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New year resolutions


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New years resolutions, same old stupid cunts. Piss heads are giving up the booze, fat cunts will all loose weight and gyms will be full for a week. The silly cunts will genuinely attempt to convince you as they convince themselves that they are really going to do it this time. All will crumble quicker than Bill's new friendly persona. 

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I am making no New Year's resolution. Mrs Manky said that "You can't improve perfection"  although because of her cold it did sound like "Fuck off and die you fat, useless lump of shite"

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
12 minutes ago, Eddie said:

My new years resolution, stop posting shit noms.

Oh, So we've still got another 12 hours of potential bollox to come then. Happy fucking new year to you too.

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I'm going to donate half my liver, one of my kidneys and one of my lungs to replace Withers' cancer ravaged organs, in the hope that it keeps him with us for a few more years....

Only joking, I'm going to smother him with a pillow as the cunt refuses to do the decent thing and die.


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Guest Gong Farmer

I'm going to give up drink driving after narrowly avoiding a collision with a school bus full of kids on the way to work last week, or should I say the bus driver narrowly avoided me. So there you go, there's nothing with being pissed behind the wheel so long as no one else is.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
On 12/31/2016 at 6:30 AM, Eddie said:

My new years resolution, stop posting shit noms.

Any chance you'll include repeat noms Edders?  

Repeats are a bit spacky and show a remarkable lack of thought and sophistication. 

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