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French Lorry Driving Muslim

Guest Snatch

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Guest Snatch

So another terrorist attack in France,this time in Nice during Bastille day celebrations. Some Lorry driving Jihadi kills 80 people,including kids.

How long before it comes out that this cunt was a known terrorist,on the watch list and was known to of trained in Afghanistan or somewhere equally as backward? Cue the outpourings of solidarity form other World leaders. How this sort of thing will not be tolerated,they must be stopped and how we all stand together blah blah blah. The same shit everytime.

If they're on the watch list,arrest the cunts,take them out the back and machine gun the cowardly poofs and maybe it might help stop something like this in the future.

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2 hours ago, Snatch said:

So another terrorist attack in France,this time in Nice during Bastille day celebrations. Some Lorry driving Jihadi kills 80 people,including kids.

How long before it comes out that this cunt was a known terrorist,on the watch list and was known to of trained in Afghanistan or somewhere equally as backward? Cue the outpourings of solidarity form other World leaders. How this sort of thing will not be tolerated,they must be stopped and how we all stand together blah blah blah. The same shit everytime.

If they're on the watch list,arrest the cunts,take them out the back and machine gun the cowardly poofs and maybe it might help stop something like this in the future.

According to the bbc, he wasn't known to the security services but was known to the police because of common crime. 

But he's definitely a cunt. 

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Guest Manky
14 minutes ago, scotty said:

But he's definitely a cunt. 

Only one of millions from sandy places. The Froggies probably have more and worse problems than us but I fear we are due some major shit sooner or later.

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Guest nobgobbler
57 minutes ago, nocti said:

They should be punished by having their arse used as the coveted "19th hole" at Punkape's imaginary golf club.

And mark it with a flag attached to an 8ft javelin.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
23 minutes ago, Manky said:

Only one of millions from sandy places. The Froggies probably have more and worse problems than us but I fear we are due some major shit sooner or later.

Hopefully they'll get you first. 

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
2 hours ago, Snatch said:

So another terrorist attack in France,this time in Nice during Bastille day celebrations. Some Lorry driving Jihadi kills 80 people,including kids.

How long before it comes out that this cunt was a known terrorist,on the watch list and was known to of trained in Afghanistan or somewhere equally as backward? Cue the outpourings of solidarity form other World leaders. How this sort of thing will not be tolerated,they must be stopped and how we all stand together blah blah blah. The same shit everytime.

If they're on the watch list,arrest the cunts,take them out the back and machine gun the cowardly poofs and maybe it might help stop something like this in the future.

Snatch, though there isn't much to like about Islam, these cunts are first and foremost terrorists. One doesn't need to have a religion to be an utter psycho cunt, but it does seem to help. Show me a cunt with strong religious beliefs, and I'll show you a cock. Would you like me to shite in your mouth?

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Guest Manky
17 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Hopefully they'll get you first. 

Fuck off. No chance. Only the good die young

My ambition is to live forever or die trying.

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Guest Bill Stickers
3 hours ago, Snatch said:

If they're on the watch list,arrest the cunts,take them out the back and machine gun the cowardly poofs and maybe it might help stop something like this in the future.

Reactionary idiot. You would have been one of the first cunts duabing star of David's on people's houses if you'd lived in 1930s Germany. Get a fucking grip. 

Yes, Islam is a pile of shit. Yes, terrorists are sub human scum.

But do you know what seperates is from the likes of IS and Saudi Arabia? Things like the right to a fair trial, and calm, critical and measured thinking.

Oh, and also people like you not being allowed any position of authority. Get back to flipping burgers by the M40 you uneducated, frothing little spastic. 

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Guest DingTheRioja
59 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

Reactionary idiot. You would have been one of the first cunts duabing star of David's on people's houses if you'd lived in 1930s Germany. Get a fucking grip. 

Yes, Islam is a pile of shit. Yes, terrorists are sub human scum.

But do you know what seperates is from the likes of IS and Saudi Arabia? Things like the right to a fair trial, and calm, critical and measured thinking.

Oh, and also people like you not being allowed any position of authority. Get back to flipping burgers by the M40 you uneducated, frothing little spastic. 

Never trust a muzzie, he'll fucking try to bomb you!

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Guest Snatch
1 hour ago, Bill Stickers said:

Reactionary idiot. You would have been one of the first cunts duabing star of David's on people's houses if you'd lived in 1930s Germany. Get a fucking grip. 

Yes, Islam is a pile of shit. Yes, terrorists are sub human scum.

But do you know what seperates is from the likes of IS and Saudi Arabia? Things like the right to a fair trial, and calm, critical and measured thinking.

Oh, and also people like you not being allowed any position of authority. Get back to flipping burgers by the M40 you uneducated, frothing little spastic. 

Ok then Bill,let's give them a fair trail. They'll get a fine and sent out onto the street to carry on this sort of shit.

It's a fucking war you dumb cunt. What is it you and your liberal mates don't understand? What would you do,give them counselling? A free holiday perhaps?

Go back to bullying others on here,it's all your capable of you spineless piece of shit.

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Guest Manky
5 minutes ago, Snatch said:

Ok then Bill,let's give them a fair trail. They'll get a fine and sent out onto the street to carry on this sort of shit.

It's a fucking war you dumb cunt. What is it you and your liberal mates don't understand? What would you do,give them counselling? A free holiday perhaps?

Go back to bullying others on here,it's all your capable of you spineless piece of shit.

You are correct, it is war. The best weapons our enemies have are their apologists and the way they use Human Rights legislation against the countries they hate and paid for by their enemies. We can be hard but fair but have to remember it is an immoral, ruthless and cynical foe we face.

