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Now these really ARE cunts


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Some bastarding scum broke in to a local hospice yesterday and proceed to wreck and thieve their way through the cafe and gift shop ... cash ,raffle prizes , kids toys . 
If ever a time when karma was needed this must be it  .. be it their nan or their sprogs , either will do , dementia or leukemia , it makes no difference.

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3 minutes ago, colonelkurtz said:

Some bastarding scum broke in to a local hospice yesterday and proceed to wreck and thieve their way through the cafe and gift shop ... cash ,raffle prizes , kids toys . 
If ever a time when karma was needed this must be it  .. be it their nan or their sprogs , either will do , dementia or leukemia , it makes no difference.

It seems you're pissed. Fuck off and sober up.

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Guest luke swarm
32 minutes ago, colonelkurtz said:

Some bastarding scum broke in to a local hospice yesterday and proceed to wreck and thieve their way through the cafe and gift shop ... cash ,raffle prizes , kids toys . 
If ever a time when karma was needed this must be it  .. be it their nan or their sprogs , either will do , dementia or leukemia , it makes no difference.

got a link please Colonel......I wish to board the outrage bus as well.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

is there honour amongst thieves? Let's fucking hope so and these cunts get what they deserve. This wouldn't have happened if one of the Krays wasn't gay or if we hadn't joined the EU in the first fucking place.

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Guest Bill Stickers
Just now, Drew P Pissflaps said:

thanks Frank. i'm quite glad i dont appeal to people of limited intelligence

You hardly seem like a scholar yourself. You're even worse at capitalisation that PunkApe when he's trying to fill out his job centre form, on a GHB comedown with an unbearably sore arse. 

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
2 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

You hardly that'slike a scholar yourself. You'le n worse at capitalisation that PunkApe when he's trying to fill out his job centre form, on a GHB comedown with an unbearably sore arse. 

i'm dumbing it down so i dont stand out from the crowd. You must know what thats like Billy.

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17 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I'm really quite disappointed in him. He has brought my mother into it, and one can only assume that he's but a short step away from the ultimate disgrace of mentioning dead fathers.

You sarcy cunt. Drew will be wheeling about, getting in a right state over that, Decs. 

A state of severely impaired mobility. 

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Guest Bill Stickers
Just now, Drew P Pissflaps said:

i'm dumbing it down so i dont stand out from the crowd. You must know what thats like Billy.

Of course you are. You only lick windows and bash your big forehead against the keyboard to remain inconspicuous. 

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Guest Wizardsleeve

Anybody that would steal from a hospice deserves every form of gruesome death ever mentioned here on the corner and throughout the pages of gory history.  An IV bleach cocktail, bark stripper, claw hammer, draw and quarter, guillotine, broken glass enema, all of it.  despicable fucking cunts! 

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