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Bubba C

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Turkey - fucking dry, cheap shit meat.

Christmas jumpers - worn only by 'cerrrraaazy' cunts/massive virgins.

Salvation Army - begging cunts.

Carol Singers - creepy fucking cunts. 

Visiting families - eating into my valuable alcohol/sleep time. 

Kids - everywhere, acting like hyperactive little cunts. 

Crimbo - a stupid word, made for stupid cunts, by stupid cunts. 

Christmas music - shit channeled into your brain at every opportunity, Clockwork Orange style. 

Jesus - beardy little fake cunt. 

Suck my dick, Christmas, you're worse than Easter. 

Bah cuntbug. 

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27 minutes ago, Bubba C said:

Turkey - fucking cheap shit meat.

Christmas jumpers - worn only by 'cerrrraaazy' cunts/massive virgins.

Salvation Army - begging cunts.

Carol Singers - creepy fucking cunts. 

Visiting families - eating into my valuable alcohol/sleep time. 

Kids - everywhere, acting like hyperactive little cunts. 

Crimbo - a stupid word, made for cunts, by  cunts. 

Christmas music - shit channeled into your brain at every opportunity, Clockwork Orange style. 

Jesus - beardy little fake cunt. 

Suck my dick, Christmas, you're worse than Easter. 

Bah cuntbug. 

Repetitive boring shite as usual you boring wanker. Bon Noel Le Cunt

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1 hour ago, Bubba C said:

Turkey - fucking cheap shit meat.

Christmas jumpers - worn only by 'cerrrraaazy' cunts/massive virgins.

Salvation Army - begging cunts.

Carol Singers - creepy fucking cunts. 

Visiting families - eating into my valuable alcohol/sleep time. 

Kids - everywhere, acting like hyperactive little cunts. 

Crimbo - a stupid word, made for cunts, by  cunts. 

Christmas music - shit channeled into your brain at every opportunity, Clockwork Orange style. 

Jesus - beardy little fake cunt. 

Suck my dick, Christmas, you're worse than Easter. 

Bah cuntbug. 

Isn't it about time you had Julian as your avatar?  Just saying 

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Guest Wizardsleeve
5 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

Repetitive boring shite as usual you boring wanker. Bon Noel Le Cunt

In Bubba's defence, this only comes round once a year.  Unlike Punkape's brand of daily repetitive boring drivel.  

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8 hours ago, Bubba C said:

Turkey - fucking cheap shit meat.

Christmas jumpers - worn only by 'cerrrraaazy' cunts/massive virgins.

Salvation Army - begging cunts.

Carol Singers - creepy fucking cunts. 

Visiting families - eating into my valuable alcohol/sleep time. 

Kids - everywhere, acting like hyperactive little cunts. 

Crimbo - a stupid word, made for cunts, by  cunts. 

Christmas music - shit channeled into your brain at every opportunity, Clockwork Orange style. 

Jesus - beardy little fake cunt. 

Suck my dick, Christmas, you're worse than Easter. 

Bah cuntbug. 

What about mulled wine? Not the actual drink, but that shite fucking nom from pompous windbag Dan? Please add to your list.

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1 minute ago, Decimus said:

What about mulled wine? Not the actual drink, but that shite fucking nom from pompous windbag Dan? Please add to your list.

I've just read it. He never stops, does he? 

Other things I hate about Christmas:

Secret Santa - thankfully, I'm employed at a level as to not have to get involved in this grunt-worker shit, but watching a bunch of childish mongs and unachieving middle-aged cunts piss themselves with joy at receiving a soduku book or novelty mug, makes me fucking sick. 

Cunts who say "have a good Christmas" from the 1st of December - fuck off. 

Ding - actually, this is a year round thing. 

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5 minutes ago, Bubba C said:

I've just read it. He never stops, does he? 

Other things I hate about Christmas:

Secret Santa - thankfully, I'm employed at a level as to not have to get involved in this grunt-worker shit, but watching a bunch of childish mongs and unachieving middle-aged cunts piss themselves with joy at receiving a soduku book or novelty mug, makes me fucking sick. 

Cunts who say "have a good Christmas" from the 1st of December - fuck off. 

Ding - actually, this is a year round thing. 

What about cunts who say "where's your Christmas spirit?"

