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Guest deebom

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Guest nobgobbler
On 16/04/2016 at 5:49 PM, luke swarm said:

well he had to be told Mike.....Jacko/Frank were starting to merge into one horribly pathetic entity.

Wait while punkape joins in.

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Guest Fatty
On ‎19‎/‎04‎/‎2016 at 6:14 AM, Ape said:

How, exactly, does my thinking you're a stupid fucking twat manifest into me riding on Decimus' rancid reputation? It's something I really believe in, and if others share the same opinion then it merely confirms my belief. As for the other absurd "no due respect" drivel - well, you can shove that up your fucking arse. Soppy cunt.

I have copy right on "Soppy Cunt", please do not use without permission.


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Guest Wizardsleeve
3 hours ago, Ape said:

Err OK Scrotes, whatever you say. Cunt.

You really will follow any fucking moronic cunt over the edge, won't you!  First it was fuckwit Decimus, now Scrotes?  Fucking pathetic jizz stain of a person, you.  

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5 hours ago, Wizardsleeve said:

You really will follow any fucking moronic cunt over the edge, won't you!  First it was fuckwit Decimus, now Scrotes?  Fucking pathetic jizz stain of a person, you.  

Are you honestly so fucking thick that you took my post literally? Only an American could misinterpret what I said, so clearly intended as a piss take, as a serious comment. You really don't "do" humour, do you? Now, fuck off.


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Guest Fatty
17 hours ago, Ape said:

Sorry about that Fats, but never has anyone deserved to be called a soppy cunt more than Wiz. You're not going to take any legal action are you?

Not since you put it like that, fill ya boots

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23 minutes ago, Punkape said:

"Every little helps".

Is Mrs Ape out on th game this weekend ?

I would ask you what Mrs Punk is up to this weekend, but it's unimaginable that any female, of any species, would touch you with a fucking barge pole. So, what's Mr Punk up to this weekend? 

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Guest Wizardsleeve
14 hours ago, Ape said:

Are you honestly so fucking thick that you took my post literally? Only an American could misinterpret what I said, so clearly intended as a piss take, as a serious comment. You really don't "do" humour, do you? Now, fuck off.


Your words you dim fucking shit pile!  :lol:

Back pedal a little more, the cliff is still several feet away, you'll be fine. 


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9 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

Even your retort is mindnumbingly dull.  

What do you get if you add the limited chromosone spunk of one dead, yank dad, and the Tennessee inbred ovum of one dead yank 'mom'?

The most boring poster this site has ever suffered.

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Guest MikeD
1 minute ago, Decimus said:

What do you get if you add the limited chromosone spunk of one dead, yank dad, and the Tennessee inbred ovum of one dead yank 'mom'?

The most boring poster this site has ever suffered.

Have I lost my title?

I demand a rematch.

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3 minutes ago, MikeD said:

And now a like from Decimus.

You really are one schizophrenic cunt.

Not really, Mike. I like posts, only when I genuinely like them. It doesn't matter to me who has posted it. Can you claim the same? Because you have liked some truly fucking abysmal Ding/Wiz material over the past few days, and I'm hoping that the only genuine reason that you did was as a dig for and against me, and not that you genuinely find their brain damaged shit funny.

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Guest MikeD
Just now, Decimus said:

Not really, Mike. I like posts, only when I genuinely like them. It doesn't matter to me who has posted it. Can you claim the same? Because you have liked some truly fucking abysmal Ding/Wiz material over the past few days, and I'm hoping that the only genuine reason that you did was as a dig for and against me, and not that you genuinely find their brain damaged shit funny.

After all the compliments you've given me, wash your fucking mouth out.

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