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John Lennon


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Obviously he was a Scouser, and that should suffice, however the hypocritical cunt wrote 'imagine no possessions' whilst a tax exile in a mansion with servants wiping his hairy arse. A member of the most over rated band of all time, with a political view point similar to another plastic hippy millionaire know it all hairy cunt,Russell Brand. Also he inspired that fucking stupid manc Liam Gallagher to dress like a drugged up harry potter and create terrible music. 



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He's a right fucking spunk-monkey, Ed. 

How dare the Yoko-shagging hippy freak cunt had the temerity to hog the radio waves and limelight for so long is abomination. 

Almost, but not quite as bad as the bench-sitting, jutty-flashing abomination we all love to hate, or that despicable Yorkshire cunt, Ding. They can both fuck right off as far as I'm concerned. 

(Godspeed, Edward, you oily queen, you should be golden now). 

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Just now, Bubbles said:

He's a right fucking spunk-monkey, Ed. 

How dare the Yoko-shagging hippy freak cunt had the temerity to hog the radio waves and limelight for so long is abomination. 

Almost, but not quite as bad as the bench-sitting, jutty-flashing abomination we all love to hate, or that despicable Yorkshire cunt, Ding. They can both fuck right off as far as I'm concerned. 

(Godspeed, Edward, you oily queen, you should be golden now). 

Bubbles, thanks for the pity comment. I don't listen to what the others say about you, you're all right for a welshy.

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I want to say that I'm glad the cunt is dead, but he would serve as an even better reminder of what fucking revolting wankers the scousers are if he was breathing. People now think of him as a hero that died too soon, whereas universal truth pins him down as somebody who farted out all the spunk into Ringo's freezer and sucked the ice lollys the next day.

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Guest JackoTC
2 hours ago, Eddie said:

Obviously he was a Scouser, and that should suffice, however the hypocritical cunt wrote 'imagine no possessions' whilst a tax exile in a mansion with servants wiping his hairy arse. A member of the most over rated band of all time, with a political view point similar to another plastic hippy millionaire know it all hairy cunt,Russell Brand. Also he inspired that fucking stupid manc Liam Gallagher to dress like a drugged up harry potter and create terrible music.



You've gone too far Ed. Comparing Lennon to Russell Brand is like comparing Rolf Harris to Rembrandt etc etc etc.......

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Guest MikeD
6 minutes ago, JackoTC said:

You've gone too far Ed. Comparing Lennon to Russell Brand is like comparing Rolf Harris to Rembrandt etc etc etc.......

Or Rolf Harris to Jimmy Savile.

No, hang on, that's not right......

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Guest luke swarm
18 minutes ago, BrothersQuim said:

Sounds like he would have fitted in well on Cunts Corner.

Do remember one thing about Lennon....no matter how much of a cunt people here think of him, he is not in the same league of cuntishness that McCartney has reached.  

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36 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

Sounds like he would have fitted in well on Cunts Corner.

Do remember one thing about Lennon....no matter how much of a cunt people here think of him, he is not in the same league of cuntishness that McCartney has reached.  

That constantly surprised look when he sings, coupled with his little head shaking thing, proves your point undoubtedly.

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Guest BrothersQuim
2 minutes ago, luke swarm said:

Sounds like he would have fitted in well on Cunts Corner.

Do remember one thing about Lennon....no matter how much of a cunt people here think of him, he is not in the same league of cuntishness that McCartney has reached.  

Can't fault you on this, McCartney is definitely a much bigger cunt!

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Guest Couldn't give a shit

Lennon openly supported the Provisional IRA when they were blowing innocent people to pieces. He offered to perform in a fundraising concert for republican prisoners and he was in league with the commies who were threatening to nuke western Europe. He was indeed a cunt and should have been kidnapped under the cover of darkness, taken to the nearest RAF base and flown to 30,000 feet before being fucked out of the back of a Hercules transport aircraft with no parachute. 

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1 minute ago, Couldn't give a shit said:

Lennon openly supported the Provisional IRA when they were blowing innocent people to pieces. He offered to perform in a fundraising concert for republican prisoners and he was in league with the commies who were threatening to nuke western Europe. He was indeed a cunt and should have been kidnapped under the cover of darkness, taken to the nearest RAF base and flown to 30,000 feet before being fucked out of the back of a Hercules transport aircraft with no parachute. 

You can't trust a scouser, you literally can't take your eyes off them for a second. Derek Okura is the one exception.

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1 hour ago, BrothersQuim said:

I was going to mention that as well bq, saw that "most shocking" tv programme a few weeks ago. Lennon was filmed telling the window lickers to clap their hands, while miming doing so with curled fingers spastic style and sticking his tongue out in a poor imitation of a downs syndrome kid. 

That's not why he's a cunt though. He's a cunt because he was in the beatles, the most overrated group ever to soil our planet, and because when they finally did the decent thing and fucked off he produced even worse shit than he did with them (which I would have deemed impossible.)


If that doesn't smoke apple out, nothing will.

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Guest BrothersQuim
13 minutes ago, scotty said:

I was going to mention that as well bq, saw that "most shocking" tv programme a few weeks ago. Lennon was filmed telling the window lickers to clap their hands, while miming doing so with curled fingers spastic style and sticking his tongue out in a poor imitation of a downs syndrome kid. 

That's not why he's a cunt though. He's a cunt because he was in the beatles, the most overrated group ever to soil our planet, and because when they finally did the decent thing and fucked off he produced even worse shit than he did with them (which I would have deemed impossible.)


If that doesn't smoke apple out, nothing will.

I did laugh a bit though I must say.


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Guest Manky
11 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I was playing netball for my school when we were told that Lennon had been murdered. Nobody gave a shit.

I called in a pub in Liverpool and the walls were covered in pictures of Lennon and his 3 cunts in crime. All I need to find now is a bog with photo's of turds all over the walls and my time here will be complete.

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Guest deebom

I remember reading a biography on him years ago that said the same thing. He was an unpleasant cunt.

I reckon if he wasn't dead, he would have surpassed McCartney in cuntishness by an order of magnitude. So much so, that I believe if Lennon were alive today, we would actually like McCartney...


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Guest luke swarm
Just now, deebom said:

I remember reading a biography on him years ago that said the same thing. He was an unpleasant cunt.

I reckon if he wasn't dead, he would have surpassed McCartney in cuntishness by an order of magnitude. So much so, that I believe if Lennon were alive today, we would actually like McCartney...


Thats a terrible thing to say......the McCartney bit I mean.......be ashamed

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29 minutes ago, deebom said:

I remember reading a biography on him years ago that said the same thing. He was an unpleasant cunt.

I reckon if he wasn't dead, he would have surpassed McCartney in cuntishness by an order of magnitude. So much so, that I believe if Lennon were alive today, we would actually like McCartney...


It makes you think of it the other way sometimes. Perhaps Bono would've been respected somewhat if he died in the womb.

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Guest DingTheRioja


53 minutes ago, nocti said:

It makes you think of it the other way sometimes. Perhaps Bono would've been respected somewhat if he died in the womb.

Now you're just talking bollocks!

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