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Guest Quincy Cockfingers

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Guest Back door specialist
6 hours ago, Decimus said:

You can fuck a catholic slag and say you absolutely refuse to wrap your cock up. Her irrational fear of the Pope will ensure you get no complaints. Saves on money, and saves you from an otherwise desensitised and utterly pointless bang.

Another pointless bag of wank from an irrelevant self-promoting sack of shit, Mr Longword Imbecillus 

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Guest Wizardsleeve
12 minutes ago, Back door specialist said:

Another pointless bag of wank from an irrelevant self-promoting sack of shit, Mr Longword Imbecillus 

After reading some of your contributions, I have arrived at the conclusion that you are an obsequious, self loathing, flaming homosexual.  Your outward hostility reflects your inner lack of self respect and you hate your mum.  Your dad probably abandoned the family for a traveling circus bearded lady, and you're being evicted from your bedsit.  

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
18 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Yes, I simply can't believe no-one has ever pointed any of this shite out before. No, wait...

What would you say is the absolutely most moronic of their many stupid beliefs? Transubstantiation? The Virgin Mary? The Holy Ghost? The celestial hierarchy? Purgatory? Papal infallibility? Absolution through confession? Original sin? I've tried to rank these before, but unlike my famous "Horse Faced Cunts" scale there's no clear winner.

some people are so unreasonable.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
18 hours ago, ratcum said:

Excellent. Thick Southern Irish Catholics are my favourite QC. Shat on by potatoes and the British, yet still believe some swarthy Arab geezer (well he wasn’t a Christian was he?) and his bad-tempered dad are looking out for them. The fuckin guidebook these two shysters knocked out is used to justify war, hatred, abuse, exploitation, mean mindedness and Songs of Praise on a Sunday.

Next week…

Ratcum tackles reductive reasoning with a machete

Nice big letters, RC, but where is my 'like'.

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Guest Back door specialist
7 hours ago, Wizardsleeve said:

After reading some of your contributions, I have arrived at the conclusion that you are an obsequious, self loathing, flaming homosexual.  Your outward hostility reflects your inner lack of self respect and you hate your mum.  Your dad probably abandoned the family for a traveling circus bearded lady, and you're being evicted from your bedsit.  

I'm truly amazed you actually possess the capacity to arrive at any conclusion given that what's left of your medication-addled brain is degenerating rapidly.

You are a pointless, hand-wringing irrelevance, you probably spend your daylight hours staring vacantly out of your fly shit speckled windows at a world that really doesn’t care whether you're alive or dead, except for your Lithuanian caregiver/rent-boy who would be bitterly disappointed to lose the daily £2.50 you pay him for "extras".

When you die, no one will notice your passing, no one will mourn your death, when the stench of your rotting corpse becomes too much for your equally vacant-minded neighbours you will be shovelled into a body bag for disposal in an unmarked grave, no headstone, no epitaph, no visitors to your grave except for the occasional dog stopping to take a piss on it.

You refer to my "Outward hostility", which is laughable given that most posters on this forum are exactly that, you've also made reference to my parents, but, I'm not bothering to report you as this forum is most likely the only social interaction you get, apart from your Lithuanian care-giver/rent-boy of course.

Now, fuck off.




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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
15 hours ago, Decimus said:

You can fuck a catholic slag and say you absolutely refuse to wrap your cock up. Her irrational fear of the Pope will ensure you get no complaints. Saves on money, and saves you from an otherwise desensitised and utterly pointless bang.

You've gone and sorted this out.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
15 hours ago, Decimus said:

You can fuck a catholic slag and say you absolutely refuse to wrap your cock up. Her irrational fear of the Pope will ensure you get no complaints. Saves on money, and saves you from an otherwise desensitised and utterly pointless bang.

As valid as the point is, I'm not sure it entirely sorts this problem out, and it is a problem. what's the matter with you?

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
17 minutes ago, Back door specialist said:

I'm truly amazed you actually possess the capacity to arrive at any conclusion given that what's left of your medication-addled brain is degenerating rapidly.

You are a pointless, hand-wringing irrelevance, you probably spend your daylight hours staring vacantly out of your fly shit speckled windows at a world that really doesn’t care whether you're alive or dead, except for your Lithuanian caregiver/rent-boy who would be bitterly disappointed to lose the daily £2.50 you pay him for "extras".

When you die, no one will notice your passing, no one will mourn your death, when the stench of your rotting corpse becomes too much for your equally vacant-minded neighbours you will be shovelled into a body bag for disposal in an unmarked grave, no headstone, no epitaph, no visitors to your grave except for the occasional dog stopping to take a piss on it.

