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The return of Friends

Guest MikeD

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2 minutes ago, deebom said:

Monty Python is not shit. A bit hit and miss I admit, but it's not shit. Life of Brian...

I know nothing about the Goons and have never seen anything remotely funny on TV from Milligan. However, as a child, I loved his writing, so you can fuck off to the Ning Nang Nong.

His Q series' were funny. The Pakistani dalek was brilliant, but the goons? Sorry dont get them but what they did at the time was groundbreaking and a huge risk which worked for them.

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Just now, camberwell gypsy said:

His Q series' were funny. The Pakistani dalek was brilliant, but the goons? Sorry dont get them but what they did at the time was groundbreaking and a huge risk which worked for them.


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I can totally get why people dislike The Goons, but without them you wouldn't have got beyond men dressing in women's clothing as 'comedy'. They were indeed groundbreaking, and fearless as fuck. I still find them hilarious when I can be arsed to listen to them. Because it's a radio programme, I imagine it's lost on most fucking stupid cunts because it requires meeting it halfway and using your imagination to conjure up some of the logically ridiculous situations the characters get into. Secombe was a one trick (and character) pony but Sellers and Milligan were geniuses. 

Anyone worth their salt in comedy writing lists them as an influence, especially the yanks. From Father Ted and Only Fools, through to South Park and indeed Frasier, they all sing their praises and rightly so.

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Guest DingTheRioja
6 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:


Wot, two posts and no mention of the words "lucky" and "heather"?;)

.......from the master of the tortured explanation......


9 hours ago, MikeD said:

Oh good, just what we fucking need.

One of the most smug, pompous, up it's own arse, unfunny load of fucking wank ever to pollute the airwaves is back for a "special".

Any cunt who finds this fucking shite even remotely amusing can indeed consider themselves fucking "special", as in special fucking needs.

I wonder how many fucking millions it took to get the bastards back together as I'm sure the reunion isn't for fucking "artistic and creative reasons".

But.....if Jennifer Aniston happens to be looking at the Corner i'll grudgingly accept a personal message.

Anyway, apart from my deluded fantasies, cunts the lot of them.


Mrs D looks a bit like the other one... Courtney.. fucking phwoar!

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4 minutes ago, nocti said:

I can totally get why people dislike The Goons, but without them you wouldn't have got beyond men dressing in women's clothing as 'comedy'. They were indeed groundbreaking, and fearless as fuck. I still find them hilarious when I can be arsed to listen to them. Because it's a radio programme, I imagine it's lost on most fucking stupid cunts because it requires meeting it halfway and using your imagination to conjure up some of the logically ridiculous situations the characters get into. Secombe was a one trick (and character) pony but Sellers and Milligan were geniuses. 

Anyone worth their salt in comedy writing lists them as an influence, especially the yanks. From Father Ted and Only Fools, through to South Park and indeed Frasier, they all sing their praises and rightly so.

I might have a look and see if I can download some then. I'm a fan of radio, and I have a bit of a fetish for audio books.

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29 minutes ago, MikeD said:

Fuck yes, I've seen that! Brilliant stuff but the  episodes with Danny de Vito in them are fucking outstanding.

Spot on Mike, it's fucking hilarious, but it really takes off when Devito makes his first appearance. Haven't seen any of the brand new series, but I'm well looking forward to the episode "Frank falls out of a window".

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
5 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

This is too much, first QC's repressed crush for Eddie, and now this.......

Repressed? He's in for a total pounding, the saucy cunt.

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is absolutely fucking amazing. I always had an aversion to American comedy because of the likes of Friends and Everybody Loves Raymond, but this is quality. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it.

If you have an android phone , Google show box. Then download the app,it's free and has all episodes of all 11 seasons , as well as load's of the latest  films and other tv shows, all free !

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7 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Spot on Mike, it's fucking hilarious, but it really takes off when Devito makes his first appearance. Haven't seen any of the brand new series, but I'm well looking forward to the episode "Frank falls out of a window".

I've been recommended this by far too many people not to give it a shot. If it's crap though Decs, I'm afraid I will have to call you a bastard.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
6 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:


A bit more subtle than offering to smash her granny but i did think it would be missed. Well done for noticing, you have my respect.

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6 minutes ago, Eddie said:

If you have an android phone , Google show box. Then download the app,it's free and has all episodes of all 11 seasons , as well as load's of the latest  films and other tv shows, all free !

Cheers, Edders, I'll take a peek. I normally wait for that  bastard Netflix to play it, but there's fuck all decent on at the moment and I could do with a new year laugh.

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Its just been reported that, although all of the original cast have signed up for the "reunion", they might not all be at the same place at the same time. With this logic firmly set, can I assume that I am at this very moment at a school reunion, despite being nowhere near any cunt I went to school with? Or would it only count if I was paid $1,000,000 for every lesson I attended?

What a festering pile of shit.

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17 minutes ago, MikeD said:

Because it's so shite? :D

No, my daughters loved it so it was often in the background. It was populist well-written stuff and sometimes funny. It was a bit formulaic and banal for my taste. I much prefer Family Guy and Big Bang though recently the latter seems to be going the way of Friends.

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3 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

No, my daughters loved it so it was often in the background. It was populist well-written stuff and sometimes funny. It was a bit formulaic and banal for my taste. I much prefer Family Guy and Big Bang though recently the latter seems to be going the way of Friends.

Don't they share the same writers? Makes sense that they'd end up sharing the same slow overly-sentimental death.

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Guest DingTheRioja
1 hour ago, MikeD said:

Which one's he?

Courtney Cox, the short dark haired firecracker... BEFORE she became Courtney Cox-Arquette and looked like a Biafran.......

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2 hours ago, Eddie said:

Simpsons, Seinfeld, family guy , southpark, all quality shows snatch. The middle east is a joke , fucking refugees my arse, the ultra oil rich middle east has not offered any help with the crisis, only turkey has stepped up. 

Seems now Turkey isn't so innocent.

Anyway back on thread,The Simpsons has had it's day now I think.

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3 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

His Q series' were funny. The Pakistani dalek was brilliant, but the goons? Sorry dont get them but what they did at the time was groundbreaking and a huge risk which worked for them.

His time in the army brought him into contact with many Indian and Pakistani people and he saw a funny side to them. Of course in the context of today that sketch is undoubtedly racist, but you can't really apply the morality of today to what happened 50 year ago. I'm pretty sure he didn't intend it to be offensive at the time. Don't forget that kids comics of that era showed cannibalistic "natives" boiling white missionaries alive in a giant pot. It's almost beyond belief now, but they did. The real twats are the people who still harbour the views of those bygone years, because they should know better.

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

No, my daughters loved it so it was often in the background. It was populist well-written stuff and sometimes funny. It was a bit formulaic and banal for my taste. I much prefer Family Guy and Big Bang though recently the latter seems to be going the way of Friends.

I absolutely loved The Big Bang Theory, which is unusual because I don't usually find American comedy funny. The recent episodes have lost it though in my opinion, it was about four ultra-clever nerds with close to zero social skills, it doesn't work with them all having girlfriends etc. It really should have come to a natural end when everything changed and Sheldon went off on his railway trip. FYI I hate Kaley's short hair.

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9 hours ago, deebom said:

I might have a look and see if I can download some then. I'm a fan of radio, and I have a bit of a fetish for audio books.

You don't need to. They're broadcast every Friday morning on R4 extra,  and available on the iplayer for a month after broadcast. It's normally straight after my comedy hero, tony hancock. 

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