I'm a miserable fucking cunt by nature, but it's expected that for the whole of December I'll somehow magically transform into a grinning fucking idiot and cheerfully whistle my way through the entire month, despite spending hundreds of pounds of my money on thoughtless shite for ungrateful cunts who I hate.

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I love Christmas. I relish the challenge of avoiding all the trimmings. No cards. No presents. No parties. Settling down to a Christmas dinner of curry. Walk the dog. The Queens speech then a few beers and a nice violent film. Utopia. Fuck off all you cunts who despise our traditions.

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7 hours ago, Decimus said:

What about cunts who say "where's your Christmas spirit?"

I'm a miserable fucking cunt by nature, but it's expected that for the whole of December I'll somehow magically transform into a grinning fucking idiot and cheerfully whistle my way through the entire month, despite spending hundreds of pounds of my money on thoughtless shite for ungrateful cunts who I hate.

Exactly. You need to stick to your guns.

Buying gifts for cunts and their mini-cunts - no right thinking cunt should have to part with their alcohol tokens to buy presents for cunts they barely speak to/see through the year, simply because it's "the right thing to do".

Christmas cards - What's the fucking point? A piece of recycled paper, with either some faggoty verse written by a failed screenwriter, on it. Or perhaps even worse, a jokey audio-card, with Del Boy wishing you a "cushty Christmas". 

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Mrs Manky starts preparing for next year on Boxing Day. By new year, she is stressed out. By Easter she is at DEFCON 1. Then it gets more stressful as the days pass.

In contrast, I consider the Christmas period to last from get-up o'clock to bed o'clock on Christmas Day. Back to work on Boxing day. New Year is a non event.

This year will be bad. My scouse advent calendar had all the windows smashed.   In

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

What about cunts who say "where's your Christmas spirit?"

I'm a miserable fucking cunt by nature, but it's expected that for the whole of December I'll somehow magically transform into a grinning fucking idiot and cheerfully whistle my way through the entire month, despite spending hundreds of pounds of my money on thoughtless shite for ungrateful cunts who I hate.

What fucks me off is the cunts that ignore you all year and a couple of weeks before they "wish you a merry Christmas". No they fucking don't so why bother saying it. And those fucking shite Christmas songs they play on the radio years after year after fucking year and not only the original but also the many talentless versions from the latest X-Factor cunt that Cowell is sucking off this week. Still,you can all enjoy buying your Easter eggs on the 2nd of January.

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This probably deserves a nom on its own. But Boxing Day shoppers make my shit hang sideways. There are cunts that turn up at 6 am outside shops to "grab a bargain". Is their life so fucking dull that they can't go more than one day without shopping? These are probably the same people who wait for days outside fuckingham palace, waving silly plastic union jacks to get a minute glimpse of the queen (gawd bless ya maaaaaaam (curtseys)).

Get a fucking life you cretins 

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23 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

This probably deserves a nom on its own. But Boxing Day shoppers make my shit hang sideways. There are cunts that turn up at 6 am outside shops to "grab a bargain". Is their life so fucking dull that they can't go more than one day without shopping? These are probably the same people who wait for days outside fuckingham palace, waving silly plastic union jacks to get a minute glimpse of the queen (gawd bless ya maaaaaaam (curtseys)).

Get a fucking life you cretins 

Boxing day is for sleeping off the hangover anyway.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
13 minutes ago, Gong Farmer said:

FFS! I've just found out that the goose I bought for Christmas dinner has probably come down with the flu.

Is the bird French, by an y chance?  

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
10 hours ago, Decimus said:

What about cunts who say "where's your Christmas spirit?"

I'm a miserable fucking cunt by nature, but it's expected that for the whole of December I'll somehow magically transform into a grinning fucking idiot and cheerfully whistle my way through the entire month, despite spending hundreds of pounds of my money on thoughtless shite for ungrateful cunts who I hate.

It doesn't bother me in the slightest if you don't grin, you fucking idiot.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
32 minutes ago, Gong Farmer said:

FFS! I've just found out that the goose I bought for Christmas dinner has probably come down with the flu.

If it's flu like symptoms it could be Aids. Have you had sex recently?

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38 minutes ago, Bubba C said:

Garish Christmas trees - white, black, gold or neon fucking pink. I can imagine 7ft monstrosities of these disgusting things taking pride of place in the kitchen-dining room of most northern homes. 

What you on about? Most of us don't even bother putting the fuckers up.

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