You refer to my "Outward hostility", which is laughable given that most posters on this forum are exactly that, you've also made reference to my parents, but, I'm not bothering to report you as this forum is most likely the only social interaction you get, apart from your Lithuanian care-giver/rent-boy of course.

Now, fuck off.




Im not sure we have met, but I would advise less letters and more hilarity per letter next time you open your spunk-spattered cake hole. 

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Guest Back door specialist
1 minute ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Im not sure we have met, but I would advise less letters and more hilarity per letter next time you open your spunk-spattered cake hole. 

I'm positive we have never met you pizza-faced sack of shit, who the fuck asked you to butt in? Why don't you go and finger-fuck your dog?

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17 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

As valid as the point is, I'm not sure it entirely sorts this problem out, and it is a problem. what's the matter with you?


30 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

You've gone and sorted this out.

Make your fucking mind up quince, has he sorted it or not? The corner awaits. 

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Guest Back door specialist
51 minutes ago, Ape said:

Another subliminal arse reference. You just can’t help yourself, can you?

You obviously see arse references everywhere, even where they don't exist, you're really arse-obsessed aren't you? You are a pitiful unfulfilled faggot wannabe who at the moment is a little cock-shy, you really want your arse porked but you're unsure how to go about it because you are filled with a mixture of self-disgust and trepidation, you are gagging to earn your brown wings aren't you Apey boy?   

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2 hours ago, Back door specialist said:

I'm truly amazed you actually possess the capacity to arrive at any conclusion given that what's left of your medication-addled brain is degenerating rapidly.

You are a pointless, hand-wringing irrelevance, you probably spend your daylight hours staring vacantly out of your fly shit speckled windows at a world that really doesn’t care whether you're alive or dead, except for your Lithuanian caregiver/rent-boy who would be bitterly disappointed to lose the daily £2.50 you pay him for "extras".

When you die, no one will notice your passing, no one will mourn your death, when the stench of your rotting corpse becomes too much for your equally vacant-minded neighbours you will be shovelled into a body bag for disposal in an unmarked grave, no headstone, no epitaph, no visitors to your grave except for the occasional dog stopping to take a piss on it.

You refer to my "Outward hostility", which is laughable given that most posters on this forum are exactly that, you've also made reference to my parents, but, I'm not bothering to report you as this forum is most likely the only social interaction you get, apart from your Lithuanian care-giver/rent-boy of course.

Now, fuck off.




Boring as fuck, humour-bereft wanker. Go away. 

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Guest Back door specialist
2 minutes ago, Bubba C said:

Boring as fuck, humour-bereft wanker. Go away. 

Aaawww, what's the matter, you've just woken up from your scrumpy induced coma boyo? Fucking Gurnos dwelling spasmo 

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11 hours ago, Back door specialist said:

Yawn........what a complete load of drivel.

As a rule I tend not to get involved in the internecine squabbles of the lesser members. I tolerate the occasional insubordination in the same way that a pit bull normally tolerates a baby pulling its tail, but from time to time the pit bull snaps and an infantile dismemberment makes the evening news. What you've got to ask yourself is, “Do I feel lucky?” Well, do you, punk?

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Guest 'eavensabove
3 hours ago, Back door specialist said:

I'm truly amazed you actually possess the capacity to arrive at any conclusion given that what's left of your medication-addled brain is degenerating rapidly.

You are a pointless, hand-wringing irrelevance, you probably spend your daylight hours staring vacantly out of your fly shit speckled windows at a world that really doesn’t care whether you're alive or dead, except for your Lithuanian caregiver/rent-boy who would be bitterly disappointed to lose the daily £2.50 you pay him for "extras".

When you die, no one will notice your passing, no one will mourn your death, when the stench of your rotting corpse becomes too much for your equally vacant-minded neighbours you will be shovelled into a body bag for disposal in an unmarked grave, no headstone, no epitaph, no visitors to your grave except for the occasional dog stopping to take a piss on it.

You refer to my "Outward hostility", which is laughable given that most posters on this forum are exactly that, you've also made reference to my parents, but, I'm not bothering to report you as this forum is most likely the only social interaction you get, apart from your Lithuanian care-giver/rent-boy of course.

Now, fuck off.




Why on Earth, are you here?

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Guest Back door specialist
2 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

As a rule I tend not to get involved in the internecine squabbles of the lesser members. I tolerate the occasional insubordination in the same way that a pit bull normally tolerates a baby pulling its tail, but from time to time the pit bull snaps and an infantile dismemberment makes the evening news. What you've got to ask yourself is, “Do I feel lucky?” Well, do you, punk?

Yawn........have you got mental health issues by any chance?

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