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Trainspotting (the film).

Guest Tata Steely Dan

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Guest Tata Steely Dan

So cunts everywhere are listening to that terrible 'Born Slippy' tune, because they've made another Trainspotting film. Cue lots of cunts making ironic lists of "Choose x, choose y, choose to do z" shite like the poster from the original film, the unoriginal, boring cretins.

Being a native of Edinburgh I'm very pissed off about all of this. For one thing I've been down to Leith a few times and, unsurprisingly, the junkies down there are not the temporarily inconvenienced philosophers the film portrays. Cunts want to pretend Trainspotting shows a gritty side of Edinburgh, but when you point out that the city is nothing like the film the same cunts get all defensive and claim that it is "art" and not an accurate portrayal. The joke is on them anyway, as most of the original film was shot in Glasgow because they couldn't find places shit enough in Edinburgh to look the part.The book is okay, but Irvine Welsh wrote bits of it purely for the shock value. In this day and age I can go watch ISIS execution videos and drone strike footage of Iraqi weddings getting bombed "by mistake", so a bunch of skagheads contemplating the human condition and occasionally beating some cunt up doesn't really have the same edge any more.

Anyway, fill your boots with this '90s "classic".


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Guest Tata Steely Dan
13 minutes ago, Manky said:

Fuck off and get independence and join the EU

I've still seen no evidence of how the SNP are going to reconcile the notion of Scottish independence with remaining part of Europe. Breaking free from the rest of the UK is in the interests of a sovereign Scotland, but apparently adhering to Brussels diktat doesn't curb our sovereignty to the same degree. Some would suggest that this is indicative of an anti-English sentiment within some corners of Scotland and a hunger within SNP MSPs to be the ones that broke Scotland free simply for the recognition. 

Or to put it another way, If it wisnae for they European cunts we wud all be pure skint ken? Like we need tae get away fae they English cunts and stand on our ain two feet ken cos they're holdin us down, but like we cannae do without they Europeans eh? They's gid cunts they Europeans. 

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1 minute ago, Tata Steely Dan said:

I've still seen no evidence of how the SNP are going to reconcile the notion of Scottish independence with remaining part of Europe. Breaking free from the rest of the UK is in the interests of a sovereign Scotland, but apparently adhering to Brussels diktat doesn't curb our sovereignty to the same degree. Some would suggest that this is indicative of an anti-English sentiment within some corners of Scotland and a hunger within SNP MSPs to be the ones that broke Scotland free simply for the recognition. 

Or to put it another way, If it wisnae for they European cunts we wud all be pure skint ken? Like we need tae get away fae they English cunts and stand on our ain two feet ken cos they're holdin us down, but like we cannae do without they Europeans eh? They's gid cunts they Europeans. 

Then the EU can bung you a couple of quid for your film industry so you can make "Trainspotting 3, The final chapter"

Canny folk these jocks.

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1 hour ago, Hokey Gingers said:

Ewan McGregor needs that fucking hat punched down his throat then kicked in the belly till his arsehole bleeds. I don`t care for him. Cunt.

Never liked him either. Remember watching him on that show where they rode motorbikes through the desert for no fucking reason. Stupid cunt stopped at some poor African village and handed out copies of Star Wars (the shit ones with him in it) on DVD. Fair enough if you don't want to give them money or food but giving the poor bastards the shit that you can't even donate to the charity shop is just cuntish. At least he signed every single one. Cunt.

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Guest Tata Steely Dan
11 minutes ago, Bubba C said:

Choose Facebook. Choose a skinny flat white latté with a cinnamon twist. Choose verbal diarrhoea. Choose posting shitty noms on the corner. 

Choose Dan. 

Fuck off. Hazelnut soya lattés or nothing at all. I'm lactose intolerant every other Wednesday.  

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7 hours ago, Tata Steely Dan said:

I've still seen no evidence of how the SNP are going to reconcile the notion of Scottish independence with remaining part of Europe. Breaking free from the rest of the UK is in the interests of a sovereign Scotland, but apparently adhering to Brussels diktat doesn't curb our sovereignty to the same degree. Some would suggest that this is indicative of an anti-English sentiment within some corners of Scotland and a hunger within SNP MSPs to be the ones that broke Scotland free simply for the recognition. 

Or to put it another way, If it wisnae for they European cunts we wud all be pure skint ken? Like we need tae get away fae they English cunts and stand on our ain two feet ken cos they're holdin us down, but like we cannae do without they Europeans eh? They's gid cunts they Europeans. 

I like you Dan. I really do, but that last paragraph was fucking hard work reading it because it wasn't 'pissed woman friendly'. I'll try and read it again in the morning when I'm sober. G'night.

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Guest JackoTC
13 hours ago, Tata Steely Dan said:

I've still seen no evidence of how the SNP are going to reconcile the notion of Scottish independence with remaining part of Europe. Breaking free from the rest of the UK is in the interests of a sovereign Scotland, but apparently adhering to Brussels diktat doesn't curb our sovereignty to the same degree. Some would suggest that this is indicative of an anti-English sentiment within some corners of Scotland and a hunger within SNP MSPs to be the ones that broke Scotland free simply for the recognition. 

Or to put it another way, If it wisnae for they European cunts we wud all be pure skint ken? Like we need tae get away fae they English cunts and stand on our ain two feet ken cos they're holdin us down, but like we cannae do without they Europeans eh? They's gid cunts they Europeans. 

I hate the SNP. And Edinburglar is full of steer and queers. At least Glasgow isn't an AIDS hotbed full of fucking fairies.

But you make a good point about MSP's craving recognition. They have it within them to wreck the country, but, let us not forget, the electorate have spoken. Sturgeon wont dare to try again so quickly.

Now get back to your skag and poofery you big bender.   

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Guest DingTheRioja
2 hours ago, ratcum said:

The new BBC series "Taboo" is a crock of shit. Full of pointless swearing and a bloke remotely fucking his sister by blowing smoke up a chimney. And to think my mum could have been watching this offensive cunt dripping. If she weren't dead that is.

I wouldn't mind but his sister is ugly, the "actress" is better looking but thats not saying much... no wonder the poor ate a lot of oysters back then, need the aphrodisiac to get them going and the smell to mask the odour of the fugly rotting women that seem to inhabit his area of london....

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17 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Never liked him either. Remember watching him on that show where they rode motorbikes through the desert for no fucking reason. Stupid cunt stopped at some poor African village and handed out copies of Star Wars (the shit ones with him in it) on DVD. Fair enough if you don't want to give them money or food but giving the poor bastards the shit that you can't even donate to the charity shop is just cuntish. At least he signed every single one. Cunt.

So these remote African villages have DVD players then?

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55 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

I wouldn't mind but his sister is ugly, the "actress" is better looking but thats not saying much... no wonder the poor ate a lot of oysters back then, need the aphrodisiac to get them going and the smell to mask the odour of the fugly rotting women that seem to inhabit his area of london....

I think she's related to Charlie Chaplin 

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3 hours ago, ratcum said:

The new BBC series "Taboo" is a crock of shit. Full of pointless swearing and a bloke remotely fucking his sister by blowing smoke up a chimney. And to think my mum could have been watching this offensive cunt dripping. If she weren't dead that is.

I found their interpretation of the honourable East India company very insulting too, Ratty. I almost dropped my monocle I was so shocked.

Tom Hardy is a fish faced cunt.

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