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Goodbye, Nelson.


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15 hours ago, Decimus said:

Sky journalist Afua Hirsch has suggested that in the wake of the debate in the USA regarding statues of confederate army figures being destroyed, we should look at our own historical monuments. 

First up is Nelson's column. Apparently, as he held exactly the same views regarding black people as nearly every other cunt 200 years ago, he should not be memorialised and instead be wiped from history. Never mind the fact that he saved the entire nation from conquest, he was allegedly a white supremacist and monster.

How can you apply modern values and social norms to a historical figure who was born nearly three hundred years ago? What the fuck's next? Are we going to be urged to tear down the coliseum, the pyramids, and Hadrian's wall all because a historical culture had the fucking audacity not to have LGBTQ+ marches and a few token blacks in the upper echelons of power?

I'm absolutely fucking sick to death of people being perpetually offended about historical figures and actions in the name of progressive, modern ideals. The very fact that they can't see the irony of linking progression to HISTORY demonstrates how flawed their pathetic arguments are.

In the words of the Rev, I want them dead.

Absolutely right. Excellent nomination. Surprised to see Bill has given it a like though, if anybody else had come up with this, he would have pounced like a jaguar in defence of Afua Hirsch. Very odd.

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15 hours ago, Decimus said:


I'm absolutely fucking sick to death of people being perpetually offended about historical figures and actions in the name of progressive, modern ideals. The very fact that they can't see the irony of linking progression to HISTORY demonstrates how flawed their pathetic arguments are.

In the words of the Rev, I want them dead.

Sub atomic particles are the new terrorists Deco 

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12 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Since Trump got elected the lefties have really turned up the heat in America. It's almost like they want to punish the entire country for daring to go against their wishes and demands. White guilt is rampant over there and students are told how they are personally responsible for the suffering of slaves over 200 years ago by communist professors who've infiltrated the universities and teach this bollocks under the guise of social education.

They're giving the KKK and the Neo Nazis exactly what they want by dragging them back into the limelight - relevance - whilst at the same time being blind to the fact that they look worse than both of them right now with their cowardly little rich kid Antifa movement, braining people with bike locks and calling anyone who dares to speak up against them - or even simply ignore them - fascists and racists whilst pushing for anything that goes against the system that got them where they are today. Now they also want history to change to suit their liking and the only people with the balls to stand up to them are the ones that the entire country has been calling cowards and racists for generations.

When the KKK and Neo Nazis look like the reasonable ones (bar a few bad drivers) you know something has gone wrong.

You ever tried driving with a flour sack over your head? It's not fucking easy, so a bit of collateral damage is only to be expected.

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2 hours ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

Statues are a memoriam to an influential historical figure providing evidence of the route to where we are now. Sometimes good, sometimes bad.

What next? History lessons that don't teach anything about the nasty, unpalatable stuff and make it all fluffy kittens and other soft, namby - pamby shite. Fuck off.

That said, it was a good move to get rid of the statue of the paedophile from Fulham FC

 Jimmy Hill? No!!!!

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5 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Weren't Jimmy Hill something to do with Fulham?

Yeah, but I just googled all this and Jimmy Hills statue is in Coventry. The statue removed from outside Fulhams ground was Michael Jackson. It was put there by Fulhams former owner Mohammed Al Fayed who was friends with the weird cunt.

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Great nom D, most people are uneducated and ignorant to many facts about historical figures and events as they believe all the bollocks they are fed by a bunch of PC twats. For a start the American civil war was started by many things before the slavery thing started. The Tariff of Abominations which was introduced in 1928 was probably the start of all the problems between North and South and when the South said bollocks to that and other things, then the good old race card was used and is still being used today. The trouble with the PC shit is, it makes matters worse because to be honest racism although still exists and probably always will at some level, but since even 20 years ago, great progress has been made to reduce it. So this PC shit just serves to bring it all back in the minds of everyone, if you're a racist then it don't matter a fuck what any cuntbrain says. While we are at it, let's ban every fucking flag and pull down every cunting statue as i'm sure the PC bastards will find something racist in all of them.

