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Cunts who congregate in doorways

Bubba C

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Guest Manky
3 minutes ago, Bubba C said:

Manky is a thick, disgusting racist whose 'place' should be head first into a wood-chipper.

You should probably spend your time cunting one of cerebral betters, like ding or wiz. 

Why thank you. I do enjoy Spunkape's updates on the Canal Street scene as I never go there.

I will nom something when the time is right. All my previous efforts were disasters. Until I am ready I will keep my powder dry.

Manky fact. A petard is a small explosive device. To be hoist by your own petard means to blow yourself up.

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7 minutes ago, Bubba C said:

Manky is a thick, disgusting racist whose 'place' should be head first into a wood-chipper.

You should probably spend your time cunting one of cerebral betters, like ding or wiz. 

I rather had Ding and Wiz on the same level as Ape but with slightly better vocabularies.

Manky is an old Labour dinosaur with pictures of Peter Mandelson and David Furnish on his bedroom walls.


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1 minute ago, Punkape said:

I rather had Ding and Wiz on the same level as Ape but with slightly better vocabularies.

Manky is an old Labour dinosaur with pictures of Peter Mandelson and David Furnish on his bedroom walls.


Does your manager know you're posting on here when you should be arranging the tinned food on aisle 13? 

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6 minutes ago, Punkape said:

No doubt you are on aisle 13 in Tesco at the moment looking for cheap lubricants for your Nigerian rent boy...

It's reassuring to know that punkers can tell us the exact aisle in tesco for lubricants, and to assure us that they are inexpensive. Good work. :)


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Guest BrothersQuim

Good nom, it's old dears blocking aisle in supermarkets that fuck me off! Get your decrepit, walking dead, blue rinse covered heads out of the fucking way before I take you down like bowling pins with my trolley! Absolute shower of bastards! 

I would like to add to this nom, cunts who stop the car to have a chat to someone on the pavement/cunts in other cars and blocking traffic flow in the process. 


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37 minutes ago, BrothersQuim said:

I would like to add to this nom, cunts who stop the car to have a chat to someone on the pavement/cunts in other cars and blocking traffic flow in the process. 


Fucking hell, yes! How the fuck did I miss off these cunts? 

When you have the bare-faced audacity to politely enquire as to when they are considering moving their vehicles, their response is oft most uncouth. 

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10 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Cunts who shove their hand in the lift door just as it's closing. This is particularly annoying when I'm the only one in it and don't want to share the lift with fucking nobody.

Utter, utter fucking cunts. These are the cunts who you see sprinting like Usain Bolt to catch the lift.......to then only go up one entire floor. 

I was going to nom 'able-bodied, lazy cunts who get the lift down' the other day, but I couldn't be arsed. 

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Guest BrothersQuim
7 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Cunts who shove their hand in the lift door just as it's closing. This is particularly annoying when I'm the only one in it and don't want to share the lift with fucking nobody.

Try nipping at their fingers like a Jack Russel does to the postie. Works a fucking treat! The odd bark doesn't hurt either.

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Guest BrothersQuim
16 minutes ago, Bubba C said:

Fucking hell, yes! How the fuck did I miss off these cunts? 

When you have the bare-faced audacity to politely enquire as to when they are considering moving their vehicles, they're response is oft most uncouth. 

I think that's why the majority of cars come with a lug wrench, makes one hell of a throwing star with enough force.

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2 minutes ago, Bubba C said:

Utter, utter fucking cunts. These are the cunts who you see sprinting like Usain Bolt to catch the lift.......to only go up one entire floor. 

I was going to nom 'able-bodied, lazy cunts who get the lift down' the other day, but I couldn't be arsed. 

I usually make a point of pretending to press the 'doors open' button when in fact I'm pressing the 'doors close' button. And as the doors shut I say loudly 'Oooh sorry'. Then cackle like the wicked witch of the west. Or East. Whichever one was the evil one. 

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12 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Cunts who shove their hand in the lift door just as it's closing. This is particularly annoying when I'm the only one in it and don't want to share the lift with fucking nobody.

Do they use a kosher lubricant to ease the passage of their arms through the closing aperture of the lift doors?

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Guest BrothersQuim
Just now, camberwell gypsy said:

Woof woof woof. 

That's my other dog impression. 

Give it a go and I guarantee no one will ever want to get in a lift with you again.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
18 hours ago, Bubba C said:

Fat cunts, thin cunts, she-cunts, he-cunts; short cunts, tall cunts, hairy cunts or bald cunts, it is performed by any/every type of cunt.  What the fuck is up with stupid fucking imbeciles who think the best place to stop and have a conversation; is the entrance/exit to a building? 

This phenomenon seems to be sweeping the country; and I guarantee it does not matter where you live, within the next 24 hours you will witness some dopey bastards crowding the doorway of a shop/office/restaurant/gay bar (Punkape), as you're trying to get through.

I will give my weekly quota of likes to the first CC cunt who posts a video of them giving a fucking good hiding to these doorway-dwelling fuckcicles.

You stupid cunt, every squinting nip knows it is the safest place to be during an earthquake, apart from in a plane. Remember this moment when your local slag heap collapses on your spit drenched valley hamlet. She'd rather park herself on a spit drenched helmet.

Edited by Quincy Cockfingers
Stick to the rules please
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10 hours ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

You stupid cunt, every squinting nip knows it is the safest place to be during an earthquake, apart from in a plane. Remember this moment when your local slag heap collapses on your spit drenched valley hamlet. She'd rather park herself on a spit drenched helmet.

I'm sure @Mrs Roops will be most dismayed to see your constant and unwarranted flagrant abuse of rule 12. 

Alcoholic idiot. 

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
8 minutes ago, BrothersQuim said:

So that's you making all those inner city lifts stink!!! You filty bitch!




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Guest DingTheRioja
16 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Woof woof woof. 

That's my other dog impression. 

I prefer the first one, on all fours...

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
4 minutes ago, Bubba C said:

I'm sure @Mrs Roops will be most dismayed to see your constant and unwarranted flagrant abuse of rule 12. 

Alcoholic idiot. 

Only in a dripping , jealous way. Secretly, she's wantin' it. Boom. Ban.

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