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John Pescott.

Guest deebom

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Guest Ollyboro
2 hours ago, deebom said:

Just saw this cunt presenting an award on the British Soap Awards. Need I say any more?

Take it away people...

Fucking Hell, mate, I've just watched an old ciné film of my gran shitting in my Dad's mouth. But, I'd never admit to watching The British fucking Soap Awards.

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2 hours ago, Punkape said:

Who the fuck is John Pescott ?

You've been on the drugs again.

Stoned all bank holiday weekend I'll bet.

Get some help you thick, idle hippy.

Ahhh Punk ape shit.... Another sign of your completely useless moronic education in whatever inner city slum you were dragged up in.  You have no understanding of the political world, influential people, or even television by the looks of it.  I bet Sadam Hussen passed you by, and that you think Adolf would be an OK name for your Jewish son.  John Prescott was the deputy prime minister to Blair.  However you was at nursery school at the time having your arise wiped by some a polish bitch who despite being in a foreign country has learnt to speak the language and is stealing all the employment from your idle, thick as fuck generation.  One of your sort recently asked me what happened in 1066 to make it so fucking important.... I actually think the cunt was just like you and couldn't even say what happened in 1966 as well.  Disgracefully uneducated cunts.

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Guest deebom
6 hours ago, Ollyboro said:

Fucking Hell, mate, I've just watched an old ciné film of my gran shitting in my Dad's mouth. But, I'd never admit to watching The British fucking Soap Awards.

In my defense, it was MsBom who was watching it. She watches all of the worst that TV has to offer. I dont watch TV myself, but the fucking thing is always on.


And yes I realised I had spelt Prescott wrong after I submitted the post, but there seems to be no way of editing a post title.

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52 minutes ago, deebom said:

In my defense, it was MsBom who was watching it. She watches all of the worst that TV has to offer. I dont watch TV myself, but the fucking thing is always on.


And yes I realised I had spelt Prescott wrong after I submitted the post, but there seems to be no way of editing a post title.

You stupid drug-addled cretin.

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6 hours ago, Monumental cunt said:

Ahhh Punk ape shit.... Another sign of your completely useless moronic education in whatever inner city slum you were dragged up in.  You have no understanding of the political world, influential people, or even television by the looks of it.  I bet Sadam Hussen passed you by, and that you think Adolf would be an OK name for your Jewish son.  John Prescott was the deputy prime minister to Blair.  However you was at nursery school at the time having your arise wiped by some a polish bitch who despite being in a foreign country has learnt to speak the language and is stealing all the employment from your idle, thick as fuck generation.  One of your sort recently asked me what happened in 1066 to make it so fucking important.... I actually think the cunt was just like you and couldn't even say what happened in 1966 as well.  Disgracefully uneducated cunts.

The atomic number of Zinc is 30.

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6 hours ago, Properkhunt said:

Never been a fan of this hollering and oafish ignoramus. Always angry about something, but given the power he once had, seemed to do next to fuck all about issues that upset him. Unctuous to the hilt, he is now further filling his abdominous frame in the House of Lords.

Prescott is a prime example of a working class oaf spectacularly over extending himself.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
23 hours ago, Properkhunt said:

Never been a fan of this hollering and oafish ignoramus. Always angry about something, but given the power he once had, seemed to do next to fuck all about issues that upset him. Unctuous to the hilt, he is now further filling his abdominous frame in the House of Lords.

Hasn't he joined with Bono, Sting, Phil Collins and Geldof to save some utterly useless fucking hell on Earth yet?  Seems the type.  

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Guest DingTheRioja
On 29/05/2016 at 0:51 AM, Properkhunt said:

Never been a fan of this hollering and oafish ignoramus. Always angry about something, but given the power he once had, seemed to do next to fuck all about issues that upset him. Unctuous to the hilt, he is now further filling his abdominous frame in the House of Lords.

A typical "Union man, through and through"... given the slightest chance to get his grubby fat fingers on any power/money/women then it's Fuck The Common Man, I'm getting out of here...

6 hours ago, Hokey Gingers said:

The fucker used to binge on Nestle Carnation Topping and described himself as bulimic. His secretary must have been on cloud 9 as he mounted her over his desk reeking of barf and evaporated milk. 

I thought they both smelled the same?

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