Our leaders need to grasp the nettle. Non nationals who break the law, deportation immediately after sentence with no appeal. The death penalty for terrorism and dig up all golf courses to stop them hiding in the long grass.

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Guest Couldn't give a shit

Kudos to the guy with a pair who jumped from the crowd onto the lorry distracting the RoPer long enough for the plod to shoot the fucker dead.

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Guest Bill Stickers
26 minutes ago, Snatch said:

Ok then Bill,let's give them a fair trail. They'll get a fine and sent out onto the street to carry on this sort of shit.

It's a fucking war you dumb cunt. What is it you and your liberal mates don't understand? What would you do,give them counselling? A free holiday perhaps?

Go back to bullying others on here,it's all your capable of you spineless piece of shit.

I'm not advocating letting these people go with a fine. You have made that up in your strange little head.

I like how advocating killing Muslims without trial is fair game because it's a war, but being abused for having a stupid opinion on a site called cunts corner is bullying! Absolutely remarkable.

Take a long hard look at yourself, and everything you hold to be true. You'll realise you're a fucking laughable cretin with a superiority complex as large (or as small) as MikeD!

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If everyone in the world became a practicing Catholic and went to Mass once a week and confession once a month all this nonsense would stop.

The heathen and hedonistic bretheren amongst us make us a target for the disaffected and the brainwashed. Our gay communities are a stick in the eye to any form of militant Islam too.Everyone needs to start spreading the word of the Lord.

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Guest Bill Stickers
21 minutes ago, Punkape said:

If everyone in the world became a practicing Catholic and went to Mass once a week and confession once a month all this nonsense would stop.

The heathen and hedonistic bretheren amongst us make us a target for the disaffected and the brainwashed. Our gay communities are a stick in the eye to any form of militant Islam too.Everyone needs to start spreading the word of the Lord.

But what if I don't want my future children's arses pumped by the fist of my local clergyman? 

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Guest Snatch
25 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

I'm not advocating letting these people go with a fine. You have made that up in your strange little head.

I like how advocating killing Muslims without trial is fair game because it's a war, but being abused for having a stupid opinion on a site called cunts corner is bullying! Absolutely remarkable.

Take a long hard look at yourself, and everything you hold to be true. You'll realise you're a fucking laughable cretin with a superiority complex as large (or as small) as MikeD!

I don't advocate killing Muslims. I advocate killing terrorists,you know,those who want to kill us "non-believers". In case you hadn't noticed there is a difference between a real Muslim and a terrorist "Muslim".

With these type of cunts attack is the best form of defence.

Yeah Bill,give them a fair trail until it happens to one of your family. Then your opinion will be different. I personally don't want to wait that long.

As for you,all you can do here is tell people to post when asked,shut up,kill yourself etc etc blah blah bullshit. It's true,without Dec's your less than you were when he was here. Even then you were nothing.

Fuck off Bill,your an idiot.

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Guest Bill Stickers
10 minutes ago, Snatch said:

I don't advocate killing Muslims. I advocate killing terrorists,you know,those who want to kill us "non-believers". In case you hadn't noticed there is a difference between a real Muslim and a terrorist "Muslim".

With these type of cunts attack is the best form of defence.

Yeah Bill,give them a fair trail until it happens to one of your family. Then your opinion will be different. I personally don't want to wait that long.

As for you,all you can do here is tell people to post when asked,shut up,kill yourself etc etc blah blah bullshit. It's true,without Dec's your less than you were when he was here. Even then you were nothing.

Fuck off Bill,your an idiot.

But snatch, you fucking dunce. Your argument was that anyone on a watch list should be machine gunned. Until they commit or plan to commit a terrorist act, they are not a terrorist. You would just end up killing Muslims who have done nothing wrong in the eyes of the law.

If it happened to one of my family, I shouldn't have a say in their punishment. That is why we have judges, juries, and an impartial legal system.

You thick, reactionary half wit.


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Guest Snatch
12 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

But snatch, you fucking dunce. Your argument was that anyone on a watch list should be machine gunned. Until they commit or plan to commit a terrorist act, they are not a terrorist. You would just end up killing Muslims who have done nothing wrong in the eyes of the law.

If it happened to one of my family, I shouldn't have a say in their punishment. That is why we have judges, juries, and an impartial legal system.

You thick, reactionary half wit.


There's a reason they're on the watch list you prick. It's because they are radical and sometimes known to have plans of attacks.

So we'll wait until they have committed the crime shall we? It'll be a bit too fucking late won't it.

Get in the real world you knob.

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Guest nobgobbler
25 minutes ago, Snatch said:

I don't advocate killing Muslims. I advocate killing terrorists,you know,those who want to kill us "non-believers". In case you hadn't noticed there is a difference between a real Muslim and a terrorist "Muslim".

With these type of cunts attack is the best form of defence.

Yeah Bill,give them a fair trail until it happens to one of your family. Then your opinion will be different. I personally don't want to wait that long.

As for you,all you can do here is tell people to post when asked,shut up,kill yourself etc etc blah blah bullshit. It's true,without Dec's your less than you were when he was here. Even then you were nothing.

Fuck off Bill,your an idiot.

You're wasting your breath snatch. Bill's very defensive when it comes to the muzzers.

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As an ordinary citizen who does not advocate this sort of act, I don't know if the present strategy of dealing with the threat is adequate. We hear about a successful attack, but we are not party to information on how many are prevented. I tend to take my own view, rather than the shite fed to me. When it comes to the crunch, there are plenty of sympathisers to the cause of these jihadists here in the UK. Whether or not a sympathiser has the stupidity to be brainwashed into committing such an act is another question, but make no mistake there are plenty of them in most Towns and Cities.

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