Shall we forget about every historical figure that done good things just because it upsets some pen pushing lame brained thicko who doesn't speak for everyone, it drives me fucking mad.CUNTS !!

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Guest Ollyboro
5 minutes ago, Fender777 said:

Great nom D, most people are uneducated and ignorant to many facts about historical figures and events as they believe all the bollocks they are fed by a bunch of PC twats. For a start the American civil war was started by many things before the slavery thing started. The Tariff of Abominations which was introduced in 1928 was probably the start of all the problems between North and South and when the South said bollocks to that and other things, then the good old race card was used and is still being used today. The trouble with the PC shit is, it makes matters worse because to be honest racism although still exists and probably always will at some level, but since even 20 years ago, great progress has been made to reduce it. So this PC shit just serves to bring it all back in the minds of everyone, if you're a racist then it don't matter a fuck what any cuntbrain says. While we are at it, let's ban every fucking flag and pull down every cunting statue as i'm sure the PC bastards will find something racist in all of them.

Shall we forget about every historical figure that done good things just because it upsets some pen pushing lame brained thicko who doesn't speak for everyone, it drives me fucking mad.CUNTS !!

Fends, I'd hate to witness your thoughts on this particular subject had the West Indies won the first test.

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5 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Hasn't some hospital refused to accept £2k raised by a load of blokes dressed as nurses because it demeans and belittles the work of health workers?

Yeah i heard about that bollocks, all that has done is stopped £2K from going to a good cause because of some twat, hope they're very proud of themselves denying some poor cuntbreed possible treatment....the trouble with the far left, it breeds the far right and then balance smashes out the fucking window. 

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Guest Ollyboro
7 minutes ago, Fender777 said:

Don't think they even turned up OB..haha

OB!! Brilliant, Fends. Would you believe it, I'm honestly watching Star Wars as we speak. Alec Guiness is about to get scythed by an asthmatic.

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Guest Ollyboro
16 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Why was jackos statue removed?

There are many statues outside many football grounds. Just about all of the statues have one thing in common. They are usually a 3 dimensional representation of somecunt who is associated with something glorious that happened to that club. Or in Middlesbrough's case-  a couple of players who played for Boro.

So Arsenal (I think) have an Alcoholic Adams statue outside their ground, Shitcastle have Shearer, there's the Shankly Gates at Anfield and the Matt Busby Winter Runway at Manchester airport. But they're all named after a cunt who was historically vital to that particular club. Michael Jackson was a mate of Al Fake(sic) who owned Fulham and that's about it. Tell a lie, he attended one game.

By the way, the cheapest I've found 'Nipper' for is £55!!! SECOND FUCKING HAND!!  I wouldn't even pay that for a second hand Razzle, let alone a biography about a nine year old.

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Guest Bill Stickers
7 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Absolutely right. Excellent nomination. Surprised to see Bill has given it a like though, if anybody else had come up with this, he would have pounced like a jaguar in defence of Afua Hirsch. Very odd.

Not true actually. Ripping down Nelson's column is hardly any different to ISIS smashing up holy sites in the Middle East.

Just because you don't like something notable and historical, even with good reason, doesn't mean you get to smash it down. 

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Guest Bill Stickers
27 minutes ago, Punkape said:

You wouldn't be able to join my golf club.

Probably not, I'm not sure fictional golf clubs will be able to accept Decimus' Tesco pre-paid Debit card.

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Guest Lady Penelope
1 hour ago, Punkape said:

Your tattoo is digraceful and consigns you to a life of bleating from your hovel.

Fuck off.

It is far worse than that Pun Snake .. he is wearing the scalp of a dead woman.

Now fuck off back to your home in a tent on Sound Common.


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