's replacement, the new Peace Envoy for the Middle East.


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1 hour ago, Bill Stickers said:

That is a different point entirely.

You were saying Muslims do not condemn the attacks, yet you do not ever have your ear in the possible direction of a condemnation. Each one of the billion Muslims is not going to give you a phone call and do it personally, and why should they.

Bollocks. My point was, and will remain, that nowhere in the media is a wholesale, multi branch condemnation from someone high up in the faith. Of course I don't expect a phone call, so stop bleating that idiotic statement, numbnuts.

There certainly has never been a Mullah come out here and denounce with any kind of conviction any of the lone wolf attacks we have had. Over there it may be different. But none of the media here, both left and right have reported anything of the sort. Only who claimed responsibility.

Perhaps you can show me the muslims marching in the streets in their thousands denouncing this kind of violence?

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3 hours ago, Bill Stickers said:

I trust you are regularly monitoring the press releases, social media accounts and public statements issued by prominent Muslim groups, think-tanks, and individuals?

Or are you expecting each one of them to hand-deliver an apology letter to your door?


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It wont stop because it suits too many people to have things this way. Establishment like it because it gives them an excuse to carry on with the shit they've been doing for the last 20 years, also gives the braindead public someone to direct hate towards (A coherent society needs an enemy figure.) rather than directing their hate towards the people who really deserve it. Our politicians and the unelected cunts who wield power.

Muslims, by and large don't condemn this, because the devout ones simply believe that this is Allah's will. Plus 70 years of special treatment for Israel by the west hasn't helped their view on the west either. Though I have noted before that these new terrorist groups Al Queda, boko Harem, ISIS ect are strangely quiet on the plight of the Palestinians.

It's in the interest of too many powerful people to leave things, no, actively provoke the situation. After all, we know they don't give a flying fuck about the masses. We are here to pay taxes, vote and die when they say so.

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